
Chronicle of the Russian Federation Crimes in Ukraine (February-April)

Residential building damaged by the missile in Kyiv, 27.02.22
Residential building damaged by the missile in Kyiv, 27.02.22

The Russian aggression against Ukraine, which began in 2014 with the occupation of certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, has shown that the Kremlin is disregarded international law and its international commitments. This is evidenced by the War in Syria and proved by the eight-year Russian-Ukrainian war, which in recent days has grown into a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Multi-year, Russia has repeatedly violated international humanitarian law in Ukraine. We have a lot of examples of it, but now Defense Express pay attention to the glaring violations of the last few days, which require world condemnation by the community and effective prosecution of offenses in international courts.

Chronicle of the Russian Federation Crimes in Ukraine in May 2022 you can find here, in June - here, in July - here, August - here, September - here, October - here, in November- here, in December - here.

April 30. Prosecutor General's Office posted on Facebook: "As of the morning of April 30, more than 617 children were affected as a result of Russian aggression against Ukraine. According to official data, 219 children were killed, and more than 398 children received injuries of varying severities". These data are not final as work is underway to identify victims in areas of active hostilities, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

April 29. Two civilians were killed and four were injured in Russia's shelling of the Donetsk region over the past 24 hours. According to Ukrinform, the head of the regional military administration, Pavlo Kyrylenko, said this on Telegram.

Read more: Chronicle of the Russian Federation Crimes in Ukraine (February-April)

"On April 29, the Russians killed two civilians in the Donetsk region: in Vremivka and Shandryholove. Four more people were injured," he wrote. He noted that medical care in the Donetsk region was provided to six people wounded in the Luhansk region. It was also possible to clarify the information about two people killed in Mariupol, but the exact number of victims in this city, as well as in Volnovakha, is currently unknown.

According to infographics published by Kyrylenko, a total of 282 civilians were killed and 881 were wounded as a result of the actions of the Russian invaders as of April 29.

April 29. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly condemns Russia's criminal actions related to the so-called "expropriation" of farmers’ crops in the temporarily occupied parts of Kherson region. This is stated in a comment by the Foreign Ministry.

The Foreign Ministry stressed that the decision of the Legislative Assembly of Russia’s Krasnoyarsk Territory is nothing but a direct continuation of the criminal policy pursued by the Soviet government responsible for the Holodomor of 1932-1933 and the mass artificial famine of 1921-1923 and 1946-1947.

"By stealing grain, which the invaders refer to as 'expropriation,' Russia is following in the footsteps of Stalinists and Nazis," Ukrainian diplomats said.

April 29. Prosecutor General's Office posted on Telegram: "As of the morning of April 29, more than 617 children were affected as a result of Russian aggression against Ukraine. According to official data, 219 children were killed, and more than 398 children received injuries of varying severities". These data are not final as work is underway to identify victims in areas of active hostilities, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

Most children were affected in Donetsk region – 139, Kyiv region – 115, Kharkiv region – 95, Chernihiv region – 68, Kherson region – 44, Mykolaiv region – 43, Luhansk region – 37, Zaporizhzhia region – 27, Sumy region – 17, Kyiv city – 16, Zhytomyr region – 15.

"To date, 1,187 our compatriots, civilians, died at the hands of the Russian army [in Kyiv region]," Kyiv Police Chief Andriy Nebytov said during the nationwide telethon, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

Only on April 28, 26 bodies were found in Kyiv region. The works to clear away the rubble and search for the bodies are underway. More than 200 people are still considered missing.

As reported, Irpin, Bucha, Hostomel and the entire Kyiv region were liberated from Russian invaders in early April. Mass killings of Ukrainian civilians by Russians have been recorded in liberated towns and villages.

April 28. Over the past day, Russian troops fired 11 artillery shells at Kharkiv. The fire affected districts: Industrialny, Kyivskyi districts. Artillery, mortar and tank strikes were also inflicted on the Kulynychi. Derhachi, Zolochiv, and Chuhuiv were fired upon in the oblast. As a result of Russiaʼs shelling over the last 24 hours 8 people were wounded, and one person was killed. The shelling continues.

April 28. A Russian missile hit Zaporizhzhia. Two houses in the private sector were damaged. It was an aircraft strike with X-55 air-to-ground missiles. It is currently known about three victims, including one child.

April 28. In Dniepropetrovsk oblast in the Synelnykove raion, the Russian missile struck an empty factory. The explosion occurred at 08:45, said the head of the oblast state administration Valentyn Reznichenko.

April 28. As of the morning of April 28, the number of children killed in the war in Ukraine has not changed, and is 217, another 393 were injured. Ombudsman Liudmyla Denisova provides data.

April 28. During the past 24hrs, Russia has fired

civilian houses 29 times in Luhansk oblast, killing four people and injuring four others. Russia fired at Popasna and Lysychansk 10 times and at the Hirske community — four times. In the morning it became known about 10 more destroyed houses in Popasna. A 58-year-old local man was killed yesterday in Hirske, he went out into the yard near his house and did not manage to escape from the Russian fire. An 85-year-old woman in Sievierodonetsk and two men in Novodruzhesk and Lysychansk were also killed.

April 27. The United States has credible evidence that Russia executed Ukrainians who tried to surrender in the Donetsk Oblast. This was stated by US Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for Global Criminal Justice Beth Van Schaack at a UN meeting, quoted by The Hill. "We now have credible information that a Russian military unit operating in the vicinity of Donetsk executed Ukrainians who were attempting to surrender, rather than take them into custody. If true, this would be in violation of a core principle of the law of war," she said.

April 26. Oleh Syniehubov, the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, wrote this on Telegram, Ukrinform reports. "The occupiers are again shelling peaceful districts of Kharkiv. Three people were killed, seven more were injured in yesterday’s shelling. Data is still being clarified," Syniehubov wrote.

According to him, there are no children among the victims, but two people are in critical condition. Emergency medical teams in the city work in heightened mode.

April 26. As a result of morning rocket attacks on Zaporizhzhia city, one person was killed, another was injured, and the infrastructure of one enterprise was damaged.

The press service of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration, reported on Telegram, according to Ukrinform.

"In the morning, two rushist guided missiles hit the territory of one of the city's enterprises. The third missile exploded in the air. The company's infrastructure facilities were damaged and destroyed. All relevant services are working on the site," the report says.

April 26. One person died as a result of a morning missile strike on Zaporizhzhia. One missile exploded in the air, and two hit the territory of one of the enterprises.

The consequences of the incident are currently being eliminated, so the number of victims is still being determined.

April 26. Two enemy cruise missiles flew low this morning over the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

Later, explosions were recorded in Zaporizhzhia as a result of Russian cruise missiles. Zaporizhzhya NPP is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. It was captured on the night of March 4, since then the enemy has controlled the station.

April 26. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, the occupying forces have killed or provoked the death of 217 children, more than 391 were injured.

April 26. Over the past 24 hours, the occupiers fired at the civilian population of Luhansk Oblast 17 times, and fighting continues in Popasna and Rubizhne.

Popasna, Lysychansk, and Hirske communities suffered the most, said Serhiy Haidai, head of the regional state administration.

April 25. Kharkiv oblast: The occupiers fired on Derhachi and several nearby villages. As a result, 3 civilians were killed and one was injured. 2 people were injured in the Zolochiv district.

As a result of the Russian shelling of Zhmerynka and Koziatyn (Vinnytsia oblast), 5 people were killed and 18 were injured. The information is being clarified.

April 25. Russian troops have killed 215 children and injured 391 more in Ukraine since the start of the full-scale invasion.

"As of 08:00 on April 25, 2022, according to the unified register of pre-trial investigations and other sources that need confirmation, 215 children were killed and 391 children were injured since the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine," Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova posted on Telegram.

The actual number of killed and injured children cannot be determined as Russian troops continue conducting active hostilities in Ukrainian settlements, she noted.

As reported, girls aged 5 and 14 were killed in the enemy shelling of their house in Ocheretyn community of Donetsk region on April 24.

April 24. The Russian Ministry of Defense has said that more than 951,000 Ukrainians have been deported to Russia since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

According to Ukrinform, this was reported by Interfax, with reference to Mikhail Mizintsev, the head of Russia's National Defense Management Center.

According to him, "over the past 24 hours, without the participation of the Ukrainian authorities, 16,838 people were evacuated to Russia from dangerous regions of Ukraine, certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, including 1,402 children, in total, since the start of the war, there have already been 951,329 people, including 174,689 children."

April 24. Russia refused to establish a ceasefire and thus thwarted the evacuation of people from Mariupol. "We did not manage to open a humanitarian corridor. Russia did not confirm the ceasefire guarantee, so we will make another attempt tomorrow," Deputy Prime Minister – Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories Iryna Vereshchuk said during the nationwide telethon when asked whether people have been evacuated from Mariupol today.

On April 24, President Zelensky had a phone call with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, stressing the need to immediately evacuate civilians from Mariupol, including Azovstal steelworks, and immediately exchange blocked troops.

Mariupol experiences one of the biggest humanitarian catastrophes due to Russia's aggression. The invaders bomb unarmed residents and block the delivery of humanitarian aid.

April 23. The Odesa cemetery has been damaged in Russia’s missile strike.

The relevant statement was made by Odesa City Council, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“One of municipal cemeteries has been damaged in Russia’s missile strikes today. The area of more than 1,000 square meters was destroyed. Is this also ‘denazification’? The occupiers seem to be afraid even of the dead,” the report states.

April 23. Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, 208 children were killed and 387 children were injured as of April 23.

“As of the morning of April 23, 2022, more than 595 children were affected in Ukraine as a result of Russia’s full-scale armed invasion of our state. The official death toll remained unchanged over the past two days – 208 children. The number of those injured rose to 387," the Prosecutor General’s Office posted on Telegram.

As noted, these figures are not final as work is underway to establish the data in the areas of active hostilities, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

According to juvenile prosecutors’ data, most children were killed or injured in Donetsk region – 120, Kyiv region – 113, Kharkiv region – 91, Chernihiv region – 66, Kherson region – 44, Mykolayiv region – 41, Luhansk region – 37, Zaporizhzhia region – 25, Sumy region – 17, Kyiv city – 16, Zhytomyr region – 15.

April 22. In Mariupol, besieged by Russian invaders, another mass grave of dead residents was discovered.

Petro Andriushchenko, an adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, reported this on Telegram.

“We have received new information about the mass grave of dead Mariupol residents in an attempt to hide the consequences of war crimes. This time in the Livoberezhnyi district near the cemetery of Vynohradne village. This once again confirms that the occupiers conduct accumulation /burial / cremation of the dead Mariupol residents in every district of the city,” Andriushchenko wrote.

He published a satellite image and added that the approximate place of the mass grave was marked on the map.

s reported, Russian invaders have built several mass graves near a bypass road in Mariupol and are throwing bodies packed into plastic bags there.

Another satellite image made earlier showed the sector of mass burials in Manhush outside Mariupol. Between 3,000 and 9,000 civilians killed by Russians may be buried there.

Russian troops have caused a major humanitarian catastrophe in Mariupol. The invaders are bombing unarmed residents and blocking humanitarian aid.

According to Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boychenko, more than 20,000 civilians have died in the city since the Russian invasion.

April 22. The Ukrainian Police Chief Andriy Nebytov on Ukrainian TV channels, announced, that In the Kyiv region, police officers have already found the bodies of 1,084 civilians, up to 75% of them are people who were killed with small arms.

"I want to say that currently the number of dead bodies is 1,084, which were examined by investigators and taken to forensic facilities. These are civilians who had nothing to do with territorial defense or other military formations," the Kyiv Oblast Police Chief said.

April 22. The Russians fired on Slovyansk, said the head of the City Military and Civilian Administration Vadym Lyakh. He says the occupiers probably used cluster bombs. There are no victims.

April 22. The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine has already identified 620 suspects in the unified criminal case initiated over the Russian military aggression against Ukraine.

"The unified case of Russian aggression: 620 suspects - representatives of the military and political leadership of Russia. These are ministers, deputies, military command, officials, heads of law enforcement agencies, instigators of war and Kremlin propagandists,” the Prosecutor General’s Office wrote on Telegram.

April 22. For the past 24hrs, Russian troops have been shelling 20 settlements in Donetsk Oblast. The enemy fired on civilians from aircraft, multiple rocket launchers, tanks and heavy artillery. 4 people were injured. Houses, hospitals, a school, a poultry farm and livelihood systems (at least 34 facilities) were destroyed.

April 21. In Sieiverodonetsk, Russian invasion forces have destroyed all food depots. The only food residents have access to is humanitarian aid. This was announced by Head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration Serhiy Haidai on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

"There are no food warehouses left in Sieiverodonetsk. The Russians have destroyed them all. People get food exclusively off humanitarian aid," the official wrote.

Haidai added that a significant part of the destruction caused by the Russian invasion in the last 24 hours affected Rubizhne and Novodruzhsk. Five more households have become uninhabitable and the infrastructure has been annihilated.

April 21. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Russian occupiers have left 208 Ukrainian children killed.

That’s according to the Office of the Prosecutor General, Ukrinform reports referring to the OPG’s Telegram channel.

As of the morning of April 21, more than 584 children were affected in Ukraine as a result of Russian full-scale armed invasion, including 208 children killed and 376 who suffered injuries of varying severity.

The data is being regularly updated as calculations are complicated in the zones of active hostilities and in the temporarily occupied territories.

April 20. The Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office report: As many as 578 children have suffered in Ukraine since the start of the Russian full-scale armed aggression.

“More than 578 children suffered in Ukraine as a result of Russia’s armed aggression. In particular, 205 children were killed and more than 373 were injured. These figures are not final, as work is underway in the areas of active hostilities, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories,” the PGO’s press service wrote on Telegram.

April 20. The Ministry for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories says that almost 300,000 civilians have already been evacuated through humanitarian corridors.

"During the war, Ukrainian government proposed more than 340 humanitarian corridors. The occupiers agreed on about 300, in fact, 176 happened. The reason is the enemy’s regular violations of the silence regime, as well as the delay and seizure of evacuation buses, humanitarian cargo," the ministry’s press service said.

The Ministry of Reintegration notes that in Donbas - due to intensive shelling - humanitarian corridors did not work.

April 20. During the past 24hrs, Russian troops fired on 12 settlements in Donetsk Oblast: Mariupol, Avdiyivka, Vuhledar, Maryinka, Kramatorsk, Novohrodivka, Toretsk, Mykolaivka, Blahodatne, Orlivka, Rubtsi, and Privillia. Civilians were killed and wounded. At least 30 civilian facilities were destroyed.

April 19. The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine: There are already 585 suspects in the main case of the Russian aggression against Ukraine,

"The main case of Russian aggression: 585 suspects - representatives of the military and political leadership of Russia. These are ministers, deputies, military command, officials, heads of law enforcement agencies, instigators of war and Kremlin propagandists,” the Prosecutor General’s Office wrote on Telegram.

April 19. The Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office report: As many as 572 children have suffered in Ukraine since the start of the Russian full-scale armed aggression.

“More than 572 children suffered in Ukraine as a result of Russia’s armed aggression. In particular, 205 children were killed and more than 367 were injured. These figures are not final, as work is underway in the areas of active hostilities, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories,” the PGO’s press service wrote on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

The largest number of victims has been recorded in Donetsk region – 118, Kyiv region - 108, Kharkiv region - 91, Chernihiv region - 54, Kherson region – 43, Mykolaiv region - 40, Luhansk region – 36, Zaporizhzhia region – 25, Sumy region – 16, Kyiv city – 16, and Zhytomyr region – 15.

April 18. The invaders are believed to be forcibly holding more than 20,000 people in filtration camps along the Mangush-Nikolske-Yalta line. That’s according to Petro Andryushchenko, an advisor to the Mariupol mayor, Ukrinform reports.

The occupiers are deliberately dragging with their “filtration” procedure, thus delaying the transfer of civilians away from the warzone, the official said, adding that another 5,000 to 7,000 people are being held in the filtration camp in the village of Bezymianoye, “being prepared for deportation.”

April 18. As many as 200 cultural heritage sites in Ukraine have been destroyed by Russian aggressors, according to Minister of Culture and Information Policy Oleksandr Tkachenko. "Russian troops are arbitrarily destroying our cultural heritage: churches, synagogues, museums, monuments, theaters. The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy has already recorded 200 damaged cultural heritage sites, and these figures are not final," Tkachenko said in a Telegram post, Ukrinform reports.

April 18. In Luhansk region, as residents tried to leave Kreminna settlement, Russian forces opened fire on cars carrying civilians, killing four. Liudmyla Denisova, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, said this in a Telegram post, Ukrinform reports.

“This morning, residents of Kreminna in Luhansk region tried to evacuate in their own cars. Russian militants opened fire on residents. Four people died. One seriously injured person remains at the scene of the shooting, because medics cannot reach the person due to continuous bombing," Denisova said.

April 18. According to the UN, since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, 2,072 civilians were killed. Another 2,818 were injured.

According to UN figures, 537 men, 327 women, 60 boys and 38 girls have died, while the sex of 71 children and 1,039 adults has not yet been determined.

April 18. A total of 205 children have been killed in Ukraine since the Russian invasion started. The relevant statement was made by the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office on Telegram, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

In general, more than 567 children have been affected by the Russian armed aggression. A total of 205 children died and more than 362 children were injured.

According to the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office, these data are not final, as they are being investigated within the areas of hostilities, temporarily occupied and liberated areas.

Currently, most casualties were recorded in Donetsk Region (117), Kyiv Region (107), Kharkiv Region (91), Chernihiv Region (54), Kherson Region (43), Mykolaiv Region (40), Luhansk Region (36), Zaporizhzhia Region (23), the city of Kyiv (16), Sumy Region (16) and Zhytomyr Region (15).

In particular, on March 2, 2022, an 11-year-old girl was killed in Russia’s shelling of Kharkiv-based Ivan Kozhedub National Air Force University.

On March 30, 2022, a 13-year-old girl died from wounds received in Russia’s shelling of the village of Vilkhivka, Kharkiv Region.

On April 15, 2022, an unknown explosive item detonated and killed a 17-year-old boy in Vyshhorod District, Kyiv Region.

A total of 1,018 educational institutions were damaged and 95 of them were completely destroyed in Russia’s air strikes and shelling.

April 17. Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova on Telegram: A total of 808,000 Ukrainians have been taken from Ukraine to the Russian Federation, including 153,000 children.

