
First Footage of a Phoenix Ghost Drone in Action (Video)

First Footage of a Phoenix Ghost Drone in Action (Video)

The mysterious US-made loitering munition appeared in a video

Ukrainian servicemen of the 28th Mechanized Brigade showed footage of russian positions attacked with a loitering munition. Although not specified directly which one was actually used, the video suggests it was the Phoenix Ghost munition, designed by the United States-based Aevex Aerospace company specially to meet the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

According to the message following the video, the munition hit a position of russian troops, eliminating two of them and injuring three more. Mortar fire from the Ukrainian side followed after the initial strike. The attack was a joint effort of ground forces and special operations forces of Ukraine.

Read more: ​What Is the Phoenix Ghost Drone: New Details Revealed

However, Ukraine Weapons Tracker community doubts that it was the Phoenix Ghost but some sort of a craft-produced drone with an explosive.

Phoenix Ghost has never been shown up close before / Screenshot credit: 28th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Defense Express reminds that the Phoenix Ghost is a loitering munition that is said to have similar capabilities as the Switchblade. Recently, a US defense official said "Ukrainians are making excellent use of the Phoenix Ghost system" on the battlefield. There is also a batch of 580 more of these systems expected to arrive in Ukraine as part of the military aid package approved by the United States.

Read more: The Armed Forces of Ukraine Fighters Spot And Destroy Hidden russian Tank With the Stugna-P ATGM (Video)