
Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces Get Bulgarian ATGL-H Guns

Photo for illustration / Bulgarian ATGL-H in Ukraine, Souce - Facebook of the 100th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade
Photo for illustration / Bulgarian ATGL-H in Ukraine, Souce - Facebook of the 100th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade

Bulgarian ATGL-H anti-tank recoilless guns have been transferred to the Territorial defense forces of Ukraine

According to the Facebook post of the 100th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade showcased training with ATGL-H.

The recoilless gun is designed to defeat tanks, self-propelled artillery systems and other armored targets, as well as to destroy enemy manpower.

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“Our anti-tank recoilless guns’ crews once again worked out the ability to destroy armored vehicles and enemy manpower,” the Brigade said.

The recoilless guns were supplied with SGL-9MA optical sights.

For the guns to defeat armored vehicles, Bulgarian RHEAT-9MA2 73mm projectiles and propellants were transferred as well.

The manufacturer stated that these projectiles can have an armor-piercing capacity of 300mm and hit targets at a range of 1,300 meters.

The ATGL-H recoilless guns are manufactured by the Bulgarian Arsenal enterprise.

In fact, ATGL-H is a version of the Soviet SPG-9 Kopyo recoilless gun.

The SPG-9 Kopyo recoilless gun was adopted in 1963. Subsequently, a fragmentation anti-personnel projectile was developed for the gun.

It should be reminded that the Bulgarian BULARMAS LTD company “Warrior” anti-tank grenade launchers have also entered service with the military of Ukraine.

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