“Almost every day, the occupiers’ media report on the deportation of Ukrainian citizens, citing rashist officials. As of April 16, 2022, according to them, a total of 808,000 people were displaced, including 153,000 children,” Denisova noted.

According to Denisova, Russian volunteers contacted her last week. They revealed three camps intended for deported Ukrainians in Russia’s Penza Region.

“They visited one of such camps. At that moment, there were more than 400 people, mostly women and 147 children of different age groups, including babies. Our citizens were in extremely difficult and depressed condition. They had no clothes, food, hygienic kits, as they were taken directly from a bomb shelter in Mariupol,” Denisova told.

April 17. The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine: 580 Russia war crimes suspects identified.

There are already 580 suspects in the main case of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, according to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine.

"The main case of Russian aggression: 580 suspects - representatives of the military and political leadership of Russia. These are ministers, deputies, military command, officials, heads of law enforcement agencies, instigators of war and Kremlin propagandists,” the Prosecutor General’s Office wrote on Telegram.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine: 580 Russia war crimes suspects identified, Defense Express

Overall, as of Sunday morning, Ukrainian law enforcement registered 6,999 criminal proceedings into crimes of aggression and war crimes committed by the Russian Federation: 6,800 violations of the laws and customs of war, 43 crimes related to planning, preparing or waging an aggressive war, 9 crimes related to the propaganda of war, 179 other crimes.

In addition, 3,190 crimes against the national security of Ukraine have already been registered, including 2,090 crimes related to the encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, 553 crimes related to treason, 58 crimes related to sabotage, and 489 other crimes.

April 16. The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova said on Facebook: A total of 200 children have been killed and 360 children have been injured in Ukraine since the Russian invasion started.

“As of 08:00, April 16, 2022, according to the data from the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations and other sources, which are yet to be confirmed, a total of 200 children have died and 360 children have been injured since the Russian invasion started,” Denisova wrote.

In her words, it is now impossible to determine the actual number of casualties among children, as Russian troops are conducting active hostilities within Ukrainian cities.

A reminder that Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine Matti Maasikas stated earlier that Russia’s abduction of Ukrainian children and their ‘planned’ adoption by Russian families is “yet another cynical, appalling violation of International Humanitarian Law”.

April 16. The Head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration Oleksandr Starukh said on Telegram: Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion, enemy forces have kidnapped more than 30 local government heads and local deputies in Zaporizhzhia region. Most of the officials have been already released.

"We have more than thirty kidnapped heads of local governments and deputies of local councils. Most of them - more than twenty - have already been released. Some of them have left the occupied territories. Some of them remain to work. The fate of another part is unknown to us,” the governor said.

April 15. Five people were killed, 15 more were injured as Russia fired cluster munitions on Mykolayiv city.

"15 injured, 5 killed. The 5th person picked up unexploded ordnance ... I repeat once again! Do not touch unknown objects. It may kill you," Head of the Mykolayiv Regional Military Administration Vitaliy Kim posted on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

April 15. The number of identified Ukrainian citizens killed by Russian soldiers in the Kyiv region will reach 900 as of April 15, including 350 in Bucha.

Andriy Nebytov, head of the main directorate of the National Police of Ukraine in the Kyiv region, said this at a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine (Kyiv) on Friday, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

"The limit of 900 dead civilians will be crossed today. I emphasize that these are civilians whose bodies we found and handed over for forensic examination, for a detailed examination. All these people died at the hands of the Russian army. The largest number of victims was found in Bucha - more than 350 bodies. A significantly smaller number [of victims was discovered] in the Vyshgorod and Brovary districts. The dismantling of the rubble in Makariv and Borodianka continues. We are sure that the bodies of the dead are still under the rubble," Nebytov said.

April 15. According to Ukrinform, Ukrainian human rights commissioner Liudmyla Denisova reported this on Telegram:The Russian army has damaged 324 hospitals, including 14 children's hospitals, since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine began on February 24. "Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Russian army has damaged 324 hospitals, including 14 children's hospitals. Twenty-four health care facilities cannot be restored," Denisova said..

Some 60 ambulance crews came under fire, and six doctors were killed.

"Because of the damage done, the rights of Ukrainian citizens to life and medical care have been violated – the right to emergency, palliative care, care during childbirth and psychological assistance," she said.

April 15. Hanna Zamazeyeva, the head of the Mykolaiv Regional Council, wrote this on Telegram: Russian invaders have shelled residential districts of Mykolaiv city, using the multiple launch rocket system (MLRS). Casualties have been reported.

Photo - Hanna Zamazeyeva, the head of the Mykolaiv Regional Council, on Telegram
Photo - Hanna Zamazeyeva, the head of the Mykolaiv Regional Council, on Telegram

“Bastards are against shelling residential districts of Mykolaiv, where there are no military facilities! Civilians are under fire!!! One of the city’s districts was shelled with the use of MLRS. Unfortunately, there are victims," Zamazeyeva wrote.

April 15. The press service of the Kharkiv regional prosecutor's office reported this on Telegram: "On April 14, 2022, Russian servicepersons fired at evacuation buses with civilians in the village of Borova, Izium district. According to preliminary data, seven people died. Another 27 people were injured”.

April 15. The Kakhovka City Council reported this on Facebook: Two civilians were killed and three others were wounded in the morning shelling in Tavriyske, Kherson region, which is temporarily occupied by Russian troops.

"This morning was restless in Kakhovka. Five civilians were admitted to Kakhovka City Hospital. Two were killed, three were wounded (one of them in a serious condition is in the intensive care unit; the state of health of two others is moderate). All are with shrapnel injuries," the report says.

April 15. Ivan Arefiev, a spokesman of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration, wrote this on Telegram: "As a result of artillery shelling of the city of Vasylivka from the positions of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, which are probably located in the urban-type settlement of Mykhailivka and the village of Orlianske, several residential buildings in the center and the private sector (the so-called ‘kolhozka’) were damaged, a grocery store was destroyed and a depot at the Tavriysk railway station was damaged. One person was killed and five were injured in the Russian shelling,” the report says.

April 15. The Bucha Mayor Anatoliy Fedoruk said during the nationwide telethon: Almost 85% of the bodies of all the dead residents of Bucha town, Kyiv region, have bullet wounds, indicating the commission of conscious premeditated murder.

Bucha, April 2022
Bucha, April 2022

He said that the removal of the bodies from the mass grave in the territory of the St. Andrew the First-Called Church would be completed probably on April 15.

"We will complete this work: we will remove the bodies and send them to the morgue for conducting relevant procedures and for relatives to take the bodies of the dead and bury them appropriately," Fedoruk added.

As reported, Prosecutor General Venediktova and ICC Prosecutor Khan made a joint working trip to Bucha in Kyiv region, where the bodies of killed civilians are being exhumed.

April 14. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has discussed with President of France Emmanuel Macron the investigation into Russia’s war crimes against the Ukrainian state. Zelensky wrote about this on his Twitter.

April 14. Zelensky publishes video about consequences of Russian war in Ukraine

April 14. Since Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has recorded 4,577 civilian casualties in the country: 1,964 killed and 2,613 injured. Ukrinform reports this with reference to data provided by the OHCHR on its website on April 14. In particular, among those killed are 507 men, 319 women, 34 girls, and 55 boys, as well as 673 children and 977 adults whose sex is yet unknown. Those injured include 304 men, 222 women, 53 girls, and 55 boys, as well as 144 children and 1,835 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

April 14. Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal discussed the investigation into Russia's crimes in Ukraine with Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Karim Khan.

The meeting was also attended by Prosecutor General of Ukraine Iryna Venediktova, Minister of Defence Oleksii Reznikov, Minister of Internal Affairs Denys Monastyrskyy, Minister of Justice Denys Malyuska and Deputy Head of the Office of the President Oleh Tatarov, the Government portal informs.

Shmyhal thanked Khan for his visit and stressed the importance of the ICC’s involvement in mobilizing all resources and launching an investigation into Russia's brutal violations of international humanitarian law.

The PM pointed out that Russia had been committing systematic and mass war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine since 2014.

"The Ukrainian people demand justice, the whole civilized world demands justice. And this requirement is pressing," Shmyhal stressed.

The Prime Minister spoke about the atrocities of the Russian military in Bucha, Borodianka, Irpin, Hostomel and other localities. The Prime Minister mentioned the missile strike on the Kramatorsk railway station and the crimes in Mariupol that Russia is trying to conceal.

"It is time to conduct a swift and effective investigation, which will result in real charges. It is necessary to grant the millions of victims of Russia's armed aggression the right to a fair trial and bring to justice those who organize and directly commit horrific crimes against Ukrainians," said Shmyhal, adding that 42 countries have already called on the ICC to conduct investigation.

April 14. The death toll from a Russian rocket attack on the Kramatorsk train station has risen to 59 - two more children have died in the hospital. The Kramatorsk City Council said this in a statement posted on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

"The number of children who died in the shelling of the Kramatorsk train station has increased to 7. Two more children died in the hospital… Thus, the total number of people who died as a result of the Russian shelling of the Kramatorsk train station increased to 59," the report says.

As Ukrinform reported, Russian forces launched a missile attack against the train station in Kramatorsk on April 8. At the time of the shelling, there were thousands of people waiting to be evacuated to the safer regions of Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the Russians hit the Kramatorsk train station with Tochka-U missiles.

April 14. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has recorded 4,521 civilian casualties in Ukraine since the Russian invasion started, including 1,932 killed and 2,589 injured. The relevant statement was made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in a daily update on April 13, 2022.

April 13. The President Volodymyr Zelensky underscores that the Russian military will be inevitably brought to justice for war crimes in Ukraine. “Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Karim Khan visited Bucha. It is right that a group of forensic experts from the International Criminal Court will start working in the city. Responsibility for the Russian military for war crimes is inevitable. We will drag them all to the tribunal. And not only for what was done in Bucha,” President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said in his latest address, Ukrinform reports.

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky
The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky

April 13. The indiscriminate violence being committed by Russian occupation forces against the local population in Ukraine can be called genocide. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said this at a press conference in Laval, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

"There are official processes around determinations of genocide, but I think it's absolutely right that more people be talking and using the word genocide in terms of what Russia is doing, what Vladimir Putin has done," Trudeau said, commenting on Biden's remarks who described Russia's actions as in Ukraine as genocide.

Trudeau pointed to Russian military attacks on civilians, including the targeting of health-care facilities and train stations, as well as sexual violence in the conflict. He also said Russia is attacking "Ukrainian identity and culture."

"These are all things that are war crimes that Putin is responsible for, these are all things that are crimes against humanity," he said.

April 13. In Sumy region, the Russian invaders brutally killed over a hundred civilians, while a large number of people remain in captivity or have gone missing.

This was reported by the Head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration, Dmytro Zhyvytskyi, during a briefing at the Ukraine Media Center (Kyiv), Ukrinform reports with reference to the official’s Telegram channel.

"More than 100 civilians were killed, but unfortunately, these numbers increase daily as we keep finding bodies – with their hands tied, with traces of torture, a shot in the head - it's terrifying. Many have gone missing, there are people who have been taken prisoner – a negotiation team is working on their cases. There are a lot of citizens whose fate remains unknown – along roads and highways, in the woods, we’ve been finding cars that had been shot at, but we don’t know what happened to the people who were in those cars," Zhyvytskyi noted.

April 13. In the village of Pravdyne, Kherson region, the occupiers shot seven people and blew up a house with their bodies.

"According to the investigation data, on April 12, 2022, in the village of Pravdyne… the servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation shot six men and one woman in a residential building. After that, intending to hide the crime, the occupiers blew up the house with the bodies of the executed people," the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office informs.

Under the procedural guidance of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office, a pre-trial investigation is underway within the criminal proceedings over violations of the laws and customs of war combined with premeditated murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

As reported, the invaders block "green corridors" for the delivery of food and medicines, the evacuation of people in Kherson region. In addition, the occupiers abduct activists, community leaders, and local council members. Resources are depleting in the temporarily occupied territory of the region, business has stopped.

April 13. In Sumy oblast, the Russian occupiers killed more than 100 people, the search for the missing continues, the economic damage will reach tens of billions of hryvnias. "More than 100 civilians were killed, but, unfortunately, this number is increasing every day, because the bodies are found — with their hands tied, with traces of torture, killed by shots to the head — these are terrible things. Many people are missing, there are people who are in captivity — a negotiating team is working on them. Many citizens, whose fate we do not know at all: on the roads and highways, in the woods shot cars were found, and what happened to people from these cars — is unknown. There are many wounded in hospitals, many of our wounded in hospitals of neighboring regions," said the head of the oblast Dmytro Zhyvytskyi.

April 13. The Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office: Russian troops have killed 191 children in Ukraine since February 24.

"As of the morning of April 13, 2022, more than 540 children were affected in Ukraine as a result of Russia's armed aggression. In particular, 191 children were killed and more than 349 were injured," the PGO's press service wrote on Telegram.

The figures are not final, as work is underway in the areas of active hostilities, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

The largest number of victims has been recorded in Donetsk region – 113, Kyiv region - 102, Kharkiv region - 79, Chernihiv region - 54, Mykolaiv region - 40, Kherson region – 38, Luhansk region – 36, Zaporizhia region – 23, Sumy region – 16, Zhytomyr region – 15, and the city of Kyiv – 16.

While recording crimes committed by Russian invaders in the settlements of Borodianka and Korolivka in the Kyiv region, the burnt bodies of a 16-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy were found.

April 13. From on February 24, 2022 (local time), when the Russian Federation’s armed attack against Ukraine started, to 24:00 midnight on April 11, 2022, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights recorded 4,450 civilian casualties in Ukraine. This includes 1,892 killed and 2,558 injured, according to the OHCHR, Ukrinform reports. Of those killed, 478 are men, 308 women, 30 girls, and 52 boys, as well as 71 children and 953 adults whose sex is yet unknown. Of 2,558 injured, 291 are men, 219 women, 51 girls, and 51 boys, as well as 144 children and 1,802 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

April 12. The Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office reported on Telegram: Six local residents have been found dead in a basement in the village of Shevchenkove, Brovary District, Kyiv Region.

Brovary District Prosecutor’s Office is providing procedural guidance in the criminal proceedings for the violation of the laws and customs of war (Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation findings, having temporarily seized the village of Shevchenkove, the Russian military were killings civilians. In a basement located within one of private households, six bodies with gunshot wounds were found.

April 12. Komyshevakhska territorial community reported: In Zaporizhia region, Russian invaders fired phosphorous ammunition at the village of Novoyakovlivka. The houses of local residents were

According to information posted on the website of the Komyshevakhska territorial community (Zaporizhia region), on the night of April 12, Russian occupation troops fired phosphorus bombs at the village of Novoyakovlivka.

The houses of local residents were damaged by ammunition prohibited by the Geneva Convention. Due to the fact that it was raining during the shelling, it was possible to avoid fires.

There are no fatalities.

In Zaporizhia region, Russian invaders fired phosphorous ammunition at the village of Novoyakovlivka
In Zaporizhia region, Russian invaders fired phosphorous ammunition at the village of Novoyakovlivka

The photos posted on the website show details of phosphorous ammunition, their markings and factory numbers, which allow us to establish their origin.

April 12. According to data provided by the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office, russian troops have killed 186 children in Ukraine since February 24. As of the morning of April 12, more than 530 children suffered in Ukraine as a result of Russia’s armed aggression. In particular, 186 children were killed and more than 344 were injured, the PGO’s press service wrote on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

It is noted that these figures are not final, as work is underway in the areas of active hostilities, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories. The largest number of victims has been recorded in Donetsk region – 113, Kyiv region - 99, Kharkiv region - 76, Chernihiv region - 54, Mykolaiv region - 40, Luhansk region – 36, Kherson region – 36, Zaporizhzhia region – 22, Kyiv city – 16, Sumy region – 16, and Zhytomyr region – 15. In particular, during the recording of criminal crimes committed by Russian forces in the village of Havronshchyna, Bucha district, Kyiv region, a shot civilian car was found. The bodies of five people, including a one-year-old child and a 14-year-old boy, were buried nearby. In addition, in the village of Havrylivka, Bucha district, Kyiv region, the body of a five-year-old child with multiple injuries caused by the blast of an artillery shell was found.

April 11. The Head of the Mykolaiv Regional Council Hanna Zamazeyeva wrote on Telegram: “As many as 25 people have been wounded in Mykolaiv region over the past day (10/04). Fortunately, there are no children among the victims. All the victims were taken to our healthcare facilities where they receive the necessary assistance," Zamazeyeva wrote.

Overall, according to her, as of this morning, there were 367 patients in Mykolaiv hospitals, who suffered from Russian attacks on Mykolaiv region.

April 11. The village of Vilkhivka, Kharkiv Region, was found almost fully destroyed after the Russian occupation. The pre-trial investigation has been launched. The relevant statement was made by the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office on Facebook, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

Under the procedural guidance of Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office, the pre-trial investigation was launched into the violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

On April 10, 2022, in cooperation with the crime scene investigation team of the Department of the Security Service of Ukraine in Kharkiv Region, the supervisors of pre-trial proceedings visited the village of Vilkhivka, which had been recently liberated from Russian invaders.

Most residential houses, farm households, civilian vehicles, a local school and store were found damaged or completely destroyed.

The Russian occupiers’ destroyed armored vehicles, used weapons and the corpses of the Russian military were also found at the scene.

April 11. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) says that 1,793 civilians have been killed and 2,439 injured in Ukraine since the full-scale Russian invasion started. That's according to a civilian casualty update published by OHCHR on April 10, Ukrinform reports. Those killed include 458 men, 294 women, 27 girls, and 46 boys, as well as 69 children and 899 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

Victims of russian aggression, Irpin, Kyiv region, Ukraine
Victims of russian aggression, Irpin, Kyiv region, Ukraine

Those injured include 279 men, 213 women, 47 girls, and 46 boys, as well as 136 children and 1,718 adults whose sex is yet unknown. Most of the civilian casualties recorded were caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including shelling from heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems, and missile and air strikes, the report said.

April 10. The Prosecutor General's Office on Telegram: There are already 501 suspects, who are part of Russia’s military and political leadership, in the unified criminal case initiated over the Russian aggression in Ukraine.

"The main cases of Russian aggression: 501 suspects – representatives of the military-political leadership of Russia. These are ministers, lawmakers, military command, other officials, heads of law enforcement agencies, instigators of war and Kremlin propagandists," the statement reads.

