
​The russian Black Sea Fleet is Being “Decorated” with Booms to Stop Ukrainian Maritime Drones

The 3M-54 Kalibr cruise missiles loading into russian submarine / open source
The 3M-54 Kalibr cruise missiles loading into russian submarine / open source

Russia added new anti-maritime drones defenses across the inner harbor in Sevastopol. The defensive booms are expected to stops Ukrainian USVs

A satellite image appeared on the network showing water area of temporarily occupied Sevastopol (Crimea) where ships and submarines of the russian Black Sea Fleet are based.

The russian Navy added a new defensive boom which is supposed to protect the area from uncrewed surface vessels (USV). Moreover, there is always at least one Project 22160 patrol ship with the Tor surface-to-air missile system (SAM) on the helipad in the harbor. It was reported by H I Sutton.

Read more: Russians Moved the "Arctic" Tor-M2DT Air Defense Systems from the Northern Fleet to Ukraine

The russian Black Sea Fleet defense is being regularly upgraded because of the Ukrainian maritime drones that pose a severe threat to it. For instance, Project 636 Varshavyanka class submarine which carries the 3M-54 Kalibr cruise missiles left the port in the end of December 2022. It was escorted by at leats one Project 03160 Raptor-class patrol boat, the Mil Mi-8 helicopter with a subversive reconnaissance group and Project 22160 patrol ship with the Tor SAM as an anti-aircraft warfare.

Double defensive boom was placed at the entrance to the harbor of temporarily occupied Sevastopol no later December 17, 2022, according to the satellite image that H I Sutton posted in his Twitter. Booms were also set around anchorages and refuelling points for ships and submarines.

Presumably russians expect Ukrainian unmanned surface vessels not to overcome the obstacle due to small size. Similar defense strategy was common during World War I.

Also such extreme type of hostilities as torpedo boat raid on the anchorages was being used in those days. So defensive booms were a necessity since the aerial reconnaissance wasn’t well-developed.

There is a chance that aerial monitoring won’t detect small maritime drones and booms are required. Nevertheless, Ukrainian USVs with a 200 kilogram warhead can have a contact fuze that will certainly facilitate the passing of the defensive booms.

The 3M-54 Kalibr cruise missiles loading into russian submarine Defense Express
The 3M-54 Kalibr cruise missiles loading into russian submarine / open source

As Defense Express reported, Ukrainian Navy Preparing Crews For Additional Anti-Ship Complexes And UAVs.

Read more: russia Already Considers Perekop In the Occupied Crimea to Be a Frontline Position – Where Shoigu Actually Flew