
​The russians Want to Equip Their BMP-3 IFVs with "BBQ grills" and Ballistic Computers to Fire From Closed Positions

BMP-3 IFV project with dynamic protection / Illustrative photo from open sources
BMP-3 IFV project with dynamic protection / Illustrative photo from open sources

russia also wants to make the BMP-3 IFV capable of both fighting against UAVs as well as launching its own drones

Kremlin propagandists say that in russia they plan to carry out a new modernization of the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle, taking into account the experience of fighting on the frontlines of the russia-Ukraine war.

In particular, the chief designer of the "Special Engineering Bureau" ("SKBM") Sergey Abdulov claims that his company is "working on options for protecting the upper hemisphere" of the BMP-3 against Javelin ATGM, and is also looking for options for a combat vehicle of this type, such as defend against enemy attack drones. Whether it will be the same "BBQ grill" that is already installed on tanks at factories, or something else, Abdulov did not go into detail.

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A batch of BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles that was shipped from the Kurganmashzavod enterprise, May 2023, The russians Want to Equip Their BMP-3 IFVs with
A batch of BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles that was shipped from the Kurganmashzavod enterprise, May 2023 / Illustrative photo from open sources

Russian mass media also report that their designers want to make it easier for the russian army to fire indirect with the BMP-3 IFV. As they say, the experience of battles against the Armed Forces of Ukraine showed that the 100-mm 2A70 gun of this IFV fires equally effectively both with direct fire as well as indirect fire.

At the same time, a standard sight, information from drones and infantrymen on the battlefield are used to conduct and adjust indirect fiire. Now in Russia they say that they want to install ballistic computers on the BMP-3 IFVs, and, in addition, to make it possible to use UAVs from this armored vehicle "in normal mode".

Enemy armored vehicles, including BMP-3 IFVs, destroyed near Ugledar, April 2023, The russians Want to Equip Their BMP-3 IFVs with
Enemy armored vehicles, including BMP-3 IFVs, destroyed near Ugledar, April 2023 / Photo credit: Commander of the Tavria operational-strategic group of troopsb General Oleksandr Tarnavskyi

Defense Express previously reported that in April 2023, the occupiers installed rare 675-сб3КДЗ protection kits on their BMP-3 IFVs, but this did not help them to escape debacle near Vugledar.

BMP-3 IFV project that is equipped with dynamic protection, The russians Want to Equip Their BMP-3 IFVs with
BMP-3 IFV project that is equipped with dynamic protection / Illustrative photo from open sources
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