According to the latest data, Ukrainian law enforcement registered 5,377 crimes on charges of aggression and war crimes, of which: 5,214 – for violating the laws and customs of war, 43 – for planning, preparing or waging an aggressive war, eight – for war propaganda, and 112 – for other crimes.

April 10. The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova addressed the issue on Telegram: In the temporarily occupied territories, Ukrainian citizens are being mobilized to the Russian army.

It is noted that the enemy has begun forced mobilization into the ranks of the illegitimate "people's militia" in some temporarily occupied territories. Male inhabitants are periodically detained at a checkpoint in Vasylivka, Zaporizhia region. A census of male residents is being run.

At the checkpoints leading to Melitopol, Russian occupiers force men to join the Russian army. The same is being done in Henichesk, Kherson region.

Collaborators from among Melitopol residents are believed to have provided Russian invaders with lists of addresses where male citizens reside.

Forced mobilization in the occupied territories is a violation of Article 51 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. It strictly prohibits the occupying State from forcing persons under protection, i.e. those under the control of a party to the conflict or an occupying State of which they are not nationals, to serve in its armed or auxiliary forces.

Denisova appealed to the UN Commission investigating human rights violations committed during Russia’s military attack on Ukraine and an expert mission set up by OSCE participating States under the Moscow Mechanism to take into account these facts of war crimes and human rights violations.

As reported, Denisova reported on April 7 that the occupiers were forcibly mobilizing men on the outskirts of Mariupol, the area temporarily controlled by Russian invaders.

April 9. Prosecutor General’s Office on Telegram: As of April 9, 2022, a total of 176 children died in Ukraine due to the Russian armed aggression. More than 500 children in Ukraine have been affected by the Russian armed aggression. As a result, 176 of them died and 324 were injured.

The final data are yet to be updated, as relevant works are underway within the areas of hostilities, temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

According to the data from juvenile prosecutors, most casualties were recorded in Donetsk Region (102), Kyiv Region (91), Kharkiv Region (76), Chernihiv Region (50), Mykolaiv Region (40), Luhansk Region (35), Zaporizhzhia Region (22), Kherson Region (29), the city of Kyiv (16), Sumy Region (16) and Zhytomyr Region (15).

On April 8, 2022, Russian troops launched a Tochka-U missile attack on a railway station in Kramatorsk. More than 4,000 civilians were awaiting evacuation there. As a result, five children were killed and 16 were injured. The missile had a Russian message inscribed on its side: “Za detey” [For children].

April 9. The Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration report: Between March 14, 2022 and April 9, 2022, Russian invaders abducted 106 persons in Zaporizhzhia Region, including 21 representatives of local self-government authorities.

As of April 9, 2022, a total of 63 persons were held hostage by Russian troops, and 43 persons were released. Out of 21 representatives of local self-government authorities abducted by Russian invaders, 11 persons were released.

“Russian troops continue to hold hostage the following representatives of local self-government authorities: Dniprorudne Mayor Yevhen Matvieiev, Melitopol District Council Head Serhii Pryima, Enerhodar First Deputy Mayor Ivan Samoidiuk, Molochansk Mayor Iryna Lypka, Zaporizhzhia Regional Council Deputy Viktor Dudka, Mykhailivka Village Head Volodymyr Rykun, and others,” the report states.

During this period, Russian invaders also abducted two journalists. One of them has already been released.

April 8. The Main Directorate of the National Police in Kharkiv region: The Izium district police department reported, that under the procedural leadership of the district prosecutor's office, has begun a pre-trial investigation into the torture and subsequent arson of three local residents by Russia-occupation forces.

"According to the investigation, the Russian military during the occupation of the village of Husarivka, Izium district, tortured and then set fire to three local residents. In order to destroy the traces of their crimes, the Russian military covered their bodies before setting fire to the tires from the car. Burnt parts of the bodies of three people were found in the basement of one of the houses after the village was liberated from Russian invaders on April 7, 2022," the press service of Kharkiv regional prosecutor's office said.

Criminal proceedings were opened under Part 2 of Article 348 (violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

April 8. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has recorded 3,838 civilian casualties in the country: 1,611 killed and 2,227 injured. This is data provided by the OHCHR on its website on April 7.

In particular, among those killed are 410 men, 240 women, 25 girls, and 43 boys, as well as 63 children and 831 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

Those injured include 261 men, 196 women, 45 girls, and 42 boys, as well as 104 children and 1,579 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

It is noted that most the civilian casualties recorded were caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including shelling from heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems, and missile and air strikes. “OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations where intense hostilities have been going on has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration. This concerns, for example, Mariupol and Volnovakha (Donetsk region), Izium (Kharkiv region), Popasna (Luhansk region), and Irpin (Kyiv region), where there are allegations of numerous civilian casualties. These figures are being further corroborated and are not included in the above statistics,” the office said.

April 8. The press service of the Prosecutor General's Office: "A total of 169 children died in Ukraine as a result of Russia’s armed aggression.

April 7. Anton Gerashchenko, adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, said at a briefing:

"According to Borodianka village head, about 200 local residents are considered missing. And we understand that many of them have gone missing forever. We will never forgive this crime. The Russian occupiers and their leaders will be held liable for the murders of Ukrainians," Anton Gerashchenko said.

The rubble of apartment buildings, which were destroyed by Russian aircraft in early March, are being removed now in the village.

“To date, after the launch of works yesterday, the bodies of four Ukrainians, who died under the rubble of two houses at Soborna Street, have been found. And this is just the beginning because, as I was informed by the State Emergency Service representatives, the five-story buildings have been cleared away only up to the third floor,” Gerashchenko said.

Residential house in Borodianka village that was destroyed by russian troops
Residential house in Borodianka village that was destroyed by russian troops

The law enforcement officers do not know how many more Ukrainians remain under the rubble, he noted.

Gerashchenko added that the Ukrainian law enforcement officers already knew the names of the heads of military units of the Russian Federation at the level of battalions and companies which had been stationed in Bucha, Hostomel, Irpin.

"Our intelligence officers obtained these data, and they are already known to prosecutors who will investigate these cases and make sure that no aggressor escapes justice," Gerashchenko summed up.

Irpin, Bucha, Hostomel, and the entire Kyiv region were liberated from Russian invaders in early April. Mass killings of civilians by the occupiers were recorded in the liberated towns and villages.

The raped women, whose bodies the invaders tried to burn, killed local government officials, children, the elderly, and men were the victims of war crimes committed by the Russian troops. Many victims have their hands tied, their bodies have traces of torture. A lot of people were shot in the back of the head.

April 7. The press service of the Prosecutor General's Office: "A total of 167 children died in Ukraine as a result of Russia’s armed aggression. More than 464 children were injured in Ukraine due to the Russian armed aggression. As of the morning of April 7, the official death toll for children hasn’t changed. It’s 167. The number of injured has increased – it’s more than 297".

Bucha, Ukraine
Bucha, Ukraine

It is noted that these figures are not final, as work is underway to assess the situation in locations where active hostilities are underway in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

The PGO clarified that the most affected children were from the following regions: Kyiv (86), Donetsk (81), Kharkiv (73), Chernihiv (50), Mykolaiv (39), Luhansk (32), Zaporizhia (22), Kherson (29), the city of Kyiv (16), Sumy (16), and Zhytomyr (15).

The PGO also said that on April 6, the body was taken to the morgue of a 12-year-old girl, who died in a burning car in Yahidne, Chernihiv region, while trying to evacuate from the war zone.

"It became known that during the temporary occupation of the territories of Vyshhorod district of Kyiv region in March, servicemen of the armed forces and other military formations of the Russian Federation fired on the civilian population in the town of Dymer. As a result of shelling, a child was injured and her father died on the spot," the statement said.

In addition, on March 22, a 4-year-old boy was seriously injured in the shelling of Kharkiv.

Also, as a result of bombings and shelling, 928 educational facilities were damaged, of which 84 were completely destroyed.

On April 6, Darya Herasymchuk, the presidential adviser on children's rights and rehabilitation, reported that about 14,600 Ukrainian families had applied for temporary hosting of their children for the month.

April 7. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has recorded 3,766 civilian casualties in Ukraine since the Russian invasion started, including 1,563 killed and 2,213 injured.

The relevant statement was made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in a daily update on April 6, 2022, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

In particular, among the killed, there were 379 men, 237 women, 24 girls and 43 boys, as well as 63 children and 817 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

Among the injured, there were 254 men, 196 women, 44 girls and 40 boys, as well as 104 children and 1,575 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

Bucha, Ukraine
Bucha, Ukraine

Most of the civilian casualties recorded were caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including shelling from heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems, and missile and air strikes.

OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations where intense hostilities have been going on has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration. This concerns, for example, Mariupol and Volnovakha (Donetsk Region), Izium (Kharkiv Region), Popasna (Luhansk Region), and Borodianka (Kyiv Region), where there are allegations of numerous civilian casualties. These figures are being further corroborated and are not included in the above statistics.

OHCHR also noted the report of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, according to which, as of 08:00 a.m. (local time), April 6, 2022, a total of 167 children were killed and at least 279 injured.

April 6. Oleh Baturin, a journalist from Kakhovka who was abducted by the Russians on March 12 and spent almost eight days in captivity, wrote on Facebook: In Kherson region, the Russian military is torturing abducted locals.

"Captives, held in a basement of the police department premises seized by Russian Nazis in Nova Kakhovka, said they heard the voice and name of Vitaliy Peretiatko, a former member of the Nova Kakhovka Town Council, among other prisoners. They told what I know well from my own experience: they hear how other prisoners are constantly tortured, they hear people persuading their executioners to kill them not to suffer pain after the brutal beatings," he reports.

Also, according to him, the logic of the occupiers' actions gradually becomes clear. The prisoners said they had heard how tortured veterans of Anti-Terrorist Operation were required to confess that they had participated in the "Right sector" and were threatened to be sent either to Donetsk (to rebuild the city "damaged by Bandera adepts"), or to Crimea (to send for trial and create their own documented database of "evidence" of "atrocities" of "Right sector members").

People said that they heard the voice of prisoner Oleh Kozhemyakin [Russians abducted Kozhemyakin in Kakhovka on April 2]. He is alive, he is being tortured and "interrogated" in the basement almost every day, Baturin wrote.

Russian invaders abduct civilians in Kherson region, including journalists, community leaders, local council members, and activists. The occupiers hold the abducted people in prison cells in Kherson. The fate of many civilians has been unknown for many days.

In Kherson region, residents regularly hold peaceful protests against the Russian aggressor. The Russian military uses force and weapons against people, there are wounded and detained civilians.

April 6. The Head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleh Synehubov posted on Telegram: Russian invaders continue to chaotically shell Kharkiv and Derhachi. Izium remains the hottest spot in the region. "Again at night, the Russian occupiers launched about 27 attacks from various weapons on residential areas of Kharkiv and localities of the region. The areas of KhTZ, Pivnichna Saltivka, Pyatykhatky, Mala Rohan, Derhachi were affected. The enemy wants to demoralize us and continues to deal chaotic blows to civilian infrastructure," he reports.

April 6. The Prosecutor General's Office said this in a statement posted on Telegram: A total of 167 children have been killed in Ukraine since Russia started its invasion of the country on February 24.

"As of the morning of April 6, 2022, more than 446 children were affected in Ukraine as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. At the same time, 167 children were killed and at least 279 were injured," the statement reads.

April 6. The British Defense Ministry wrote on Twitter: In the city of Mariupol, more than 160,000 remaining residents have no light, communication, medicine, heat or water as a result of Russian attacks.

April 6. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): Since Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, OHCHR has recorded 3,675 civilian casualties in the country: 1,480 killed and 2,195 injured.

In particular, among those killed are 331 men, 211 women, 22 girls, and 40 boys, as well as 61 children and 815 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

Those injured include 253 men, 194 women, 43 girls, and 40 boys, as well as 100 children and 1,565 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

It is noted that most the civilian casualties recorded were caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including shelling from heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems, and missile and air strikes.

“OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations where intense hostilities have been going on has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration. This concerns, for example, Mariupol and Volnovakha (Donetsk region), Izium (Kharkiv region), Popasna (Luhansk region), and Irpin (Kyiv region), where there are allegations of numerous civilian casualties. These figures are being further corroborated and are not included in the above statistics,” the office said.

On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Russian troops have been shelling and destroying key infrastructure facilities, conducting massive shelling of residential areas of Ukrainian cities and villages using artillery, multiple rocket launchers and ballistic missiles.

Martial law was imposed in Ukraine and general mobilization was announced.

April 5. Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova reports on facts of mass torture of civilians in the liberated territories of Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy regions.

"In the children's camp Pidsnizhnyk in Kyiv region, there was a base for a division of the Rashist army for three weeks. In the basement of the building, five corpses of men with their hands tied behind their backs were found. They were tortured and then killed in cold blood. One of the dead was crushed in the skull with butt blows with special cruelty. The rest were shot in the back of the head or chest," the Ombudswoman wrote on her Telegram channel on Tuesday.

Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova
Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova

In addition, according to her, in the village of Viktorivka, Chernihiv region, which was under occupation for 25 days, the Russian military held civilians of various ages as hostages in the basement – from the elderly to newborns.

"In order to get at least a bucket of water, the villagers were sent under escort. They did not give any medicine even to those whose lives depend on certain medicines. A man with asthma died, his body was buried nearby in the forest," the Commissioner for Human Rights said in a statement.

Also, according to Denisova, in Konotop district of Sumy region, three local residents were found at the enemy's deployment sites and were tortured.

"Due to inhuman living conditions and infections brought by the occupiers, a number of diseases have spread, among which is chicken pox," the Ombudsperson also informed.

Denisova once again stressed that the torture and killing of civilians are a crime against humanity and a war crime in accordance with Articles 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

April 5. Mariupol: footage from a drone and the destroyed Drama Theater from the inside.

April 5. Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova on Facebook: The mass cases of tortures of civilians have been revealed within the areas liberated from Russian occupiers.

“Two children under the age of 10 with signs of rape and torture were found dead in the city of Irpin,” Denisova wrote.

In Kyiv Region, the Prolisok children’s camp has been used as a base by the rashist army unit for three weeks. Five corpses of men with their hands tied behind their backs were found in the basement of the building. They were tortured and then killed in cold blood. One of the victims had his skull crushed with butt blows with special hardness. Others were shot in the back of the head or chest.

In the village of Viktorivka, Chernihiv Region, which has been under occupation for 25 days, rashists held people hostage in the basement, from the elderly to newborns. Residents were escorted to collect at least a bucket of water. No medicines were provided, even to those whose life depends on certain medications. A man with asthma died, and Russian militants ordered the hostages to bury the body next to them in the woods.

In Konotop District, Sumy Region, at least three civilians tortured to death were found within the sites of former enemy camps.

Due to inhumane living conditions and infections brought by Russian occupiers, a number of diseases started to spread, including chickenpox.

According to Denisova, torture and killing of civilians is a crime against humanity and a war crime under Articles 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, for which rashists are awaited by an international military tribunal.

Denisova appealed to the UN Commission for Investigation into Human Rights Violations during Russia’s Military Invasion of Ukraine and the expert mission set up by the OSCE participating States under the Moscow Mechanism to take into account these war crimes and crimes against humanity and human rights in Ukraine, which are committed by Russian troops.

April 5. Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova has reported the forced removal of residents of the temporarily occupied Izium, Kharkiv region, to cities in Russia. "Residents of the temporarily occupied Izium in Kharkiv region are forcibly taken by Russian invaders to the territory of the Russian Federation. The enemy creates filtration camps and corridors through which they deport Ukrainian citizens to Russia," Denisova said on Telegram on Tuesday.

April 5. Zaporizhzhia District Military Administration posted on Telegram: “In the temporarily occupied town of Polohy, the occupiers seized and mined the inner area of a central district hospital. Medical staff and patients were banned from returning to the facility". It is also noted that wounded Russian servicemen stayed in the hospital.

The Russian Federation continues to shell peaceful villages and towns in Polohy district. The occupiers fire on the civilian infrastructure of the localities of Mala Tokmachka and Orikhiv almost every day. Many houses and shops are being destroyed.

Last night, rescuers of the State Emergency Service put out a fire at the school of arts in the village of Inzhenerne, Polohy district.

April 5. The press service of the Prosecutor General's Office: "More than 431 children have been affected in Ukraine as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. According to the official data of juvenile prosecutors, as of the morning of April 5, 2022, 165 children were killed and 266 children received injuries of varying severity."

It is noted that this number is not final as work is underway to establish casualties in the areas of active hostilities, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories, in particular, in Mariupol and in some areas of Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Luhansk regions.

It is specified that most children were affected in Kyiv region – 77, Donetsk region – 78, Kharkiv region – 61, Chernihiv region – 49, Mykolaiv region – 35, Luhansk region – 31, Zaporizhzhia region – 22, Kherson region – 29, Kyiv city – 16, Sumy region – 16, Zhytomyr region – 15.

In particular, a child was killed as a result of an attack by armed forces of the Russian Federation on Mykolayiv city on April 4.

“It became known that during the occupation of Vorzel, Kyiv region, the aggressor's servicemen threw a smoke grenade into the basement of one of the houses, where a 14-year-old child and a woman were hiding, and then opened fire. The child died immediately, and the mother – two days later,” reads the report.

In Bucha, Kyiv region, six people, including a child, were killed in shelling.

"A total of 869 educational establishments have been damaged by bombing and shelling; 83 establishments are completely destroyed," the PGO informs.

As reported, ten adults and one child were killed in an enemy attack on Mykolayiv city center on April 4. The number of wounded rose to 61.

April 5. UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet: “Reports emerging from this and other areas, raise serious and disturbing questions about possible war crimes, grave breaches of international humanitarian law and serious violations of international human rights law”.

Bachelet called for all bodies to be exhumed and identified so that the victims’ families can be informed, and the exact causes of death established. She added that every measure should also be taken to preserve evidence.

“It is vital that all efforts are made to ensure there are independent and effective investigations into what happened in Bucha, to ensure truth, justice and accountability, as well as reparations and remedy for victims and their families,” Bachelet stressed.

The civilians that were killed by russian troops in Bucha, April 3.
The civilians that were killed by russian troops in Bucha, April 3.

Meanwhile, Osnat Lubrani, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine, highlighted the horrifying violence against civilians in two other areas near the capital, Irpin and Hostomel, as well as in other parts of the country.

In her words, it is essential that all reports of violence against civilians are independently verified, and the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine is trying to visit these locations without delay.

According to Lubrani, an independent investigation is critical to determine the extent of these crimes and to ensure that perpetrators are held to account.

