
Ukraine Makes Anti-Heat Camouflage Suits to Hide From russian Thermal Imagers: How It Works and How Effective it is

Ukrainian soldiers in the view of a thermal imager during a test of the new thermal camouflage / Still image credit: Mykhailo Fedorov, Minister for Digital Transformation of Ukraine on X (Twitter)
Ukrainian soldiers in the view of a thermal imager during a test of the new thermal camouflage / Still image credit: Mykhailo Fedorov, Minister for Digital Transformation of Ukraine on X (Twitter)

Thermal camouflage does help to decrease visibility in infrared spectrum but it's hard to deceive physics, so the price for inconspicuousness is high

Ukrainian soldiers will start receiving thermal camo suits that make them less visible in the view of thermal imaging systems; the product has already successfully passed tests in field conditions, says Minister for Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov.

He noted that the new element of equipment would be of use to snipers and special force operators. The weight of the full suit is 2.5 kilograms (5.5 pounds). The development was implemented through the support of the Brave1 defense industry cluster.

Read more: russians Started Actively Use Thermal Camouflage Against Thermal Cameras: How the Suit Works and How Significant the Threat Is

In the video, we can see that the heat-retaining cloth does decrease the amount of radiation emitted by a person wearing it. The photo also shows the novelty is designed as a long cape.

A Ukrianian soldier wearingthe new heat concealing cape
A Ukrianian soldier wearingthe new heat concealing cape / Still image credit: Mykhailo Fedorov, Minister for Digital Transformation of Ukraine on X (Twitter)

Although, we should note that this kind of thermal camo is not a Ukrainian unique know-how. Similar products have been on the market for a while now but they all have limited practical applications and effectiveness.

Moreover, there was a project presented by volunteers in 2015 but it did not get particularly widespread in the army.

On the other hand, the supply of camouflage based on the same concept to the russian armed forces became known in April this year. In a detailed article, we covered the work principles, affordability, and even touched upon how to make one yourself.

However, comparing the two developments, the Ukrainian variant seems to perform better:

Generally, how thermal camouflage works is that it conceals the heat of the human body with material that features both insulation properties and low radiation emission in the infrared spectrum. At the same time, this means that the person wearing it is like in a "thermos" and the heat remains under the cape, and, of course, it creates discomfort during physical activity.

That is the reason why thermal camouflage remains exotic and has strictly limited use on the battlefield, although it really is a mandatory part of a kit for certain categories of military personnel, especially during winter.

Either way, the domain of thermal disguise supplies is wide open and requires further development since the area of application for such equipment is not limited to the personal kit of a soldier. The same technologies are necessary for military vehicles and stationary systems as well.

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