
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Guns (Detailed Photos)

Photo credit: Defence 24
Photo credit: Defence 24

In August, Warsaw ordered 212 units of K9A1 self-propelled guns and 180 units of K2 tanks, the first of them have already been unloaded in Gdynia

propelled guns and 180 K2 tanks, as well as the subsequent localization of production of up to 820 tanks in the K2PL version.

The first vehicles were unloaded at the port of Gdynia on December 5, in the first batch: 10 K2 tanks and 24 K9 self-propelled guns, Defense24 reports, publishing a detailed photo report. Thus, Korea was able to complete the first delivery of weapons only 102 days after the signing of the agreement, of which 35 days simply went on the road. The BBC Pearl vessel left the first port of Okpo in Korea on October 17, then picked up cargo in several other ports in Korea and headed for Poland on October 30.

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It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
The K2 tank in Poland / Photo credits: Defense24

The photos clearly show that part of the attached equipment was removed from the tank for transportation, such as the panoramic sight. That is, after the installation of everything necessary and adjustment, the Polish Army will already be replenished with new vehicles.

It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Guns – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
K2 during tests in Norway

In the relatively short term, taking into account the order of 250 M1A2 Abrams SEPv3 and 116 Abrams M1A1 SA, the available 140 Leopard 2A4 tanks (which are being upgraded to the Leopard 2PL version) and 105 Leopard 2A5, 180 Korean K2 will bring Poland to first place among NATO countries in Europe by the number of tanks: overall 791 units (not including Soviet-type vehicles). For clarity, this is about as much as Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy combined. At the same time, the terms of all deliveries are 2025.

Defense Express also attaches a detailed photo report by Defence24:

It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
It Took Poland 102 Days to Get Korean K2 Tanks And K9 Self-Propelled Funs – of Them 35 Days Were Spent On the Road (Detailed Photos), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
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