
​How Ukrainian Anti-Drone Units Work With Their Drone-Jamming Guns and MANPADS

Arsenal of Ukrainian anti-drone units / Screenshot credit: Ukrainian Military TV
Arsenal of Ukrainian anti-drone units / Screenshot credit: Ukrainian Military TV

The servicemen of the anti-drone teams in the Armed Forces of Ukraine tell about the main objectives and peculiarities of their job

In a recent interview with soldiers fighting on the frontlines, the Ukrainian Military TV channel of Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense showed how the anti-drone squads work on the battlefield.

As follows from the video, there are three main tasks for these servicemen to accomplish when dealing with enemy unmanned systems. First is to track the drone operator, says a serviceman whose name is not disclosed.

Read more: Russians In Crimea Try to Catch Ukraine’s UAVs With a Hovercraft Missile Carrier
One of the primary objectives is to detect enemy drone operator and eliminate with a precise strike / Screenshot credit: Ukrainian Military TV
Anti-drone squads are the soldiers who know how to operate the equipment in the most effective way, the serviceman says / Screenshot credit: Ukrainian Military TV

"We identify the drone’s flight paths, the places where they takeoff, not just because we are curious to know but to eliminate the enemy pilot in conjunction with attack forces: mortar or artillery squads launch strikes on the targets we give," he explained.

When it comes to the second objective – drone jamming – the military use aeroscopes which help them determine the direction of the unmanned system beyond the line of sight, and the vertical angle is calculated with mathematical formulas.

Screenshot credit: Ukrainian Military TV

Once this information is processed, an operator of an anti-drone gun can neutralize an enemy aerial vehicle even without seeing it.

"An effective suppression with such an 'anti-drone rifle' leads to the disruption of connection and control between the drone and the pilot which is at some distance from it. The drone just hangs up mid-air and makes an emergency landing or simply gets carried away by the wind," said the serviceman.

EDM4S Sky Viper from NT Service
EDM4S Sky Viper from NT Service is well-known to the Ukrainian military already as it was used in Donbas long before russian full-scale invasion / Screenshot credit: Ukrainian Military TV

In the video, we can see a range of weapons used for the jamming of enemy drones. Here we have a Ukrainian Antidron KVS G-6 gun covering up to 3 km range, an Australian lightweight (2.14 kg) DroneGun MKIII and a Lithuanian EDM4S Sky Viper jamming guns which have been proving their effectiveness in Ukraine since 2021.

DroneGun MKIII from DroneShield
This is the Australian DroneGun MKIII from DroneShield, the manufacturer says it can be operated single-handedly / Screenshot credit: Ukrainian Military TV
The "Antidron" KVS G-6 is an anti-drone rifle of Ukrainian manufacture, made by Kvertus Technology / Screenshot credit: Ukrainian Military TV

Another important task is to shoot UAVs down. A troop from an air defense squad told Ukrainian Military TV about how this work is getting done as well.

Some drones need to be shot down, jamming is not an option / Screenshot credit: Ukrainian Military TV

Armed with a Stinger MANPADS, the squad deploys to a firing position as soon as it receives a command that a target has been detected. In his unit, there are two "marksmen": the first is the leading one, and the second one duplicates the shot.

According to him, in 95% of the cases, the target gets successfully destroyed.

Here's also a short separate video from Radio Liberty on how the Ukrainian-made anti-drone gun helps on the frontline:

Read more: Lithuanian Journalist Purchased 110 EDM4S Counter-Drone Rifles For Ukraine