
What Characteristics Has Modernized P-18C Radar and How It Can Strengthen Ukraine`s Air Defense

The modernized P-18C ground-based mobile radar station / Photo credit: NAUDI
The modernized P-18C ground-based mobile radar station / Photo credit: NAUDI

What peculiarities of the modernized P-18C ground-based mobile radar station can improve conditions of the crew work as well as vitality in a combat environment

Ukrainian company System Electronic Export (LLC SEE) which is specialized in the radar equipment carried out a deep modernization of P-18 mobile radar station that was created several decades ago. The renovated radar has got P-18С name. It differs by having of modern life support, power supply and antenna lift systems. Onboard equipment of this radar allows to manage its work distantly.

"The main task for the modernized P-18C radar station isan automatic detection of object, determination of current coordinates and automatic transmission of radar data to users," says press office of NAUDI — the National Association of Ukrainian Defense Industries on its Facebook page.

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The modernized P-18C ground-based mobile radar station, Defense Express
The modernized P-18C ground-based mobile radar station / Photo credit: NAUDI

It is known that the modernized P-18C ground-based mobile radar station by LLC SEE has following characteristics:

  • target detection range – up to 350 kilometers;
  • simultaneous tracking– up to 250 targets;
  • service life – 60 thousand hours.

In addition, it is declared of using of a modern Linux-based software, an expansion of the frequency range up to 140-180 MHz and an opportunity to use the remote workplaces at the distance of up to 500 meters from the radar station. Also, all the equipment of P-18C radar is being placed at the only one chassis.

Screen of the P-18C radar station's control panel, Defense Express
Screen of the P-18C radar station's control panel / Photo credit: NAUDI

According to the entire characteristic the modernized P-18C ground-based mobile radar station can strengthen an air defense of Ukraine due to the improved capabilities for identification of air targets and the data transfer speed.

Besides, the placement of the entire equipment at one chassis and opportunity to work remotely can not only enhance human engineering for the radar crew, but also ensure the survivability of this station in conditions of full-scale hostilities.

What Characteristics Has Modernized P-18C Radar and How It Can Strengthen Ukraine`s Air Defense, Defense Express
The modernized P-18C ground-based mobile radar station operates in the VHF band. It is designed to automatically detect targets, determine current coordinates (azimuth and range) and send radar data (RD) for users automatically / Photo credit: NAUDI
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