
Ukraine’s Artillerymen Learn to Strike russians With M119A3 105mm Howitzers, With Digital Fire Control System

The M119A3 105mm howitzer / Illustrative photo from open sources
The M119A3 105mm howitzer / Illustrative photo from open sources

The more artillery and ammunition for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the more destroyed equipment of the occupiers

Ukrainian artillerymen are mastering another howitzer: a video of the exercises of the Armed Forces of Ukraine soldiers on the American 105-mm M119A3 howitzer has been published on the Internet.

It is noted that this is the most modern version of this howitzer: it is equipped with digital fire control system, similar to the M777A2, as well as an inertial navigation system with GPS.

Read more: Ukraine Got From USA Weapons For Counteroffensive

The Armed Forces of Ukraine servicemen are already familiar with this howitzer, its common name is 105 Light Gun, in Britain it received the designation L118, in Australia and New Zealand it’s L119. Defense Express has already talked about this howitzer in detail.

Ukraine’s Artillerymen Learn to Strike russians With M119A3 105mm Howitzers, With Digital Fire Control System, Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
The M119A3 105mm howitzer / Illustrative photo from open sources

At the same time, in one of the defense aid packages, the USA announced the transfer of its 105-mm M119 howitzers to the Armed Forces. However, it remains unknown whether howitzers will be transferred to Ukraine in the "upgraded" version of the M119A3.

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