
​Russians Want to Shoot Down HIMARS Rockets With an "Iron Dome" Analogue

Illustrative photo / HIMARS system preparing to a strike on russian positions in Ukraine
Illustrative photo / HIMARS system preparing to a strike on russian positions in Ukraine

How quickly the sanctioned russian defense industry will create such a complex, is a rhetorical question

russia doesn’t stop trying to find an effective countermeasure to the HIMARS rocket systems, which in the hands of the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to destroy 50 warehouses with ammunition in a month, as well as a multitude of other targets of the russian occupation army.

In particular, American MLRS caused serious damage to the Antonivskyi bridge in Southern Ukraine which opened the way to a possible Ukrainian counter-offensive.

Read more: The Armed Forces of Ukraine On the Way to Complete russian Army Isolation Near Kherson: All Bridges Are Struck

That is why there is a lot of talking about the need to create a specialized air defense missile complex that would be able to shoot down missiles fired by HIMARS. Actually shoot them – not the way they brag about it on their mass media.

Thus, Russian military experts propose to create a system similar to the Israeli "Iron Dome" that will be able to repel massive shelling by multiple rocket launchers such as HIMARS.

Iron Dome missile launch / Russians Want to Shoot Down HIMARS Rockets With an
Iron Dome missile launch / Open source photo

More than that, the characteristics of the new russian "wunderwaffe" should be significantly more powerful in terms of performance than its Israeli counterpart, have more ready-to-launch missiles than any contemporary air defense systems, a large number of target channels for simultaneous tracking of targets, as well as an almost instantaneous response from detection to neutralization of the air target.

Some experts suggest creating the counter-HIMARS system on a "Tor" SAM basis / Illustrative photo: "Tor" air defense missile system / Open source photo

In fact, it is about the creation of a new powerful system against modern multiple launch rocket systems. At the same time, the issue is not even how technologically capable are the occupiers to make such a complex today – it’s simply about the amount of time that is required for such development.

For example, officially the development of the Israeli "Iron Dome" began in 2007, the first successful tests were conducted in 2009, and the first battery was put on duty in March 2011. That is, four years since the official start.

Whereas in the russian federation, the development of a similar (and even, as the russians suggest, a more powerful) system will drag on for years, while Ukrainian HIMARS continue to haunt the positions of the russians in Ukraine.

Read more: ​Russians Began to Deploy Latest Buk-M2 Air Defense Systems, Only to Get Wiped Out by Ukrainian New Anti-Radar Missiles (Video)