April 4. Serhiy Gaidai, head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration: Over the past day, a resident of Rubizhne died from Russian fire. Three people were injured - these are residents of Lysychansk and Novodruzhesk. Four people were rescued from the rubble of destroyed housing. “The Russians damaged another 13 objects by shelling. Nine of them caught fire. Three high-rise buildings and six private houses were destroyed. An enemy shell hit Rubizhne's hospital. Information about the victims is being specified.

April 4. Donetsk Regional State Administration: Avdiivka in the Donetsk region was fired upon with rocket artillery. There are wounded among civilians, damaged houses and infrastructure. During a mortar attack by Russian invaders in Novodruzhesk, Luhansk region, two volunteers who were delivering humanitarian aid to the city were killed. As a result of the shelling, the gas pipeline was cut off, and currently 36 settlements (about 116,900 subscribers) remain without gas supply in Luhansk region.

April 4. At least 400 people have been killed during the Russian occupation of the town of Bucha in the Kyiv region, said Vadym Denysenko, an adviser to Ukraine's Minister of Internal Affairs. "We continue to inspect basements and houses. People buried the dead directly on the territory of the house, on playgrounds. Therefore, the figure is being clarified", Vadym Denysenko said. The process of demining the territory is underway, it will take several days, Denysenko said.

Bucha, Kyiv  region
Bucha, Kyiv region

April 4. Ministry of Culture and Information Policy: Russia has committed 74 crimes against media representatives in Ukraine, including 19 against citizens of other countries: Great Britain, the Czech Republic, the United States, Denmark, the UAE, Russia, Ireland, Switzerland, France and Lithuania. 18 journalists were killed, 8 were abducted, 13 were injured and three went missing.

April 4. The Prosecutor General's Office said this in a statement posted on Telegram, referring to the data of juvenile prosecutors: "As of the morning of April 4, 2022, more than 425 children were affected in Ukraine as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. At the same time, 161 children were killed and 264 were injured," the statement reads.

April 4. The International Committee of the Red Cross is urged to send its representatives to provide humanitarian assistance to illegally detained civilians in Kherson region.

"I urge you to send representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross to the Kherson region to provide humanitarian assistance to illegally detained civilians, fix their place of residence and help stop torture and release them from prison cells as soon as possible," Dementiy Bilyi, head of the Kherson regional department of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine, posted the corresponding appeal on Facebook.

According to Bilyi, Russian invaders kidnap, beat, and torture civilians in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, in particular in Kherson region.

The number of people abducted by the occupiers is unknown. Eyewitnesses give examples of dozens of cases when the occupiers go to people's apartments and houses, conduct illegal searches, grab people, beat them.

Peaceful citizens are defenseless against brute force. They are not provided with legal assistance, judicial protection, their basic human rights and freedoms are ignored.

The occupiers hold the abducted people in prison cells in Kherson. The fate of many civilians has been unknown for many days.

The head of the Kherson regional department of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine also addressed the relatives of the abducted people and called on them to contact the hotline of the International Committee of the Red Cross Mission in Ukraine in order to activate the relevant mechanisms of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

As reported, residents of Kherson region regularly hold peaceful protests against the Russian aggressor. The Russian military uses force and weapons against people. Ukrainians are being wounded and detained.

April 4. The Declaration by High Representative Josep Borrell on behalf of the EU on Russian atrocities committed in Bucha and other Ukrainian towns was released on the website of the Council of EU: The massacres in the town of Bucha and other Ukrainian towns will be inscribed in the list of atrocities committed on European soil, and not only murderers but also Russia's political and military leadership must be held accountable.

“The Russian authorities are responsible for these atrocities, committed while they had effective control of the area. They are subject to the international law of occupation. The perpetrators of war crimes and other serious violations as well as the responsible government officials and military leaders will be held accountable,” reads the Declaration.

As noted, the EU fully supports the investigation launched by the ICC Prosecutor into war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as the work of the OHCHR Commission of Inquiry. The EU is assisting the Ukrainian Prosecutor General and Civil Society focused on collection and preservation of the evidences of the war crimes.

“The European Union condemns in the strongest possible terms the reported atrocities committed by the Russian armed forces in a number of occupied Ukrainian towns, that have now been liberated. Haunting images of large numbers of civilian deaths and casualties, as well as destruction of civilian infrastructures show the true face of the brutal war of aggression Russia is waging against Ukraine and its people. The massacres in the town of Bucha and other Ukrainian towns will be inscribed in the list of atrocities committed on European soil,” the High Representative of the Union underscored.

In the statement, the EU expressed its full solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in these sombre hours for the whole world. The EU will continue to firmly support Ukraine and will advance, as a matter of urgency, work on further sanctions against Russia.

“President Putin must stop this war immediately and unconditionally,” Borrell stressed.

April 4. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion OHCHR has recorded 3,455 civilian casualties in Ukraine.

This data provided by the OHCHR on its website.

In particular, a total of 1,417 civilians were killed, including 293 men, 201 women, 22 girls, and 40 boys, as well as 59 children and 802 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

A total of 2,038 civilians were injured, including 241 men, 187 women, 41 girls, and 38 boys, as well as 92 children and 1,439 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

It is noted that most the civilian casualties recorded were caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including shelling from heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems, and missile and air strikes.

“OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations where intense hostilities have been going on has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration. This concerns, for example, Mariupol and Volnovakha (Donetsk region), Izium (Kharkiv region), Popasna (Luhansk region), and Irpin (Kyiv region), where there are allegations of numerous civilian casualties. These figures are being further corroborated and are not included in the above statistics,” the office said.

April 3. The Prosecutor General’s Office wrote this on Telegram: There are already 205 suspects in the main case of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. “There are already 214 suspects in the main case of Russian aggression - representatives of the Russian military and political leadership. They include ministers, deputies, military command, officials, law enforcement officials, instigators of war and Kremlin propagandists,” the report says.

Overall, Ukrainian law enforcement bodies have initiated 4,079 criminal proceedings into crimes of aggression and war crimes committed by the Russian Federation: 3,949 violations of the laws and customs of war, 43 crimes related to planning, preparing or waging an aggressive war, 8 crimes related to the propaganda of war, 79 other crimes.

In addition, 2,172 crimes against the national security of Ukraine have already been registered, including 1,462 crimes related to the encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, 396 crimes related to treason, 56 crimes related to sabotage.

April 3. The Head of Apostolove community Andriy Osa wrote this on Facebook: Russian forces used cluster munitions to fire at the territory of a village in the Apostolove community in Kryvyi Rih district (Dnipropetrovsk region).

“At night, the enemy used cluster munitions to fire at one of the villages of the community. Fortunately, residential buildings have not been hit. No casualties have been reported," he wrote.

Police officers and State Emergency Service members are working on the spot.

April 2. Prosecutor General's office of Ukraine: Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 158 children were killed and another 254 children have been injured. Children from Kyiv Oblast suffered the most.

April 2. The Head of the Main Department of the National Police of Ukraine in Chernihiv Region Volodymyr Nidzelskyi on Facebook: Russian invaders continue shelling civil infrastructure facilities in the city of Chernihiv.

“Yesterday the enemy continued to insidiously fire on unarmed civilians in Chernihiv. In particular, strikes were launched on an oncology dispensary and peaceful areas in the city,” the report states.

According to Nidzelskyi, three persons suspected of sabotage and looting have been detained in Chernihiv over the past day.

A reminder that the city of Chernihiv has been left without heating, electricity, water and gas supplies due to shelling by Russian troops.

April 1. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion has recorded 3,167 civilian casualties in Ukraine.

In particular, a total of 1,232 civilians were killed, including 250 men, 176 women, 18 girls, and 36 boys, as well as 58 children and 694 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

A total of 1,935 civilians were injured, including 225 men, 167 women, 36 girls, and 32 boys, as well as 81 children and 1,394 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

It is noted that most the civilian casualties recorded were caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including shelling from heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems, and missile and air strikes.

“OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations where intense hostilities have been going on has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration. This concerns, for example, Mariupol and Volnovakha (Donetsk region), Izium (Kharkiv region), Popasna (Luhansk region), and Irpin (Kyiv region), where there are allegations of numerous civilian casualties. These figures are being further corroborated and are not included in the above statistics,” the office said.

April 1. National Police posted on Telegram: “The humanitarian situation in Chernihiv remains extremely difficult. The citizens heroically hold the line and have been living without water, electricity, heat supply and other critical communications for more than two weeks,” Over the past day, the Russian invaders fired on the civilian population of Nizhyn town and the populated localities of Nizhyn and Chernihiv districts. The information about casualties is being clarified. Law enforcement officers carefully record all the circumstances and consequences of the Russian army's war crimes.

Police officers also actively help to deliver humanitarian aid, serve at checkpoints, patrol the streets, detain looters, inspect suspects and vehicles around the clock together with the territorial defense units.

"Over the past 24 hours, three people were identified who may be involved in sabotage and looting," the National Police informed.

April 1. The Prosecutor General's Office posted on Telegram: "Almost 400 children have been affected in Ukraine since the beginning of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. Of these, 153 were killed and more than 245 were injured".

As noted, most children were affected in Kyiv region – 73, Donetsk region – 65, Kharkiv region – 53, Chernihiv region – 43, Mykolayiv region – 30, Luhansk region – 31, Zaporizhzhia region – 22, Kherson region – 29, Sumy region – 16, Zhytomyr region – 15, Kyiv city – 16.

Data on killed and injured children in Mariupol and in some areas of Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Luhansk regions are being established.

It is reported that a 2-year-old girl from Lysychansk, Luhansk region, died on March 31 from severe injuries. She and her 7-year-old brother were seriously injured the day before.

On the same day, five minors were hospitalized in Donetsk region after they had been injured in the shelling.

According to the Prosecutor General's Office, Russian bombings and shelling damaged 859 educational establishments in Ukraine. In particular, 83 establishments were completely destroyed. The worst situation is in Donetsk, Kharkiv, Mykolayiv, Sumy, Kyiv, Kherson, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv regions and Kyiv city.

April 1. Head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration Serhiy Haidai wrote on his Telegram: “The Russians used multiple launch rocket systems to fire on a residential sector of Hirske city. Several houses were destroyed, a woman was injured,” He also added that rescuers continue working.

As reported, in Luhansk region on March 31, two people were killed and two others were wounded in Russian shelling.

March 31. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, Ukrinform reports: Credible reports indicate that Russian armed forces have used cluster munitions in populated areas of Ukraine, at least two dozen times since they invaded on February 24.

According to Bachelet, for more than one month now, the entire population of Ukraine has been enduring a living nightmare,” she said. “The lives of millions of people are in upheaval as they are forced to flee their homes or hide in basements and bomb shelters as their cities are pummelled and destroyed.”

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet,
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet,

At the Geneva Forum, the High Commissioner of the UN for Human Rights also reported that Russian shelling has damaged medical facilities, including 50 hospitals.

Reiterating the UN Secretary General's calls for a cessation of hostilities, Bachelet insisted that the Russian leadership “heed the clear and strong calls of the General Assembly and of this Council, and immediately act to withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory.”

Russian armed forces use cluster munitions in populated areas of Ukraine
Russian armed forces use cluster munitions in populated areas of Ukraine
As Ukrinform reported, the president of the UN Human Rights Council, Federico Villegas, announced the creation of a commission to investigate war crimes and other abuses committed during Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The commission consists of three members: Eric Messe of Norway (chair), Jasminka Dzumhur of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Pablo de Greiff of Colombia.

The facts of international humanitarian law violations by russian armed forces in Ukraine since February 24, 2022, are collected in one list, and you can check it out here.

March 31. Donetsk Regional Military Administration head Pavlo Kyrylenko has said:Russian troops have again used phosphorus shells in Maryinka, Krasnohorivka and Novomykhailivka, this time injuring 11 residents from the Maryinka community, including four children.

"Some 11 wounded civilians from the Maryinka community, including our children, were delivered to the Kurakhiv city hospital," he wrote on his Telegram channel on Thursday morning.

Also in the morning, two people were wounded in the Ocheretyne community under fire from Russian troops.

"We continue to deliver drinking water and food to the front-line settlements. We will evacuate everyone who wants to. Once again I call on everyone who is on the front line, who is dependent on the availability of specific medicines and medical care, to take the opportunity and leave. Evacuation is temporary. The most important thing now is saving lives!" Kyrylenko said.

March 31. The UN Office of Human Rights has received "credible allegations" that Russian forces have used cluster munitions in human settlements at least 24 times. The UN also states that it is investigating the possibility of using such weapons by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

March 30. UN Security Council: Over the past month, a total of 3.9 million Ukrainians have fled abroad, and 6.5 million Ukrainians have become internally displaced persons. The relevant statement was made by Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator Joyce Msuya at a meeting of the UN Security Council in New York, which was dedicated to the humanitarian situation in Ukraine.

Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator Joyce Msuya
Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator Joyce Msuya

Msuya noted that, according to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, as of March 27, 2022, a total of 1,119 Ukrainians died, including 99 children. Meanwhile, these numbers are conservative and the tolls are far greater, as the data from the areas affected by hostilities are received with a delay.

According to Msuya, local residents across many Ukrainian cities lack food, water, medicine, electricity and heating. “They are trapped. Desperate. Afraid. In some neighborhoods, it’s not even safe to bury the dead,” Msuya stressed.

According to Msuya, at the request of the Secretary-General, Under-Secretary General Martin Griffiths is working with the parties on possible arrangements for a humanitarian ceasefire in Ukraine.

March 30. At approximately 6:30 a.m., the Russians fired on a residential area in Lysychansk city, Luhansk Oblast. There are victims, as well as significant destruction of high-rise buildings. Information on the number of dead and wounded is being clarified.

March 30. Prosecutor General's office of Ukraine: Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 145 children were killed and another 222 children have been injured. Children from Kyiv Oblast suffered the most.

March 29. Mariupol City Council: In Mariupol, Russian invaders forcibly removed from the city maternity hospital both staff and patients, and transported them to the Russian territory. That’s according to the Mariupol City Council press service reports.

"Another case of forcible deportation of Mariupol residents to the territory of the aggressor power… More than 70 people were forcibly removed from Maternity Hospital No. 2 in the Left Bank district – it's medical staff and patients," a statement reads.

The City Council stressed that Russian troops have been cynically deporting civilians to their territory. More than 20,000 Mariupol residents are believed to have been deported to Russia against their will. Citizens have their IDs taken from them before they are sent to the so-called filtration camps. Then they get redirected to remote cities across Russia. The principle of distribution and the reasons for the deportation remain unclear, the report reads.

According to Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boychenko, what Russia is doing today violates internationally recognized human rights.

Mariupol' maternity hospital after russian air strike
Mariupol' maternity hospital after russian air strike

"It can be compared to the actions of fascist troops during World War 2. But we will not leave behind a single Mariupol resident who was deported to Russia by force. We are creating a database of deported residents and developing an effective mechanism for the return of our compatriots (…) We will do everything to bring people home," the mayor stressed.

As previously reported, staff and patients of City Hospital No. 1 – about 600 Mariupol residents.

Russian aggression caused a major humanitarian catastrophe in Mariupol. The invaders have been bombarding and shelling unarmed residents and blocking humanitarian aid.

March 29. Since the start of the full-scale war, the United Nations recorded 3,039 civilian victims of the Russian aggression: 1,179 killed and 1,860 injured. A total of the 1,179 killed includes 236 men, 172 women, and 104 children. The gender of the other 667 is unknown yet.

March 28. Vadym Boychenko Mariupol Mayor released information on consequences of Russian aggression: "Twenty-seven days into the start of the siege, as of March 27, almost 5,000 people were killed in Mariupol, including about 210 children," he said to media, Ukrinform report.

Throughout this period, enemy shelling and bombings damaged 2,340 apartment blocks, accounting for 90% of the total, of which 1,560 (60%) were hit directly and 1,040 (40%) destroyed. In the private sector 61,200 (90%) households were damaged, of which 40,800 (60%) were hit directly and 27,200 (40%) were destroyed.

The Russian troops wreaked destruction on three hospitals and damage – on seven others. In addition, 57 schools and 70 kindergartens were affected, of which 23 and 28 were destroyed, respectively.

Two factories, a port, and a military unit have also sustained damage.

Before the blockade, up to 140,000 people fled Mariupol and 150,000 people were evacuated from the city after it was besieged. As many as 170,000 people remain under siege and 30, 000 were deported by Russia, Boychenko informs.

The mayor of Mariupol noted that these figures are only approximate, for it is impossible to accurately assess the losses until active hostilities subside.

March 28. Ukraine’s Prosecutor General's Office already registered 3,085 criminal cases over Russian aggression.

Ukrainian law enforcement bodies have already registered 3,085 crimes of aggression and war crimes committed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

The press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) wrote this on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

“Crimes of aggression and war crimes: 3,085 crimes have been registered: 2,991 violations of the laws and customs of war, 40 crimes related to planning, preparing or waging an aggressive war, 6 crimes related to the propaganda of war, 48 other crimes," the report says.

The PGO also reminded that there are already 205 suspects in the main case of Russian aggression, representatives of the Russian military and political leadership at various levels: ministers, deputies, military command, officials, law enforcement officials, instigators of war and Kremlin propagandists.

In addition, 1,795 crimes against the national security of Ukraine have already been registered, including 1,235 crimes related to the encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, 341 crimes related to treason, 54 crimes related to sabotage, and 165 other crimes.

March 28. The Office of the Prosecutor General Source: 143 children were killed and 216 wounded during full-scale hostilities in Ukraine.

"Children suffered the most in Kyiv region - 67, Kharkiv region - 49, Donetsk - 53, Chernihiv - 38, Mykolaiv - 30, Luhansk - 27, Zaporizhia - 21, Kherson - 24, capital city - 16, Zhytomyr region - 15 and Sumy region - 14.On March 27, 2022, servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation shelled villages in the Izium district of the Kharkiv region. The shelling killed 3 children and injured one.On March 27, 2022, two children were injured due to shelling by the occupiers of the Luhansk region.

Also on March 27, 2022, a child was injured as a result of enemy shelling of a village in the Fastiv district of the Kyiv region.

A 15-year-old boy died in hospital in the Kherson region from injuries he received as a result of artillery shelling.In the Sumy region on March 27, 2022, a military vehicle of the Russian Federation hit a family on the road, as a result of which a 15-year-old boy was injured and his father died in hospital.

