Defense Express Media & Consulting Company is a specialist in media and consulting services.
We have a 22 years experience in systematic analysis of defense-industrial policy, military cooperation, defense policy and national security matters.
Defense Express currently partners with more than 100 businesses and organizations in Ukraine and elsewhere. The Company’s customer portfolio includes renowned companies and organizations such as Kharkiv Malyshev Plant, Athlone-Avia, Lviv Armor Plant, Motor Sich, Spetstehnoexport, Ukrspetstechnika, FED, Luch R&D Company, Ukrspecexport, Iskra, MiGremont, Kyiv Arsenal Plant, Kvant Research Institute, Ukraine National Security and Defense Council, Kintex (Bulgaria), Sagem (France), PCO SA (Poland) and many more others.
Defense Express is a partner of the Ukrainian Defense Industries (Ukroboronprom) State Corporation. Our Company has been a long-time promoter of domestic defense industry products at international arms exhibitions.
Defense Express is a traditional partner of Arms and Security and Aviasvit exhibitions in Ukraine, MSPO in Poland and ADEX in Azerbaijan, in addition to a number of subject-specific events in other countries worldwide.
Defense Express has, for many years, worked with foreign embassies in Ukraine on organizing events to promote mutually beneficial bilateral and international collaborations.
Company Slogan: Human, Technique and Technology on Guard for Peace and Prosperity
Company Mission is to make Ukraine more secure and stronger militarily and to promote its economic growth by building up a synergy between human capabilities, technique and technology to ensure national defense and security needs.
Company Products and Services:
-- Consulting services to promote defense products in the domestic and global markets (comprehensive advertising and information support, targeted search for international partners; pre-contract counseling;representation of international customers in Ukraine and Ukrainian customers in foreign countries; organization of subject-specific events);
- Subject-specific information products:
• Online Information Portal http://defence-ua.com provides Ukrainian and English-language news and articles on subject-specific matters;
• Analytical reports and expert reviews;
• Subject-specific information products (handbooks, books and reviews).
Target consumers:
- security and defense Decision-makers;
- defense industry companies in Ukraine and elsewhere;
- military product consumers in Ukraine and elsewhere;
- foreign-country defense officials.
Methods used for providing Consumer needs:
- Provision of comprehensive information for decision making;
- Provision of expert assessments;
- Provision of analytical reports;
- Organization of subject-specific events;
- Drawing up and distribution of subject-specific information materials for targeted groups;
- Keeping the targeted groups interested in the Company’s subject-specific information products.
Competitive advantages:
- Unique staff competencies (subject-specific knowledge and skills);
- Availability of access to subject-specific information (due to permanent and visible presence at subject-specific events and availability of extensive lines of communication with partner organizations – bodies of state administration, state-owned and private-sector companies, specialist government agencies, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, and media outlets);
- Availability of own effective means of information influence (membership in subject-specific councils, permanent and visible presence at subject-specific events, information products, high media visibility of staff members);
- Availability of capabilities for targeted exchange of information between military product consumers and suppliers.
Company's business philosophy:
- The Company’s business is dedicated to promoting the interests of homeland defense, national security and economic growth of Ukraine;
- Promoting the growth of mutually beneficial defense industrial and procurement relations between Ukraine and foreign countries is a priority for the Company;
- Work with foreign-country companies brings new promises in terms of enhancing homeland defense and improving capabilities of Ukraine’s arms industry;
- With our staff competencies, consumers of Company products and services have the ability to meet some of their material and non-material needs and achieve their goals;
- Company’s competitive advantages are provided through personal fulfillment and personal development of its employees; the Company, for its part, is focused on ensuring the growth of material well-being of its employee staff, improving their social status and contributing to their personal development;
- In taking steps toward our partners’ concerns we wish them success in fulfilling their aspirations and hope for reciprocity.