The information provided on Telegram was from Odesa Regional Military Administration spokesperson Sergii Bratchuk. The message was the following: “The night in Odesa and the region has passed to the sound of air raid alarms, but no strikes were reported… At the same time, I’d like to praise the soldiers with the 28th Knights of the First Winter Campaign Separate Mechanized Brigade who shot down yet another enemy ‘bird’ – the tenth Orlan-10 drone. Well done, thanks for your service!”.
Brief specs of this UAV: it's a multirole unmanned aerial vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine. First flown in 2010. Max. Take-off weight various from 14 to 18 kg according to different sources, including 5 kg payload. The UAV is launched from a mobile detachable launcher and is capable of transmitting video footage 120 km away.
Read more: Ukrainian Troops Used British Martlet Missile Against UAV - Media
Defense Express reminds, that it’s far not the only enemy UAV to be shot down in Ukrainian sky.
Read more: Russian Advanced UAV “Orion” Shot Down