The bombing and shelling damaged 733 educational institutions. 74 of them were destroyed. The worst situation is in the Donetsk, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Kyiv, Kherson, Chernihiv regions, and the city of Kyiv.

March 27. Lyudmyla Denisova, Ukrainian Parlament Commissioner for Human Rights in Ukraine: In the exclusion zone near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant due to hostilities burning more than 10 thousand hectares of forests, 31 fires were recorded, causing increased levels of radioactive air pollution.

Control and suppression of fires is impossible due to the capture of the exclusion zone by russian troops.

As a result of combustion, radionuclides are released into the atmosphere, which are transported by wind over long distances. This threatens radiation to Ukraine, Belarus and European countries.

Due to windy and dry weather, the intensity and area of fires will increase, which can lead to large-scale fires, which are difficult to deal with even in peacetime.

The flames can cover spent nuclear fuel storage facilities and nuclear waste storage facilities located in the Chornobyl zone.

I appeal to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to send experts and firefighting equipment to Ukraine as soon as possible to prevent irreparable consequences not only for Ukraine but also for the whole world.

Catastrophic consequences can be prevented only by immediate deoccupation of the territory by russian troops. Therefore, I call on international human rights organizations to take all possible measures to increase pressure on the Russian Federation to end military aggression against Ukraine and deoccupy high-risk areas.

March 26. Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova: "To reveal the truth about Putin's aggression to the world is deadly – 12 journalists have already been killed in the war. They covered the war crimes of the Russian Federation and became victims. Another 10 media representatives received injuries with varying severity levels," she wrote on Facebook.

As of today, according to the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other occupying troops have committed crimes against at least 56 media representatives, 15 of them are citizens of other states.

So, four UK citizens, two Czech citizens, two Danish citizens, two UAE citizens, one Swiss citizen, two U.S. citizens have been injured, one of whom died. An Irish citizen and a Russian citizen also died.

"Just yesterday, while filming the evacuation from the bombed-out and depleted Chernihiv, the car of the film crews of the 1 + 1 TV channel and the Turkish TRT World came under fire. Journalist Andriy Tsaplienko, who in his professional life has been in more than one war, and now is covering super-violent war in their native country, has been injured by the shrapnel. In fact, an investigation into the violation of rules of the warfare by the invaders from the Russian Federation was launched over this attack," Venediktova said.

In addition, law enforcement officers have registered at least seven cases of shelling, destruction or damage to television towers and television and radio companies.

The Prosecutor General said that according to the monitoring of the Institute of Mass Information, 148 illegal actions have already been committed against journalists and media in Ukraine since the beginning of the large-scale invasion.

March 26. Minister for Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Chernyshov spoke at a briefing at the Ukraine Media Center: Russian troops in Ukraine have destroyed about 4,500 households across Ukraine, as well as 100 businesses, nearly 400 educational facilities, and 150 health care institutions.

The minister noted that due to Russian invasion, the number of destroyed infrastructure sites is growing almost every hour. It is known that about 4,500 households, about 100 enterprises, nearly 400 educational facilities, and 150 health care institutions have been wiped out so far.

The minister noted that the final assessment of damage to infrastructure damage could be done once hostilities cease and demining efforts are taken. The official cited preliminary estimates that the losses could reach tens of billions of dollars.

Even this tentative amount is growing by the day.

March 26. Liudmyla Denisova, Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights: Near Vasylivka, Zaporizhia region, the occupiers blocked the movement of a convoy of refugees from Mariupol, there are ambulances with wounded children in the traffic jam.

"The commissioner's hotline receives numerous appeals from relatives of persons trapped by the Russian invaders. Near Vasylivka, Zaporizhia region, the Russians blocked the passage and created a many-kilometer traffic jam from the cars of refugees from Mariupol," Denisova said in a Facebook on Saturday.

According to her, the convoy includes evacuation buses that take people from Berdiansk to Zaporizhia. "Ambulances with wounded children are also waiting in line. People have been without water and food for two days," the ombudsman said.

"The Russian occupiers conduct enhanced searches of those who cross their checkpoint and create obstacles for the movement of the column. Russia's actions are a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions and are qualified as a war crime according to the Rome Statute of the Criminal Court," Denisova said.

She called on the international community, states and international organizations, to immediately condemn Russia's gross violation of the movement of humanitarian corridors.

"Dear citizens! There is an agreement with the representative office of the International Committee of the Red Cross on the delivery of food, water and medicines to people caught in a traffic jam. Difficult negotiations are currently ongoing to let the convoy through," Denisova said.

March 25. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): Between February 24, 2022 and March 24, 2022, a total of 1,035 civilians were killed and 1,650 civilians were injured in Ukraine.

During this period, a total of 214 men, 160 women, 14 girls and 28 boys, as well as 48 children and 571 adults whose sex is yet unknown, were killed.

In addition, a total of 181 men, 140 women, 28 girls and 23 boys, as well as 67 children and 1,211 adults whose sex is yet unknown, were injured.

According to the UN, most of the civilian casualties recorded were caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including shelling from heavy artillery and multiple-launch rocket systems, missile and air strikes.

OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations where intense hostilities have been going on has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration. This concerns, for example, Mariupol and Volnovakha (Donetsk region), Izium (Kharkiv region), Sievierodonetsk and Rubizhne (Luhansk region), and Trostianets (Sumy region), where there are allegations of numerous civilian casualties. These figures are being further corroborated and are not included in the above statistics.

March 26. The Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine spread detail information on Russian War Crimes as for 26/03/2022

March 25.

Ukraine's Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova on


. As many as 41 countries have already appealed to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in support of Ukraine.

"The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine united the world legal community. 41 States referred the situation in Ukraine to the ICC. We are actively working to establish an international investigation team with partner countries," Venediktova wrote.

March 25. National Police of Ukraine in Kharkiv Region on Telegram: Russian invaders have shelled an outpatient department in Kharkiv’s Osnovianskyi Distritct.

“Russian occupiers continue to kill civilians in Kharkiv. In the morning, civil infrastructure facilities were shelled with multiple rocket launcher systems. Seven civilians were wounded, and four of them died,” the report states.

In particular, Russian invaders shelled an outpatient department in Kharkiv’s Osnovianskyi District, where a humanitarian aid post was located. No military infrastructure facilities are located nearby.

The investigative task force is working at the scene. The police are recording the crime against the Ukrainian people and gathering the necessary material evidence to bring the perpetrators to justice.

A reminder that more than 300 civilians have been killed in Kharkiv Region since the Russian invasion started, including 15 children.

March 25. Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office says 135 children have been killed and 184 wounded since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began.

Giving an update on recent casualties, officials say two children were killed during fierce fighting in the city of Rubizhne, Luhansk region.

And on Thursday, two children aged six and 13 were injured in Novomykhailivka, Donetsk region, following Russian shelling.

Prosecutors added that three teenagers - aged 13, 14 and 15 - were blown up by a mine in Obilne in the Zaporizhia region.

They were taken to Melitopol Hospital where one is in a critical condition in intensive care.

March 24. Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, 75 civilians of the Ukrainian capital have died, including four children, and more than 300 people have been injured.

"The invaders are shelling Kyiv, they are trying to besiege and intimidate us. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, 87 multi-storey residential buildings and 10 private ones, 12 schools and six kindergartens have been damaged in Kyiv. In the capital, 75 civilians were killed, including four children. Some 307 civilians and 16 children were injured. We won't forget anything and we won't forgive anything," Klitschko said in a video message posted on his Telegram channel on Thursday.

He also urged residents to adhere to the curfew, not to neglect safety rules, and not to go to forested areas outside residential areas due to fire danger.

March 24. Liudmyla Denisova, Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights: Russia has data on the forced removal from the territory of Ukraine of 402,000 Ukrainians from Mariupol, Volnovakha and Stanytsia Luhanska.

"We have information that the Russian occupiers are forcibly deporting our citizens from Mariupol, Volnovakha, Stanytsia Luhanska to the Russian Federation. I have testimonies of those people who were taken out, their relatives," she said.

According to her, there is no communication with those who were in touch with the Office of the Ukrainian Ombudsman on February 20.

Denisova said that the occupiers come to people in a bomb shelter and take them away for forced displacement.

Russia removal from the territory of Ukraine of 402,000 Ukrainians to Russia
Russia removal from the territory of Ukraine of 402,000 Ukrainians to Russia

"For example, on the left bank of Mariupol. A 92-year-old woman, almost lying down, another 67-year-old woman and her husband were forced to board the bus. They were put on the bus and taken to Taganrog ... Agents from Russia's Federal Security Agency (FSB) worked with them," Denisova said.

"Today, the data from the Russian Federation was confirmed. Yesterday there were 366,000, and today 402,000, number of Ukrainians who have been taken from Ukraine to the Russian Federation. Some 84,000 are children," she said.

At the same time, Denisova drew attention to the fact that it is impossible to say unequivocally whether this figure is reliable.

"Is this a Russian propaganda theory or is it really there," the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights added that this could be done "to create a propaganda picture."

"These are citizens of Ukraine who lived on the territory of Ukraine, on the territory controlled by Ukraine," Denisova said.

According to her, Ukrainians are first held in filtration camps in Donetsk region, then they are taken to the Russian Federation, and those who allegedly have no relatives in the Russian Federation are sent to filtration camps.

"The occupiers themselves are creating these" humanitarian corridors "... They are being taken to Omsk, Tomsk, Sakhalin," she added.

March 23. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Losses among civilians from February 24, 2022, when Russia started the war against Ukraine, to 24.00 on March 22, 2022 amounted to 2,571 civilians (2,510 in the report a day earlier), including 977 killed (953).

"OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations where intense hostilities have been going on has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration," it said in the document.

According to it, this applies, for example, to Mariupol and Volnovakha (Donetsk region), Izium (Kharkiv region), Sievierodonetsk and Rubizhne (Luhansk region), and Trostianets (Sumy region), where there are allegations of numerous civilian casualties. These figures are being further corroborated and are not included in the above statistics.

"Most of the civilian casualties recorded were caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including shelling from heavy artillery and multiple-launch rocket systems, and missile and air strikes," the UN said.

According to confirmed UN data, some 196 men, some 144 women, some 27 boys and 12 girls died, while the gender of 42 children and 556 adults has not yet been determined.

Among the 1,594 injured, 24 are girls and 20 boys, as well as 64 children, whose gender has not yet been determined.

Compared to the previous day, according to the UN, three children were killed and the same number were wounded.

OHCHR says that in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as of midnight on March 23, there were 224 (216) killed and 621 (611) wounded in government-controlled territory, and 55 (55) killed and 202 (196) wounded in territory controlled by self-proclaimed "republics."

In other regions of Ukraine (the city of Kyiv, and Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Sumy, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk and Zhytomyr regions), which were under Government control when casualties occurred: 1,469 casualties (698 killed and 771 injured).

According to the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, as of 08:00 on March 23, some 121 (117) children were killed and 167 (155) wounded.

In addition, OHCHR notes the report of the National Police of Kharkiv region, according to which, as of 18:00 on March 21, some 286 (280) civilians, including 15 (15) children, were killed in the region.

An increase in figures in this update compared with the previous update should not be attributed to civilian casualties that occurred on 22 March only, as during the day OHCHR also corroborated casualties that occurred on previous days, the UN said in the document.

March 23. Mayor of Irpin Oleksandr Markushyn wrote this on Telegram: On March 22, Russian troops used phosphorus munitions in their attack on the town of Irpin, Kyiv region.

“Late in the evening on March 22, the Russian invaders used banned phosphorus munitions over the northwestern outskirts of Kyiv. The approximate area of destruction is Hostomel-Irpin," he wrote.

Markushyn stressed that the use of such weapons against civilians is a crime against humanity and a violation of the 1949 Geneva Conventions.

March 23. Oleh Synehubov, Head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration: Over the past 24 hours, Kharkiv was shelled 32 times, as a result of which the Northern Saltivka.

"The invaders lost the war for Kharkiv, so the only thing left for them is to strike from long distances. There were 32 such strikes in one day. The defense headquarters noted the increased activity of the enemy in the use of multiple rocket launchers (MLRS) - 280 times and tank strikes - nine times," Synehubov said on his Telegram channel.

He said that on March 22, the invaders launched rocket attacks on Lozova for the first time, as a result of which at least 8 civilians were injured (of which 4 were in grave condition).

According to Synehubov, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not allowing the enemy to advance in the direction of Izium.

"In the latest attacks, the enemy lost about 400 personnel and dozens of pieces of equipment," he said.

On the night of March 22-23, the Russian plane dropped bombs on the bridge over the Desna River, cutting off Chernihiv from the main highway to Kyiv. This was reported by the head of the Chernihiv Regional Civil-Military Administration Vyacheslav Chaus.

According to the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmyla Denisova, the Russian occupiers are trying to create the same conditions in Chernihiv as in Mariupol. The city has been without electricity, water and heating for several weeks. Due to the constant shelling of Russian troops, public utilities are unable to repair networks, and rescuers are unable to respond to all emergencies. There are almost no humanitarian aid channels left in Chernihiv, as Russian troops are blocking all major entrances to the city.

March 22.Russian military troops shelled a gas station in Mykolaiv. According to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, 3 civilians were killed and 1 woman was injured. A fire broke out as a result of the shelling, the area of the fire was 10 square kilometers.

March 22. The representatives of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic captured an evacuation convoy from Mariupol that was moving through a previously agreed humanitarian corridor. Deputy Prime Minister - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories Iryna Vereshchuk reported that captured people were the workers of the State Emergency Service, the Red Cross took part in the organization of the “green corridor”. The Ukrainian side currently does everything possible to free the hostages up. Russian terrorists claim that they will confiscate the buses, and will think about whether to release people or not. Meanwhile, more than 100 thousand civilians in Mariupol are waiting for the evacuation, but do not have such possibility because of the brutal actions of Russian armed forces.

On March 22, Petro Andrushchenko, Deputy Mayor of Mariupol reported that Russian armed forces purposely planned the humanitarian catastrophe in Mariupol. In the first days of the full-scale Russian invasion, local government with the help of large retail chains made a huge food reserves in advance. The food would have been enough for months, not even weeks. The reserves were placed in the storage space of the enterprise “Komunalnyk”, and was guarded by the territorial defense. However, the next day, Russian occupiers intentionally destroyed the food reserves with the artillery systems. 400 thousand residents of Mariupol remained without the daily bread under the Russian seige.

March 22. Dmytro Zhyvytskyi, the Sumy Regional Military-Civil Administration: Russian troops terrorize the population in the temporarily occupied territories of the Sumy region. According to Dmytro Zhyvytskyi statement, in Trostyanets, the Russian occupiers shot the woman who was riding a bicycle. There is no possibility to bury the dead people in the city. Women give birth at home because it is not possible to get to hospitals. The Russian occupiers also stole the last ambulance, so doctors are no longer able to travel to Trostyanets.

Dmytro Zhyvytskyi also said that the Russian occupiers were terrorizing the residents of the Krasnopil community. The Russian troops go from house to house, take away mobile phones from all the people and rifles from local hunters, occupy schools, houses, and expel people out into the street. The invaders force people to go to Russia, but locals refuse under threat of execution.

March 22. The Prosecutor General’s Office on Telegram: As a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, 117 children have already been killed and more than 155 have been injured.

“As of the morning of March 22, 2022, 117 children were killed and more than 155 were injured. Most children suffered in Kyiv region – 58, Kharkiv region – 40, Chernihiv region – 31, Donetsk region – 30, Mykolaiv region – 24, Kyiv city – 16, Zhytomyr region – 15, Kherson region – 15, and Sumy region – 14,” the Prosecutor General’s Office posted on Telegram.

The PGO noted that a Russian tank had shot down a car with a family of two children in Kharkiv region. The family shouted that they were civilians, waving a white flag, but all their efforts were in vain. Parents and a 9-year-old girl were killed, a 17-year-old boy was injured.

The burnt bodies of three people, including a 7-year-old child, were found under the rubble of destroyed houses as a result of the shelling of Kostiantynivka village of Mykolayiv region.

On March 21, 2022, the occupiers fired on buses evacuating children from Mariupol. Four children were taken to hospital. Three children came under fire in Polohy district of Zaporizhzhia region, another child – in the village of Kamenske. Two children are in serious condition.

In addition, bombings and shelling damaged 548 educational institutions, 72 of which were completely destroyed, mostly in Donetsk, Kharkiv, Mykolayiv, Sumy, Kyiv, Kherson, Chernihiv regions and in the city of Kyiv. More than 40 children's institutions, including healthcare facilities, art schools, sports facilities, and libraries, were also destroyed.

The PGO notes that these data are not final, given the lack of opportunity to inspect the areas where active hostilities are taking place and in the temporarily occupied territories.

March 22. Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk: More than 100,000 citizens remain in the port city of Mariupol, the Donetsk region. "[We have managed to evacuate] 45,000 since the beginning of the occupation but I must say how many remain there. More than 100,000 people remain there," Vereshchuk said.

Ukrinform reported earlier that the number of civilian casualties in Mariupol is growing every day and exceeded 3,000 people as of March 21. There is a humanitarian catastrophe in the city.

Some 3,007 Mariupol residents were evacuated from Mariupol to Zaporizhia on March 21.

One of the residential buildings in Mariupol, that was destroyed by russian troops
One of the residential buildings in Mariupol, that was destroyed by russian troops

March 21. Head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration: Russian invaders opened fire on a children's hospital in Severodonetsk: patients and staff were timely evacuated. "Today, the ‘Russian peace‘ knocked on the door to kids – Russian monsters opened fire on a children's hospital in Severodonetsk. As a result, the roof caught fire. Fortunately, all young patients, their mothers and staff were timely evacuated. I do not understand how one can lift a hand to aim at children? How are these scums going to live with this? There is no forgiveness for them!” the governor said.

He noted that in Luhansk region, the cities of Severodonetsk, Rubizhne, Lysychansk, Popasna, Novodruzhesk, Toshkivka suffered from Russian shelling during the day.

March 21. Vitaly Klitschko, Kyiv Mayor: Since the beginning of Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine, 65 civilians, including four children, have been killed in the aggressor’s attacks on Kyiv.

“As of today, almost 300 people, including 16 children, have suffered from Russian shelling of our city. Many people have been hospitalized. Sixty-five civilians, including four children, have been killed,” Vitaly Klitschko said on the nationwide telethon. According to him, Russian invaders continue shelling Kyiv as their plan to quickly capture the capital failed.

