
Ukrainian Military of 47th Brigade "Magura" Destroys russian Ka-52 Helicopters with Swedish SAMs and Inflicts Strikes with "Grads"

Photo credit: the 47th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Photo credit: the 47th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The fighters of the 47th Brigade "Magura" have already sent the russian aircraft Su-25 and four helicopters Ka-52 to hell

The warriors of the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade "Magura" are actively participating in the offensive. They are engaged in intense battles to reclaim Ukrainian territories occupied by russian forces. The brigade's fighters are destroying the russian army using both modern Western weaponry available to their units as well as Soviet-era weapons.

Recently, the brigade's press service showcased footage of the artillerymen of "Magura" operating the BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher system. The video depicted the process from missile loading to deployment and striking russian positions. Towards the end of the footage, it is evident that live enemy forces were among the targets.

Read more: What Happens to a russian T-90M After Being Hit With SMArt 155-type Guided Projectile (Video)

The soldiers of the 47th Brigade also engage the enemy from the air. According to "Magura," their air defense units have destroyed one russian Su-25 ground-attack aircraft and four Ka-52 helicopters. The Brigade hints that they may be utilizing Swedish SAMs, specifically the RBS 70, for aerial engagements. Ukraine acquired these systems in March-April 2023.

RBS-70 is in service with the 47th Brigade, Defense Express
RBS-70 is in service with the 47th Brigade "Magura" / Photo credit: the 47th Brigade "Magura"

These SAMs serve as an intermediate solution between MANPADS and short-range air defense systems. They are capable of engaging enemy aircraft and other aerial platforms at distances of up to 9 km in the modern NG version.

RBS-70 is in service with the 47th Brigade, Defense Express
RBS-70 is in service with the 47th Brigade "Magura" / Photo credit: the 47th Brigade "Magura"

A separate segment of the report focused on the operations of the 25th Separate Battalion of the Brigade. Ukrainian troops highlighted the challenges they face, including active enemy mining of the territory and the overall level of defense.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the impressive destruction of a russian T-90M "Proryv" tank by the "Magura" fighters. To dispose of it, they used an effective "smart" projectile of the SMArt 155 or BONUS type.

As Defense Express reported, the Armed Forces of Ukraine Had Whole Tank Company of Captured T-80 Tanks.

Read more: Su-25 Down After Being Hit With Igla Missile in Ukraine (Video)