
russian Thermocamouflages "Break" the Silhouette of the Occupiers, But is it Enough?

Example of the thermocamouflage in action
Example of the thermocamouflage in action

In 2023, the russian occupiers boasted about its thermocamouflages that help to hide from thermal imaging. However, this technology has its drawbacks

The russian company hiderX has announced that it is working on a new camouflage suit that makes military personnel "completely invisible" to thermal imaging devices.

Enemy propaganda media claim that such a suit is a unique "know-how"; it supposedly "breaks" and "blurs" the silhouette and can completely conceal a person or object from thermal imaging devices.

Read more: russians Started Actively Use Thermal Camouflage Against Thermal Cameras: How the Suit Works and How Significant the Threat Is

Claimed to be a video showcasing the operation of the new costume of the russian occupiers.

The enemy claims to have supposedly developed a unique proprietary technology based on fabric coating with a specific composition, details of which they do not disclose.

"The principle of operation involves shielding the object's temperature from the surrounding environment," the developers say.

According to their claims, such a "suit" can be placed in a pocket, and it supposedly weighs only 350 grams.

It can be assumed that the russians in this new suit also attempted to address the issue of overheating from such camouflages. At the same time, the ability to use various types of camouflage is implemented depending on the terrain — forest, sand, urban areas, etc.

Example of the thermocamouflage in action, Defense Express
Example of the thermocamouflage in action

Currently, according to the manufacturers, testing of this "cutting-edge invisible" suit is ongoing, and by the end of January 2024, the completion of work on this product is planned.

Certainly, it is not advisable to underestimate the threat of the enemy gaining new ideas, especially when manufacturers are developing new tools aimed at maximizing the military's inconspicuity on the battlefield.

On the other hand, information about the fact that the russian forces are more actively using thermal camouflage for masking from thermal imagers emerged last year.

Also, Defense Express reported that Ukraine makes anti-heat camouflage suits to hide from russian thermal imagers.

Read more: Ukraine Makes Anti-Heat Camouflage Suits to Hide From russian Thermal Imagers: How It Works and How Effective it is
TAGS russiaWar