March 21. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency reported as of 13:00 in Kyiv time on March 20: Russia's war against Ukraine forced 3.49 million people to flee the country in 25 incomplete days of the war seeking safety, protection and assistance.

The agency said that the Ukrainian-Polish border accounted for 59.7% of all refugees: 2.084 million.

Romania received 535,461 andMoldova 365,197, Hungary received 312,120, and Slovakia 250,036.

UNHCR in recent days has recorded an increase in the number of refugees from Ukraine to Russia and Belarus - up to 231,764 and 3,765, respectively. According to the agency, if over the past six days the total number of refugees from Ukraine increased by 18.2%, then to Russia – by 62.1%, and to Belarus – three times.

"As the situation continues to unfold, an estimated 4 million people may flee Ukraine," the UNHCR said.

Three days ago, UNHCR estimated that there were currently 6.5 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine, and more than 12 million people have been affected in the most war-affected areas of Ukraine.

"Humanitarian needs are growing exponentially," UNHCR said on 18 March.

The agency said that by the middle of 2021 there were only 53,470 Ukrainian refugees in the world who applied for the appropriate status, of which 36,490 were in Europe.

As of the middle of 2020, the UNHCR estimated the Ukrainian diaspora in the world at 6.1 million, including 5 million in Europe.

The agency said that the right to move freely within the Schengen area means there are very few border controls within the European Union. The data of arrivals in Schengen countries (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) bordering Ukraine therefore only represents border crossings into that country, but we estimate that a large number of people have moved onwards to other countries.

In addition, UNHCR does not count individuals from bordering countries leaving Ukraine to return home.

March 21. The Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kyiv City: In the Podilskyi district of Kyiv, four people were killed in a fire caused by enemy shelling late on the evening of March 20. It is reported that the fire was isolated on a total area of 1,500 square meters at 02:18 March 21. It later became known that cars in the parking lot and 3rs and 4th floors of a shopping center had caught on fire as a result of enemy shelling.

March 21. Dmytro Zhyvytskyy, the Head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration: Ammonia leaked as Russian invaders shelled the Sumykhimprom chemical plant in northern Ukraine. According to the official, the leak occurred at 04:30 on March 21. The radius of the affected area is about 5 km.

Zhyvytskyy noted that Ammonia is a colourless toxic explosive gas with a distinct pungent smell.

Ammonia is lighter than air, so shelters, basements and lower floors should be used for protection.

As reported, the United States believes that Russia plans to conduct a false flag operation and use chemical or bacteriological weapons in Ukraine to blame the Ukrainian side and Western countries.

Sumykhimprom chemical plant in northern Ukraine
Sumykhimprom chemical plant in northern Ukraine, photo UNIAN

March 20. Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine started on February 24, at least 10 million Ukrainians have been forced to left their homes.

“The war in Ukraine is so devastating that 10 million have fled — either displaced inside the country, or as refugees abroad,” Commissioner posted on Twitter. Among the responsibilities of those who wage war, everywhere in the world, is the suffering inflicted on civilians who are forced to flee their homes, Grandi stressed.

March 20. Footage from a drone shows the Ukrainian city of Mariupol destroyed by Russia.

March 20. Dmytro Orlov, Enerhodar Mayor: The Russian military has abducted the first deputy mayor of Enerhodar since the city authorities refused to cooperate with the invaders.

"The occupiers, who did not get any cooperation from the city authorities, committed outright criminal acts. First Deputy Mayor Ivan Samoidiuk has been abducted! We do not know in what condition he is! He hasn't got in contact since yesterday. And today we received verified information that he was cynically abducted!" the statement reads.

Vadym Denysenko, an adviser to the Ukrainian interior minister, said earlier that one of Russia's strategies is to kidnap people, intimidate and use them as a human shield.

March 20. The Mariupol City Council wrote on Telegram: On March 19, the Russian occupiers dropped bombs on art school No.12 in Livoberezhny district in Mariupol, where about 400 Mariupol residents were hiding - women, children and the elderly. It is known that the building was destroyed, and peaceful people are still under the rubble. Information on the number of victims is being clarified.

March 19. Kyiv's administration: Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, some 228 people, including four children. Some 912 people were wounded, including 16 children.

On March 18, it was reported that since the beginning of the Russian armed aggression on the territory of Ukraine in Kyiv, some 222 people were killed and 889 were wounded.

March 19. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Losses among civilians from February 24, 2022, when Russia started the war against Ukraine, to 00:00 on March 18, 2022 amounted to 2,246 civilians (in the report a day earlier some 2,149), including 847 killed (816).

"OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, especially in Government-controlled territory and especially in recent days, as the receipt of information from some locations where intense hostilities have been going on has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration." it said in the document.

According to the office, this applies, for example, to Mariupol and Volnovakha (Donetsk region), Izium (Kharkiv region), Severodonetsk and Rubizhne (Luhansk region), Trostianets (Sumy region), where there are reports of numerous civilian casualties. They are subject to further verification and are not included in the above statistics.

"Most of the civilian casualties recorded were caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including shelling from heavy artillery and multiple-launch rocket systems, and missile and air strikes," the office said.

According to confirmed UN data, some 155 men, some 119 women, some 21 boys and seven girls killed, while the gender of 36 children and 509 adults is yet unknown.

Among the 1,399 wounded, some 18 girls and nine boys, as well as 51 children, whose gender is yet unknown.

Compared to the previous day, five children were killed and four others were wounded, according to the UN.

OHCHR said that in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as of midnight on March 19, there were 187 (172) killed and 547 (503) wounded in government-controlled territory, and 53 (50) killed and 181 (178) wounded in territory controlled by self-proclaimed "republics."

In other regions of Ukraine under government control (in Kyiv, as well as in Zhytomyr, Zaporizhia, Kyiv, Sumy, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Dnipropetrovsk, Cherkasy and Chernihiv regions), the UN recorded 607 (594) killed and 671 (652) wounded.

March 19. The Ovruch City Council: The Russian military destroyed the village of Pryvar in the Zhytomyr region from a helicopter. According to Ukrinform, the Ovruch City Council announced this on Facebook.

"Today at 10:00, a helicopter fired at the village of Pryvar in the Ovruch community. The village was completely destroyed. There are no casualties because the villagers were hiding in the basements," the statement said.

March 19. National Police: As a result of enemy attacks on Makariv, seven civilians were killed. Five people were injured and are now in hospital. A number of households, an administrative building, and other premises were damaged in the Russian attack.

The police are working on the site of the shelling, documenting the fallout and helping residents affected by the airstrike.

March 19. SBU security service: According to the intercepted communications of the occupation forces, Ukrinform wrote citing a report by the SBU security service. Among other things, the invaders admit that they target civilian high-rise apartment blocks despite the fact that their residents are still in place

"A new portion of nonsense has been fed to the Russcists’ minds, brainwashed by propaganda: it is alleged that in every high-rise block, whole floors are full of machine gunnes and grenade launcher operators. That snipers occupy the top floors and anti-tank weapons, powerful missile launchers and Javelins are on the roofs," said the SBU.

According to the security agency, the Russian military justifies mass killings of civilians by assuming that President Vladimir Putin had allegedly given civilians time to leave, but they never did.

"That is, according to the occupiers’ logic, Ukrainians are guilty of living in their homes! Yes, we do live in our homes, we live in our country! And you, the invaders, have no place here! If you don’t get out, you will remain buried in our land forever! And those who survive will be telling tales of "Ukrainian high-rises armed to the teeth" in a courtroom in The Hague. We will win! Glory to Ukraine," the SBU wrote in a statement.

March 19. Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office: Russian troops have killed 112 children in Ukraine since February 24.

“As of the morning of the 24th day of the full-scale Russian invasion, 112 children were killed and more than 140 wounded in Ukraine. The largest number of victims has been recorded in Kyiv region - 57, Kharkiv region - 36, Donetsk region - 28, Chernihiv region - 30, Mykolaiv region - 21, Zhytomyr region - 15, Sumy region – 14, and Kherson region – 14,” the PGO’s press service wrote on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

In addition, regular air strikes and shelling of civilian infrastructure and residential areas by the Russian armed forces damaged 489 educational institutions. Of which, 69 were completely destroyed. The most damaged schools and kindergartens are in Donetsk region - 138, Kharkiv region - 77, Kyiv region - 41, Mykolaiv region - 39, Sumy region - 33, Kherson region - 21, and in Kyiv city - 43.

Data on losses are being clarified as the calculation is complicated by the high intensity of hostilities.

March 19. The State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Zhytomyr region: On March 18, the village of Budo-Vorobi, Korosten district, came under the enemy artillery fire. As a result of the attack, a private house and an outbuilding were damaged and then caught fire,” the report says.

March 18. The Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Lyudmyla Denisova (Ukrinform release): As of today (March 19), 1,833 criminal cases have been opened on war crimes committed by the Russian army during the war in Ukraine. Ukraine will submit all evidence of these crimes to international courts.

Denisova noted that the actions of the occupiers are the genocide of the Ukrainian people and war not only against our state but also against the whole civilization.

March 18. Ukrainian State Emergency Service on Telegram: “At about 08:40 a.m., March 18, 2022, the enemy shelling in Kharkiv seriously damaged a six-storey building of the higher educational institution. Two neighboring residential houses were also affected,” the report states.

As a result, one person was killed. One more person is remaining trapped under the debris. Eleven people were injured. Fires in two residential houses were extinguished. The information is yet to be updated.

March 18. Ministry of Defense of Ukraine posted on Facebook: housands killed by Russian invaders! 90% of the town was destroyed in attacks launched by Putin's soldiers. Russians hold Mariupol residents hostage by blocking humanitarian corridors. There is no electricity, gas or heat in the town," the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine said.

March 18. Ukraine’s Prosecutor General's Office investigating 1,720 criminal cases over Russian aggression. Since the beginning of the war, the Prosecutor General's Office has registered 1,720 crimes of aggression and war crimes and 1,137 crimes against national security.

Ukraine’s Prosecutor General's Office investigating 1,720 criminal cases over Russian aggression, Defense Express
Ukraine’s Prosecutor General's Office official emblem

As the Prosecutor General's Office informs, 1,720 crimes of aggression and war crimes have been registered since the beginning of the war, including 1,672 cases over violation of the laws and customs of war (Article 438 of the Criminal Code), 28 – plotting, preparing, or initiating and waging an aggressive war (Article 437 of the Criminal Code). There are also cases over the propaganda of war initiated under Article 436 of the Criminal Code, and 16 cases opened under other articles.

In addition, 1,137 crimes against national security have been registered since February 24. Of these, 827 – over encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine (Article 110 of the Criminal Code), 224 – high treason (Article 111 of the Criminal Code), 43 – sabotage (Article 113 of the Criminal Code), and others.

Moreover, the Prosecutor General's Office has brought charges against 68 people among the military-political leadership of the Russian Federation, including ministers, MPs, military command members, officials, law enforcement officials, instigators of war, and Kremlin propagandists.

March 18. Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office: Russian military kill 109 children in Ukraine.

As of March 18, 2022, a total of 109 children died in Ukraine due to the Russian armed aggression, - Ukrinform reports citing the relevant statement was made by the Prosecutor General’s Office on Telegram.

Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office, Russian military kill 109 children in Ukraine, Defense Express
Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office: Russian military kill 109 children in Ukraine / Photo credit: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP

“As a result of the Russian armed aggression, as of March 18, 2022, a total of 109 children were killed and more than 130 children were wounded. Most casualties were recorded in Kyiv Region (55), Kharkiv Region (34), Donetsk Region (26), Chernihiv Region (29), Mykolaiv Region (20), Zhytomyr Region (15), Sumy Region (14) and Kherson Region (14),” the report states.

Due to Russian bombardments and shelling, more than 439 educational institutions were damaged, and 63 of them were destroyed completely. Most destructions were reported in Donetsk Region (126), Kharkiv Region (77), Mykolaiv Region (39), Sumy Region (32), Kyiv Region (41), Kherson Region (21) and the city of Kyiv (35).

The final data are yet to be reported, as it is impossible to inspect certain areas, where active hostilities are underway.

March 17. State Emergency Service of Ukraine: Russian enemy airstrike on a dormitory in Chernihiv killed three children and their parents.

“When dismantling building construction, rescuers removed a killed family of five people: three children, a boy and a girl, 3-year-old twins, 12-year-old sister, and their parents. All of them were killed as a result of an enemy air strike on a dormitory," the posted State Emergency Service of Ukraine on Facebook.

Russian enemy airstrike on a dormitory in Chernihiv killed three children and their parents, photo Ukrinform
Russian enemy airstrike on a dormitory in Chernihiv killed three children and their parents, photo Ukrinform

March 17. Viacheslav Zadorenko, Derhachi Mayor: The Russian military have dropped cluster bombs on the village of Kozacha Lopan, Kharkiv Region, killing at least six people.

“Several hours ago, the Russian military dropped cluster bombs on Kozacha Lopan. As a result, at least six people were killed. Casualty numbers are yet to be reported,” Zadorenko wrote.

In his words, Russian invaders bombarded the railway station, shops, pharmacies and other public buildings situated in the center of the village.

Meanwhile, the military infrastructure objects, placed by Russian invaders within Kozacha Lopan, as well as Russian troops, remained unharmed.

March 17. National Police of Ukraine in Kyiv Region on Facebook: A 2-year-old child has been killed and four people have been wounded in shelling on the village of Novi Petrivtsi, Kyiv Region, by Russian troops.

As a result, an apartment block was destroyed, and neighboring residential houses were damaged.

According to the preliminary data, a 2-year-old child was killed and four people suffered multiple wounds.

March 17. Viacheslav Chaus, head of Chernihiv Regional State Administration: Fifty-three civilians have been killed in Russian shelling in Chernihiv over the past 24 hours."The enemy is exposing the city to systemic artillery and air strikes, destroying the civilian infrastructure of Chernihiv. Over the past 24 hours, 53 bodies of victims killed by the Russians have been brought to the morgue. The Armed Forces of Ukraine retaliate with devastating blows. The enemy is panicking and incurring losses," Chaus said.

He also dwelled on utility services and social problems. Despite continuous shelling, crews of electricians and other utility workers are constantly working in the city, trying to restore electricity, gas and water supply. Chaus advised everyone sheltering in basements without water and food to turn to the military.

He also spoke separately about the negotiations on the organization of an evacuation corridor.

"It depends not only on us, but also on the enemy. Until there is an agreement from the invaders, I will not send people to certain death," Chaus said.

March 17. In the Luhansk region, Russian aggressors last night killed two civilians in Rubizhne and Sievierodonetsk and injured five more in Rubizhne. Serhii Haidai, head of the Luhansk regional military administration, said this in a statement posted on Facebook.

"The Russians are deliberately targeting civilians! Residents of Rubizhne lost more than 20 houses overnight. One was killed, five were wounded… Rubizhne was cynically shelled over the past day and night. Whole streets were burning in the city. In the regional center of Sievierodonetsk, the occupiers took one life," he wrote.

According to him, the invaders use all kinds of weapons to kill residents of the Luhansk region. Heavy fighting was recorded in Popasna as well, where residential houses were damaged.

"It is already extremely difficult to count the damage, because every building in the region has suffered at the hands of the Russians!" Haidai said.

Russian invaders shelled the town of Rubizhne in the Luhansk region all night on March 17, damaging at least 27 homes.

Serhii Haidai, head of the Luhansk regional military administration, said this in a statement released on Telegram.

Rubizhne in the Luhansk region

"On the night of March 16-17, the Russians staged a hell in Rubizhne, with shelling lasting all night. At least 27 houses caught fire in the city after Russian shelling, and even whole streets were burning in some areas. At least five houses caught fire in Popasna and one in Sieviedonetsk. Information on victims is being clarified," Haidai wrote.

He noted that the Russian army continues to purposefully fire on civilians who are not even allowed to flee to safety.

"A few days ago we saw them open fire on buses with refugees in Rubizhne, and yesterday they fired in the direction of Mariupol. We barely managed to take women and children out of Popasna," he said.

On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine. Russian troops have been shelling and destroying key infrastructure, residential areas of Ukrainian cities and villages using artillery, multiple launch rocket systems and ballistic missiles.

March 16. Russian invaders destroyed the Drama Theater in the center of Mariupol, which was used as a bomb shelter for hundreds of people.

According to Ukrinform, the Mariupol City Council reported this on Telegram.

Drama Theater in the center of Mariupol was destroyed by the Russian invaders

"Today, the Russcist troops purposefully and cynically destroyed the Drama Theater in the heart of Mariupol. The plane dropped a bomb on the building where hundreds of peaceful residents of Mariupol were hiding. It is still impossible to assess the scale of this horrific and inhumane act, because the city's residential areas are still being shelled," the statement reads.

According to the statement, after the bombing, the central part of the theater and the entrance to the bomb shelter in the building were destroyed. Information about the victims is being clarified.

"It is impossible to find words that could describe the level of cruelty and cynicism with which the Russian occupiers are destroying the civilian population of the Ukrainian port city. Women, children, and the elderly remain a target for the enemy. These are completely unarmed peaceful people. It is obvious that the only goal of the Russian army is the genocide of the Ukrainian people," the City Council said.

The City Council stressed that no matter how much time passes, Ukrainians will never forgive a single victim, a single drop of blood that was shed because of this crazy war.

Earlier reports said that 2,187 residents of Mariupol were killed by Russian attacks as of March 13.

March 16. The UN International Court of Justice in The Hague will consider the issue concerning reparations Ukraine demands from Russia over damages inflicted during hostilities.

Oksana Zolotariova, Ukraine's co-agent, said this in an exclusive comment to an Ukrinform correspondent in The Hague, at an ICJ hearing on Wednesday, March 16.

“The court recognized its preliminary jurisdiction. We now turn to the merits, and the court will now determine whether it has full jurisdiction to hear the case. Then we turn to the question of what responsibility should be borne by Russia. First of all, it is a matter of establishing the facts of its violation of international law, which is a key priority of Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. The court will then proceed to consider reparations. We are talking about compensation for the damage, both moral and material, which was inflicted on the people of Ukraine," said the co-agent.

"But this issue will be considered at a later stage. Now the court will set out the course of proceedings in the coming days, perhaps within a week, and then we will see how we will move forward," said Zolotariova.

She also reminded that on the third day of the invasion, Ukraine filed a lawsuit vs Russia with the UN International Court of Justice demanding that the aggressor be brought justice for distorting the concept of genocide.

