
IRIS-T Perfectly Shoots Down russian Cruise Missiles in Ukraine, So Germans Increase Pace of Production of the SAM Systems, Missiles

IRIS-T SAM system / Open source illustrative photo
IRIS-T SAM system / Open source illustrative photo

​The pace of production of IRIS-T surface-to-air missile (SAM) system as well as related missiles is extremely important - especially for Ukraine, because the system helps protect the sky against russian missiles and kamikaze drones

The IRIS-T SAM systems have proven effective in Ukraine against russian missiles and drones, and the manufacturer of this air defense system, the German arms maker Diehl Defence, plans to increase the production of this air defense system, as well as missiles for the One "to satisfy growing demand due to russia's war on Ukraine.

IRIS-T Perfectly Shoots Down russian Cruise Missiles in Ukraine, So Germans Increase Pace of Production of the SAM Systems, Missiles, Defense Express
The IRIS-T system demonstrates efficiency at the level of almost 100% in Ukraine

The statement was made on Tuesday, September 5, by the Chief Program Officer Harald Buschek, Reuters reports.

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According to the representative of Diehl Defence, the company plans to produce from three to four systems this year, and to reach the figure of eight systems per year in 2025.

As Harald Buschek states, this year the company tripled the production of missiles for the IRIS-T air defense system and Diehl Defence plans to double these figures next year. In general, according to preliminary plans, the company plans to produce 400 to 500 missiles in 2024.

The representative of Diehl Defence also emphasized that the IRIS-T SAM system in Ukraine shot down more than 110 air targets, most of which were cruise missiles. As noted, the IRIS-T system demonstrates efficiency at the level of almost 100%. Harald Buschek also emphasizes that at the beginning of this year, the IRIS-T SAM system "successfully countered an attack on Kyiv by a swarm of 13 russian cruise missiles."

We will remind that as of today, Germany has supplied Ukraine with two IRIS-T SLM SAM systems, and is to supply six more such air defense systems.

IRIS-T Perfectly Shoots Down russian Cruise Missiles in Ukraine, So Germans Increase Pace of Production of the SAM Systems, Missiles, IRIS-T air defense missile launch, Defense Express
IRIS-T air defense missile launch / Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine video screengrab

In addition, in August, last month, Germany transferred to Ukraine a short-range version of this system for the first time. Two IRIS-T SLS launchers, designed to destroy targets up to 10 km away enforced capabilities of defenders of Ukrainian sky.

Read more: Ukraine Repels a Two-Stage Combined Missile Attack: From "Hypersonic" Kh-47 Kinzhal Missiles to False Targets Coming from belarus