
Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade Conducts a Joint Battle Staff Training

Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade on a Battle Staff Training "Brave Band" / Photo credit: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade on a Battle Staff Training "Brave Band" / Photo credit: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Staff personnel of the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade is on a finishing stage of joint Battle Staff Training "Brave Band"

Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade (LITPOLUKRBRIG) is conducting a joint training "Brave Band #1", having the second part of the exercise finished a few days ago. The final, third stage will begin soon, states the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to the training schedule, all staff cells were involved in the process of defense planning using Military Decision Making Process (MDMP). The Battle Staff Training was supervised by the Illinois National Guard. US mentors presented a hypothetical scenario and a defensive training mission to the LITPOLUKRBRIG staff and then the Commander initiated the MDMP process. The officers conducted a mission analysis and a course of action development phase.

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Defense Express, BST
Military Decision Making Process implies coordination between multiple staff members in order to make right decisions / Photo credit: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The MDMP provides a collaborative approach to decision-making, helps Commander to make better choices based on counseling from a variety of perspectives.

"It is a training whose main task is synchronizing the staff of the Multinational Brigade. During this training, we are preparing our staff for the implementation of operational tasks," explained COL Jaroslaw Mokrzycki, the LITPOLUKRBRIG Commander.

Defense Express, BST
The multinational brigade was presented a hypothetical scenario and a defensive training mission / Photo credit: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the training course was fully supplied with the necessary digital means, communication, and other necessary equipment for the successful organization of remote work as needed.

Soon the staff will face the final phase – operation order production for the subordinate (affiliated) units. This training is helpful for a better understanding of the organization of a NATO staff and how each staff section contributes to the operation process.

As Defense Express reported earlier, US and UK are planning a joint military training, too, as a sign of support to Ukraine amid Russian aggressive military build-up in Eastern Europe. Ukrainian troops conduct exercises in several firing ranges across Ukraine at once. Meanwhile, Russia-Belarus menacing joint drills "Union Courage–2022" began.

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