"The case concerns the fact that Russia has unjustifiably accused Ukraine of committing genocide against residents of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, including those that had long remained under Russian occupation. Based on this false, baseless statement, Russia has committed a large-scale armed aggression against Ukraine. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has made it very clear what will threaten Russia if this order is not fulfilled. And that this means its continued total isolation. Ukraine achieved a historic victory today. This is not only a historic victory of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Government of Ukraine against Russia, it is first of all a victory for international law and international legal order, as the UN International Court of Justice ordered Russia to immediately suspend its so-called military operation. This is a victory for every Ukrainian who is currently suffering. This is the victory for every warrior who is defending our land. And this victory is also in honor of those Ukrainians who died over these 21 days," she said.

The UN International Court of Justice has ruled that Russia must cease fire and withdraw troops; ordered that Russia take the following preliminary measures: immediately suspend military operations launched on February 24, 2022, on the territory of Ukraine.

The Court recognized its jurisdiction in the case of interpreting the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Russia was refused to have the case closed so the case will be considered on the merits.

The court has no evidence to support Russia's allegations of genocide committed by Ukraine.

On the third day of the invasion, Ukraine filed a lawsuit against Russia with the UN International Court of Justice demanding that the aggressor be held accountable for distorting the concept of genocide. After all, Russia is actually trying to alter the reality to justify its attack. So, in fact, the court has to decide whether genocide was committed in Ukraine. The fact is that Russia, as always, is trying to distort things, claiming that Ukraine is allegedly guilty of genocide in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and that Russia was therefore forced to use military force.

March 16. The U.S. Senate on Tuesday unanimously adopted a resolution condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin as a war criminal. That's according to Reuters.

"The resolution, introduced by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and backed by senators of both parties, encouraged the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague and other nations to target the Russian military in any investigation of war crimes committed during Russia's invasion of Ukraine," the statement said.

According to Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Democrats and Republicans joined together to say that "Vladimir Putin cannot escape accountability for the atrocities committed against the Ukrainian people."

Last week, both houses of U.S. Congress approved legislation providing $13.6 billion in aid to Ukraine and its European allies. U.S. President Joe Biden signed the bill into law on March 15.

March 16. Prosecutor General: Since start of Russian invasion in Ukraine, 103 children killed, over 100 wounded.

March 15. Vitaliy Kim, head of the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration: "The situation is stable. There is fighting on two fronts. There has been shelling of the city. Over the past 24 hours there have been 80 wounded. Two of them are children. There are more fatalities after a school was hit by aerial bombs. It is calmer today. We have pushed them away from the city a little bit. Our people, I think, are getting used to this condition: bad people are bombing us, but we are just living our lives, planning how to get them out of here and defend our city."

Kim noted that "we can't be 101% sure, but we can be 99% sure" that Mykolaiv will hold off the invaders.

March 15. Adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, Petro Andryushchenko said that the overall situation in the city is catastrophic. The number of casualties after the Russian shelling is approaching 2 000 people, according to him. "We have inaccurate data on civilians who died because this information was obtained from the police and confirmed by medical institutions. This is a handful of people we know. Yesterday the number was 1,800."

Mariupol today

"We talked about an ‘optimistic’ scenario four days ago - about 10,000 casualties as of today. But with the intensity and the brutality increased, we can tell that even if the blockade ends now and we can start searching for these people, the number of casualties is already approaching 20,000."

"However, if we don’t do that in the coming days, the number will approximate 350,000 - all those who did not have time to leave."

"The bodies are being buried everywhere: in the yards, on the streets. Due to the intensity of the shelling, people cannot even go outside to bury their loved ones. Municipal services do not work, the cemetery is located on territory controlled by the Russian army. Death is everywhere, it is visible. "

March 15. State Emergency Service: Russian troops have shelled a ten-story apartment building in the Podil neighbourhood in central Kyiv, causing fire on the first through fifth floors. Another Russian shell hit a two-story private house in the Osokorky neighbourhood, a largely residential neighbourhood on the left bank of Kyiv.

March 15. National Police on Telegram: The Russian troops opened mortar fire on the convoy of evacuees from Hostomel, killing one woman and wounding two men. "Evacuation from Hostomel was two-staged. The first convoy of 10 buses, mostly women with children, the elderly, and disabled people, reached its destination successfully.

The Russian troops opened mortar fire on the second convoy of 4 buses. The driver of one of the buses was wounded in the shelling. A married couple in a Volkswagen car was also hit by the Russian shelling, both were wounded. The woman died at the scene. The Russian troops in Hostomel, where fierce fighting has been going on since the first day of the war, have started taking local residents hostage.

March 14. Pavlo Kuzmenko, Mayor of Okhtyrka: "Okhtyrka – its residential neighbourhood, residential houses – was bombed at night. At least 3 people died, others have not been found yet. Behind me, houses are burning. Unfortunately, we do not yet have any air defences – the whole country does not yet have such defences. People around the world are asking: defend the sky, close the sky over Ukraine. Those pilots who are bombing the town of Okhtyrka have to understand that they are killing civilians, and their children – the children of those bastard pilots, will burn in hell."

March 13. Mariupol City Council: 2187 Mariupol residents died from Russian attacks. The occupiers dropped about 100 bombs on Mariupol, according to the city council. In at least 24 hours, the aggressor bombed a peaceful city 22 times. The occupiers are cynically and purposefully beating residential buildings, crowded places, ruining children's hospitals and completely destroying the city's infrastructure.

March 13. American documentary filmmaker Brent Renaud was killed in the shelling in Irpin. Renaud was a director and in the past collaborated with the NYT, but he was not in Ukraine on assignment.

Brent Renaud
Filmmaker Brent Renaud

Ohmatdyt Hospital spokeswoman Anastasia Magerramova posted a video from the hospital where another American journalist, Wayne, was taken. According to him, they were filming refugees evacuated from Irpin, and Russian troops started shoot­ing at them near the checkpoint.

March 13 Russian troops launched an air strike on the villages of Okhtyrka district of Sumy region. This was stated by the mayor of Okhtyrka Pavlo Kuzmenko. The Russian occupiers smashed an ambulance car that accompanied the evacuation convoy from Trostyanets. Ukrposhta's car was also destroyed. This was announced by the head of Sumy Regional Military Administration Dmytro Zhyvytskyi: «While yesterday, March 12, an ambulance was escorting an evacuation convoy from Trostyanets, Russian troops were looting in the city itself. Ukrposhta's offices and cars were smashed, the also broke into the ambulance station. Everything was broken, medicines and equipment were stolen. They also stole three ambulances».

March 13. Zaporizhzhia and Region. The occupiers are robbing a humanitarian convoy heading to Mariupol. According to the Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration, the humanitarian convoy, which went to Mariupol, was robbed on its way by the Russian occupiers. The Russian military forcibly confiscated food, clothing, and personal hygiene items at each checkpoint along the route.

On March 13, at 8:30 a.m., the Russian occupiers captured and took hostage the mayor of Dniprorudne in the Vasylivka district of the Zaporizhia region. This was stated by the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration Oleksandr Starukh.

March 13. Mayor of Mykolaiv Alexander Senkevich: "We have a lot of evidence that Mykolaiv is being attacked with cluster bombs from Kherson, which is now occupied by Russia. They do not attack military installations. They strike only at civilian areas. They even destroyed a nursing home."

Cluster bombs are banned by international convention, and their use is condemned by the UN, because they are aimed at increasing the number of civilian casualties, and by no means at attacking military infrastructure.

On March 13 the Russian occupying forces continued shelling of residential quarters of Mykolaiv. Nine people were killed in shelling in one of the city's neighborhoods. The head of the Mykolaiv military administration Vitaly Kim reported about it. According to him, people died as a result of the bombing.

The Mykolaiv city mayor Oleksandr Senkevich noted that during attacks 13 people were wounded, seven of them are in resuscitation. "These are ordinary people, mostly elderly, who were queuing at an ATM, others - in a queue near a supermarket. They just bombed residential areas. Shells fell on the playground, damaged roofs in private houses. We are looking for any dead or wounded" - Oleksandr Senkevych said.

On March 13, Russian troops fired at a school in one of the settlements of the Mykolaiv region. There may be people under the rubble. It is stated by the head of the Mykolaiv regional military administration Vitaly Kim. "The invaders fired at a school in one of the settlements, people are under the rubble, we are evacuating," - he said.

March 13. As of the morning of March 13, 85 children had died and nearly 100 had been injured in Russia's military aggression against Ukraine. This was reported by the Office of the Attorney General. These figures are not final, given the inability to inspect the sites where the Russian armed forces are conducting active hostilities and in the temporarily occupied territories.

March 13. Pavlo Kyrylenko, the Head of Donetsk Regional Military Administration (Interfax Ukraine): As a result of a night air raid on the Kramatorsk-Lviv evacuation train, one person was killed and one was wounded.

"At about 00:00, as a result of an air raid, the Kramatorsk-Lviv evacuation train was damaged. As a result of this cynical crime, one person died, one was injured," Kyrylenko wrote on his Telegram channel on Sunday.

In turn, Ukrzaliznytsia reports that on the night of March 12-13, a passenger train was hit by debris during shelling near the Brusyn station in Donetsk region. It was heading for an evacuation voyage to Lyman to pick up residents of Luhansk and Donetsk regions, who were in the zone of fierce hostilities.

"As a result of the injuries, one of the train attendants of this train died, the other was injured and taken to the hospital in Sloviansk, where she is now being treated. Ukrzaliznytsia is now making every effort to evacuate the train crew of the damaged train and all passengers, including about 100 children, who were waiting for rescue at the station in Lyman," the report says.

March 13. Oleksiy Biloshitskyi, First Deputy Chief of the Patrol Police Department of Ukraine: Occupants used phosphorus bombs in Popasna, Luhansk region on March 13.

March 12. The Prosecutor General's Office: At least 79 children were killed and almost 100 were injured after Russia launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

Most affected children are in the Kyiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Sumy, Kherson and Zhytomyr regions. These data are not final as it is impossible to inspect the areas of shelling where the Russian armed forces are conducting active hostilities.

So far, more than 280 educational institutions have been destroyed, and nine of them have been completely destroyed. Some 110 educational institutions were damaged in the Donetsk region, 28 in the Sumy region, 17 in Kyiv and more than ten children's medical institutions.

On average, during the war, Russian invaders destroy 17 educational institutions every day. As a result, seven million children have been deprived of the opportunity to study due to active hostilities in Ukraine and the deliberate destruction of such institutions.

March 11. As a result of the use of cluster munitions by Russia in Ukraine, some 13 people were killed and 47 were injured, Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Liz Throssell said. "We have also received credible reports of several cases of Russian forces using cluster munitions, including in populated areas. On 24 February, a cluster munition exploded at the Central City Hospital in Vuhledar, in government-controlled Donetsk, killing four civilians, injuring 10 others, and damaging ambulances, civilian vehicles and the hospital itself. There were other cluster munition attacks in several districts of Kharkiv, in which nine civilians were killed and 37 injured," Trossel said at a briefing on Friday.

Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Liz Throssell
Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Liz Throssell

She said that due to their wide area effects, the use of cluster munitions in populated areas is incompatible with the international humanitarian law principles governing the conduct of hostilities.

In addition, Trossel drew attention to the fact that the UN received information that the hospital in Mariupol, which was attacked by Russia, was clearly identifiable and functioning at the time of the shelling.

"On 9 March, a Russian airstrike hit Mariupol Hospital No.3 injuring at least 17 civilians. We are still investigating reports that at least three civilians may have been killed in the airstrike. We spoke to different sources in Mariupol, including local authorities, indicating consistently that the hospital was both clearly identifiable and operational when it was hit," she said.

Trossel said the UN has recorded 549 civilian deaths and 957 injuries since the armed attack began on 24 February, although the actual figure could be much higher.

March 11. Russian Ministry of Defense published an infographic in which the TOS-1A Heavy Flamethrower System is mentioned, thus de-facto admitting its usage in the war with Ukraine. The TOS-1A "Solntsepyok" is a thermobaric weapon prohibited by the International humanitarian law. The evidence can be found on the Russian MoD website. The press center published an infographic featuring Sergeant Sergey Gubarev. According to the statement, on March 4 Gubarev, being a TOS-1A gunner-operator, "destroyed 14 units of the enemy [Ukrainian] weaponry and military machinery and over 40" Ukrainian troops.

March 11. A psychiatric hospital near Kharkiv was reported to have been directly hit by Russian shelling this morning in what local officials called a “brutal attack”. The facility, described as a “psychoneurological boarding school”, had hundreds of people inside at the time, including 50 patients with reduced mobility and ten wheelchair users, according to a local official. However, Ukraine’s state emergencies service said that there were no casualties because “all 30 staff and 330 patients were in a bomb shelter at the time of the strike”.

Russia is destroying Ukrainian civil infrastructure methodically

March, 10 During the 15 days of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, more than 280 educational institutions were damaged or destroyed by bombing and shelling. This was stated by Minister of Education and Science Serhiy Shkarlet.

March, 10 Since the beginning of the war, the aggressor has shelled 63 Ukrainian hospitals, killing five doctors and wounding 10, Health Minister Viktor Liashko said.

"Russian terrorists fired on 63 hospitals. Unfortunately, we have lost five medical workers, more than 10 doctors are seriously injured and cannot work," he said on the air of a telethon on the ICTV channel on Thursday.

At the same time, Liashko stressed that outside the combat zone, medical assistance is provided in full no matter where those who need it live, ambulance teams respond to calls.

Health Minister Viktor Liashko
Health Minister Viktor Liashko

March, 10 The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has lost remote data transmission from its safeguards systems installed to monitor nuclear material at the Chornobyl and Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plants. Ukrinform reports this with reference to the IAEA website.

Chornobyl  nuclear power plant
Chornobyl nuclear power plant

“IAEA in recent days had lost remote data transmission from its safeguards systems installed to monitor nuclear material at the Chornobyl NPP and another Ukrainian nuclear power plant now controlled by Russian forces, the Zaporizhzhia NPP,” the agency said.

March, 9. Russian forces bombed a maternity and children's hospital in southern Ukraine, authorities there said Wednesday, an attack described by the country's President Volodymyr Zelensky as an "atrocity."

The reported attack came despite Russia agreeing to a 12-hour pause in hostilities to allow refugees to evacuate a number of towns and cities.

Mariupol city council posted a video of the devastated hospital in the city and accused Russian forces of dropping several bombs on it from the air.

On March 8 under the procedural management of Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office the authorities have remotely served the notice of suspicion to the commander of one of the AD armies of the Russian Air Force, born in the city of Chuhuiv. The major general is suspected to have committed an infringement of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, as well as have violated the rules and customs of war (Paragraph 3 Article 110, Paragraph 2 Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Major general deliberately gave criminal orders to initiate the bombardment of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region, using the FAB-500 air-dropped bombs amongst other projectiles.

His actions led to countless death amongst the civilian population, as well as partial and complete destruction of apartment buildings, administrative buildings, medical facilities, education institutions, and dormitories.

March, 8. In the city of Mariupol, for the first time in decades, perhaps for the first time since World War 2, a child died of dehydration as a result of a humanitarian catastrophe.

That’s according to President Volodymyr Zelensky, who shared the tragic news in a video address on March 8, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"Mariupol is a peaceful and hard-working city without any internal malice. It was surrounded and blocked. It is being deliberately exhausted, deliberately tortured. The occupiers are deliberately cutting off communications. They have deliberately blocked food supply, water supply, and electricity. For the first time in decades, apparently, since the Nazi invasion, a child has died of dehydration in Mariupol," the head of state said.

March, 8. Since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, 41 children have been killed and 76 more have been injured.

"As of 12:00 on March 8, 2022, 41 children were killed and 76 more were injured since the beginning of invasion of Ukraine," Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova posted on Telegram.

Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova

Police in Dnipropetrovsk region evacuated another 300 people from Kharkiv.

"Among those rescued is a mother with three children who came under Russian artillery fire at night. One of her children was injured in the shock wave. Moreover, during a conversation with police, the woman said that a neighbor's child died in front of them," Denisova said.

March, 7. The head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration Dmytro Zhyvytskyi reported that the enemy dropped air bombs on Sumy and the region and shelled Okhtyrka after 11 pm on March 7. Buildings were destroyed and damaged, and people were injured resulting from the bombing of residential areas in Sumy city. There are dead and injured, rescue teams are on the ground. There are children among the victims.

OnMarch 7 the service members of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation delivered an air strike targeting the residential neighborhood on Romanska and Spartaka streets in the city of Sumy. This act is a cruel violation of the rules of war. One house was completely destroyed and 16 were partially damaged as a result of the air strike. At 7 am, following the inspection of the area, 21 bodies were recovered from the rubble, including 2 children. Under the procedural management of the Sumy Regional Prosecutor’s Office the authorities initiated criminal proceedings following the incident of the violation of the rules and customs of war (Paragraph 2, Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March, 7. On March 7, 2022, enemy troops shelled a bus near Liutizh village of Vyshhorod district, Kyiv region, with motor fire. The National Guard of Ukraine member, a driver who was to evacuate the civilian population, was wounded.

The occupation forces shelled the village of Byshiv of the Fastiv district on the morning of March 7. Residential buildings, household outbuildings, and vehicles were destroyed.

The Russian Federation troops launched an armed attack on civilians and opened fire on buildings in Peremoha village of Bucha district. A resident was wounded by small arms in Moshchunv village. A woman got a gunshot wound in Irpin.

The Prosecutor's Office of Kyiv Region has initiated an investigation into the facts of encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, as well as violations of the laws and customs of war (Article 110, Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

On March 7 the service members of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation utilized combat aviation assets to deliver air strikes targeting the city of Zhytomyr and the settlement of Cherniahiv. The shelling destroyed the fuel reservoirs and caused fire at an oil plant. The oil plant fire can lead to an environmental disaster. Zhytomyr Regional Prosecutor’s Office has launched the pre-trial investigation of an ecocide incident – the poisoning of the environment that can lead to an ecological disaster (Article 441 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

OnMarch 6 the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation bombed the Skelia military historical complex in Korosten. As a result of the shelling the head of the complex was wounded and the building of the Volodymyr Synhaivskyi Korosten Lyceum №2 was damaged. In Ovruch the bombing destroyed the building of the Zhytomyr Regional Employment Center, as well as a residential house, where according to preliminary data 2 individuals may be trapped under the rubble.

The shelling of Malyn destroyed the building of the local military recruitment station and damaged the Saint Pokrova Church, as well as the bridge across the Irsha river. 1 individual was killed and 3 were wounded as a result of the shelling.

Zhytomyr Regional Prosecutor’s Office has launched the pre-trial investigation of the incidents of the infringement of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, as well as violation of the rules and customs of war combined with murder (Paragraph 3 Article 110, Paragraph 2 Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March, 6 . On March 6, at about 2:00 pm, the Russian occupation forces fired missiles at the airport in Vinnytsia (Havryshivka village), using dual-capable long-range bombers from the Black Sea. President Volodymyr Zelenskyi emphasized that the occupation forces fired eight missiles at Vinnytsia.

March, 6. On March 6, 2022, the Russian Armed Forces attacked the OSCE Office building in Mariupol. As a result, the patrol centre was damaged, and the Mission's communications facilities were destroyed. Two SMM vehicles were also fire burned.

Residential buildings and civilian infrastructure in the Kalmiuskyi and Livoberezhnyi districts of the city were damaged by enemy strikes, and a man died from the injuries in one of the buildings in the Central district shelled by the enemy.

The Mariupol District Prosecutor's Office is conducting a pre-trial investigation into violations of the laws and customs of war (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March, 6. The Russian aggressor shelled the territory of the National Science Center of Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (NSC KIPT) from the Grad multiple launch rocket system. The NSC KIPT has a nuclear research facility called Neutron Source with 37 nuclear fuel cells loaded in its reactive zone.

The destruction of a nuclear facility and nuclear materials storage cells could lead to a large-scale environmental disaster.

Investigators of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region under the procedural guidance of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office have opened criminal proceedings under the article "ecocide" (Article 441 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March, 6. The Russian occupation forces opened fire on two regular ambulances with a crew who carried out evacuations near the settlements of Zlatoustivka-Khlibodarivka of the Donetsk region. Two members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine got mortally wounded. Another Ukrainian soldier was wounded in action. The Donetsk Military and Defense Special Prosecutor’s Office of the Joint Forces has recorded criminal proceedings for violating laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March, 5. The Russian Federation occupation forces keep shelling residential buildings inhabited by civilians of the Donetsk region from different-calibre weapons. During March 4-5, 2022, the villages of Taramchuk, Bohoiavlenka of Volnovakha district, urban-type settlement Verkhnotoretske of Pokrovsk district, towns Toretsk and Volnovakha were shelled by the aggressor country’s artillery and mortars and heavily damaged. Six injured men and a woman were hospitalized in local hospitals, and two other residents died from wounds. There are no military infrastructure facilities in the vicinity of sites shelled by the enemy. The Volnovakha and Pokrovsk District Prosecutor's Offices carry out a pre-trial investigation into violations of laws and customs of war under the procedural guidance (Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March, 5. The occupation forces attacked a checkpoint in the settlement of Yasnohorodka in the Fastiv region. As a result of the attack, 6 civilians were killed and 1 man was wounded. The attack also destroyed a vehicle. Fastiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office has initiated criminal proceedings based on the fact that the Russian service members violated the rules and customs of war (Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March, 5. The armed formations of the Russian Federation have shelled the town of Lysychansk using artillery systems. As a result of the shelling many sites were damaged, including Lysychansk preschool No.7 Iskorka, residential buildings and a manufacturing facility of the Rehenerat Private Joint Stock Company that produces rubber. Such actions of the Russian Federation armed forces pose a direct threat to the life and health of the civilian population, contrary to international humanitarian law, namely Art. 52 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949, concerning the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts and Art. 25 of Section I of Part II of the Hague Convention of 18 October 1907.

March, 5. According to the investigation, the Russian Federation armed forces carried out a missile strike in the area of Povitroflots'kyi Bridge in Kyiv near the largest children's hospital in Ukraine, Okhmatdyt.

The 9th floor of the hospital’s central building was damaged. Children with their parents and doctors were in the shelter, so they were not hurt.

The Shevchenkivsky District Prosecutor's Office of Kyiv conducts a pre-trial investigation for violation of the laws and customs of war under the procedural guidance (Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March, 5. On March 5, 2022, members of the Russian Federation armed forces launched an airstrike from a fighter on the residential area in Irpin city, resulting in the damage of residential buildings. The Russian military also blew up the railway tracks near the railway station, from which an evacuation of civilians was planned. The Holy Virgin Cathedral was also damaged by the shelling. Moreover, on March 5, about 20 residential buildings were damaged as a result of the occupation forces airstrikes in Bila Tserkva city.

The Kyiv Oblast prosecution agencies have initiated pre-trial investigations for violations of the laws and customs of war (Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March, 4.The merchant civilian ship Helt sailed under the flag of Panama was hit by a missile launched by the representatives of the Russian Federation armed forces in the Black Sea. The ship was in the harbour in the Black Sea at a distance of 12 nautical miles from Odesa with 6 civilians on board.

Due to the rescue operation, the ship's crew was rescued and hospitalized with carbon monoxide poisoning and hypothermia.

An Estonian-owned civilian cargo ship Helt is engaged in shipping and cargo transportation by sea.

The Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office initiated an investigation into the shelling of the civilian cargo ship Helt by the Russian Federation armed forces under procedural guidance. The actions of the aggressor country’s military constitute violations of the laws and customs of war (Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March, 4 On March 4, the Russian military shelled the Zaporizhzhya NPP site, as a result of which a fire broke out on the site. Units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine managed to put out the fire. Currently, the Zaporizhzhya NPP is under the control of the Russian troops. The Zaporizhzhya Military Administration has also confirmed this. Ukraine has filed a lawsuit against the Russian Federation at the UN International Court of Justice in The Hague.

March, 4 On March 3, 2022, residential buildings on Ukrainska and Proletarska streets in Izium city were damaged as a result of airstrikes by the Russian Federation armed forces from unidentified weapons. Eight civilians were killed, including one child. Residential buildings on Soborna, Dontsia Zakharzhevskoho, Heroiv Chornobyltsiv, and Staroposhtova streets were damaged, as well as the building of the Izium District Police Department of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Kharkiv region.

The building of the secondary school in the village of Horokhovatka, Izium district, Kharkiv region, was also damaged.

The Izium District Prosecutor's Office of the Kharkiv Region has initiated criminal proceedings for violations of the laws and customs of war under the procedural guidance (Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March, 4. The city of Pokrovsk in the Donetsk region was shelled with cluster munition, prohibited by the Geneva Conventions. The photos were published by the head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration Pavel Kirilenkoю “This came to the inhabitants of Pokrovsk from the Russians tonight. Thank you - we received it. We will answer,” Kirilenko wrote.

According to experts, it is possible that this ammunition from MLRS Tornado-S.

A cluster munition is a form of air-dropped or ground-launched explosive weapon that releases or ejects smaller submunitions. Commonly, this is a cluster bomb that ejects explosive bomblets that are designed to kill personnel and destroy vehicles. Other cluster munitions are designed to destroy runways or electric power transmission lines, disperse chemical or biological weapons, or to scatter land mines. Some submunition-based weapons can disperse non-munitions, such as leaflets.

March, 3. On March 3, 2022, Russian aircraft struck the city of Okhtyrka to damage vital communications facilities. As a result, the Okhtyrka Combined Heat and Power Plant, railway tracks, football stadium, petroleum depot and other facilities were damaged. Civilians were killed and injured as a result of shelling.

The Okhtyrka District Prosecutor's Office conducts a pre-trial investigation for violations of the laws and customs of war under the procedural guidance (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March,3. The Russians used high-explosive bombs to attack in attacks on peaceful Kharkiv. RF aviation dropped Fab-500s on city. It is known that a 500-kilogram high-explosive bomb, of which there are many in service with the Russian armed forces, fell near a residential neighborhood of Kharkiv.


March, 3. Three people were killed and four others were wounded in Russian shelling of Vasylivka city (Zaporizhia region). According to Ukrinform, the Zaporizhia Regional Ministry Administration informed on Telegram, referring to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. "On March 1-2, the occupiers fired on the surgery and sanitary departments of the Vasylivka Multidisciplinary Intensive Care Hospital. Four people were seriously injured, three died from their wounds,” the report says. The regional administration says that the damage is significant. Earlier on Thursday, humanitarian aid was sent to Vasylivka.

March, 3. 34 people killed, 285 injured (10 children) during the shelling of Kharkiv residential areas by Russian aggressors, reports the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

02.03 At around 5 pm on February 1, 2022 the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation delivered two air strikes targeting the Kyiv TV tower on the Dorohozhytska Street in the Shevchenkivskyi district of the capital.The shelling damaged the hardware of the tower, a couple of vehicles and a gym. Moreover, five civilian residents were killed and three were wounded as a result of the air raid. All of the affected individuals were non-combatants. The authorities launched criminal proceedings based on the incident of the violation of the rules of war (Paragraph 2, Article 438, Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March, 2. Having crossed the state border of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the occupation forces of the Russian Federation continue to barrage the regular apartment buildings of Mariupol using various caliber weapons. In the period between March 1 and March 2 the Russian forces shelled the neighborhoods in Livoberezhnyi and Tsentralnyi districts of Mariupol. One of these incidents, the cowardly shelling of the Kyrovskyi neighborhood left dozens of people wounded and a 16-year-old boy killed. In the morning of March 2, the Russian occupation forces used jet-propelled artillery to shell a maternity hospital in the Livoberezhnyi district of the city, there were people hiding in the basement of the hospital. Fortunately, there were no casualties as a result of the shelling.

Overall, over the course of almost 7 days of war the atrocities committed by the armed forces of the aggressor killed many civilians, including children, wounded dozens of people, destroyed pharmacies, stores, markets, as well as other civilian infrastructure. According to the preliminary data, more than 128 civilians were wounded. The number of individuals killed is currently being updated.

Taking into consideration the aforementioned facts, the Mariupol Regional Prosecutor’s Office launched a pre-trial investigation of the violation of the rules of war based on multiple incidents of artillery shelling of residential neighborhoods. The data on the pre-trial investigation of the violation of the rules of war was recorded in the Unified Pre-trial Investigation Register (Paragraph 1, 2, Article 438, Criminal Code of Ukraine).

March, 2. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to various sources, 21 children have died in the country, Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova has said. "The situation in Ukraine remains tense. As of 13:00 on March 2, 2022, the Russian occupier continued to use heavy weapons and destroy the civilian population. Since the beginning of the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine, according to the analysis of information from various sources, 21 children have died and 55 have been injured," Denisova wrote on Facebook.

As a result of shelling, the invaders destroyed the infrastructure of the cities: Kyiv, Irpin, Kharkiv, Mariupol, Zhytomyr, Kherson and the village of Vasylivka, Zaporizhia region.

In Zhytomyr, a maternity hospital was damaged as a result of a missile strike. In Vasylivka, shells flew into the yard of a local school.

Kharkiv and Kherson continue to be under heavy shelling.

"Tonight, as a result of an air strike in the city of Zhytomyr, one child was killed and six children were injured. They were rescued from the basements of dilapidated houses. By their actions, the armed forces of the Russian Federation continue to cynically violate the basic rights of children – the right to life and healthcare, guaranteed to every child in world with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child," Denisova stressed.

She noted that some of these deaths could have been avoided by establishing a no-fly zone over Ukraine, and called on the international community and international human rights organizations to support the initiative to close the Ukrainian skies from enemy fighters.

"Meanwhile, under shelling in Chernihiv, two triplets were born in a maternity hospital. As long as such angels are born in Ukraine, we are invincible!" she added.

March, 2 The Russian Navy is a pirate of the 21st century. For the safety of civil navigation, the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine closed navigation in the north-western part of the Black Sea. At the same time, the Russian Black Sea Fleet continues the tactics of Russian ground forces trying to hide behind civilian lives.

Thus, as of March 2, 2022, Russian ships require the civilian ship HELT to enter the dangerous zone of the Black Sea so that the occupiers can cover themselves with a civilian ship as a human shield, otherwise russian ships will open fire on the ship HELT. This is nothing but 21st century piracy.

It will be recalled that during the full-scale invasion on February 24, the Russian fleet had already fired on 2 civilian ships and captured 2 ships of the Russian occupiers (including the Sapphire search and rescue ship on a humanitarian mission).

March, 1 Under the procedural guidance of the Novobavarsky District Prosecutor's Office of Kharkiv, a pre-trial investigation has been launched into violations of the laws and customs of war combined with premeditated murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

It was established that about 13:20 as a result of air strike the shell hit apartment houses in Kharkiv on Novobavarsky Avenue, 95-97. According to preliminary data, 5 people died, about 10 people were injured, 7 cars were damaged, of which 1 burned completely. The actual number of dead and wounded is currently being determined.

March, 1 The building of the regional state administration, the philharmonic society was damaged by an airstrike in the center of Kharkiv, rockets also hit part of a residential area.

"The mad ‘liberators’ no longer hide the fact that their airstrikes are carried out specifically against the civilian population. Now the enemy is cynically and defiantly bombarding the central part of Kharkiv, the center of the first capital of our long-suffering Ukraine, with rockets.

According to preliminary information, the Kharkiv Regional State Administration building was hit, along with the Opera House, the Philharmonic and part of the residential area (mainly 4-5-storey residential buildings)," the Service said on its Telegram channel on Tuesday morning, noting that rescue units cannot yet be deployed due to continued shelling.

March, 1 On the outskirts of Sloboda (a settlement in Konotop region of Sumy oblast) the Russian service members opened fire at a civilian vehicle. Two civilian men were killed as a result. Under the procedural oversight of the Konotop Regional Prosecutor’s Office the authorities launched a pre-trial investigation of the violation of the rules of war (Paragraph 2, Article 438, Criminal Code of Ukraine).

February, 28 Verkhovna Rada: the International Criminal Court prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan QC, has personally launched an investigation of the Russian aggression against Ukraine and other war crimes.

“Ukraine is not a State Party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, so cannot itself refer the situation to my Office. But it has twice exercised its prerogatives to legally accept the Court's jurisdiction,” the prosecutor says.

February, 28. Russian rocket attacks civil objects Kharkiv on Monday afternoon. 11 people were killed, dozens more were wounded, Head of the regional military-civilian administration Oleh Syniehubov said. "What is happening now in Kharkiv is a war crime! This is the genocide of the Ukrainian people. The Russian enemy is shelling entire residential areas of Kharkiv, where there is no critical infrastructure, where there are no UAF positions that the Russians could aim at Saltivka, Pavlove Pole," Syniehubov said in his Telegram channel. He said: "Due to the shelling that is still going on, we cannot even engage rescue services in time and remove the consequences. Just at this moment, some 11 dead, dozens of wounded. We express our condolences to the deceased,"

February, 28. In Volnovakha, Donetsk region, all civilian infrastructure was destroyed by Russian troops. Dmytro Lubinets, a Deputy from the "For the Future" party, stated this in a comment to Ukrainian Pravda, February 28. "We have three days of demolition of Volnovakha - there is no light or water. I work with Denisova (Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights), we appealed to all international organizations. We asked that side to agree to make a green corridor - no reaction. That's why we made a decision, we did everything. But now I told people go to by car make white flags. Those who don't have cars go out by foot. In the town of Volnovakha, genocide has been committed. All civilian infrastructure has been destroyed."

Volnovakha, 28/02/2022

February, 28. Russia dropped bombs on oil depot near the Okhtyrka in the Sumy region - probably vacuum. This was announced by the mayor of Okhtyrka Pavlo Kuzmenko in Facebook. A thermobaric weapon, aerosol bomb, or vacuum bomb is a type of explosive that uses oxygen from the surrounding air to generate a high-temperature explosion. In practice, the blast wave typically produced by such a weapon is of a significantly longer duration than that of a conventional condensed explosive. This type of ammunition is prohibited by UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW)

February, 27. International humanitarian organization Amnesty Eastern Europe & Central Asia state that Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been marked by indiscriminate attacks on civilian areas and strikes on objects protected by international humanitarian law.

According to Amnesty human rights activists, Russia is lying that it uses only high-precision weapons in Ukraine.

February, 27. On February 27, a ballistic missile was launched from Belarus through Zhytomyr. Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhnyi said on Facebook: "The enemy surpasses himself in cynicism and meanness. Operational and tactical missile systems "Iskander" were used for combat purposes. At the same time, a blow was inflicted on peaceful Zhytomyr."

February, 27. In the area of Volokhiv Yar village, Izium region, Kharkiv districk, the occupiers fired at a civil bus. This was announced on Facebook by Pavlo Kyrylenko, the head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration. "Five people were killed and 6 were injured, all residents of the Toretsk community. (Violation of the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War)

February, 26. A missile hit on a high-rise residential building on Lobanovskoho Avenue in Kyiv. It was qualified as a violation of the laws and customs of war, Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova said. Ukraine Parliament calls to recognize Putin as war criminal and strengthen sanctions against other Russians. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has called on the international community to recognize Putin as war criminal and to strengthen sanctions not only against him but also against Russians who are fully responsible for their authorities.

The Ukrainian parliament is convinced that the recent actions of the Russian Federation, which is continuing a full-scale war against Ukraine, can be regarded only as international terrorism.

February, 26 Over two days 24-25.02, at least three dozen civilian facilities were damaged. Nothing is sacred for the enemy - an orphanage, a kindergarten, a children's hospital and a blood service center in Kharkiv. Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova said. "Military personnel and civilians are dying and getting injured. At the same time, Russian propaganda brazenly lies about the actions of its killer army". – emphasize Iryna Venediktova

February, 25 Russian occupation forces fired on ambulance crews in Ukraine. This was announced by the Minister of Health Viktor Lyashko at his Facebook. An emergency ambulance brigade in the Zaporizhia district got under enemy fire. No one was injured. Occupiers also fired on emergency medical teams in the Kyiv district (in the north). The medics were not injured. But there are still patients in Maryanivka who cannot receive medical care due to the shelling. In addition, according to Lyashko, a fire was used in Chernihiv on the territory of a psychiatric hospital. "All this is a violation noted in Geneva Conventions, all this is unacceptable," Lyashko said, сalling for condemnation of the actions of the Russian occupiers and preventing further Russian aggression.

February, 25 Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the exclusion zone around it has been captured by Russian forces, Prime Minister Denys Shmygal said on February 24. "Unfortunately, I have to say that, as of now, the Chernobyl zone, the so-called exclusion zone, and all Chernobyl facilities have been taken under control by Russian armed groups," Shmygal told a news briefing after an extraordinary cabinet meeting in Kyiv. Chernobyl is located about 130 km (80 miles) north of the capital, Kyiv, and could provide a path into the city for the invading forces.

Read more: Nuclear Threat: Putin Ordered to Put Deterrence Forces on Alert