
​Ukrainians Already Training on German Gepard, When to Expect Them to Arrive

According to multiple sources, 15 units of German self-propelled anti-aircraft guns were to arrive in Ukraine by the end of July / Illustrative photo: the Gepard anti-aircraft artillery vehicle / Open sourse photo
According to multiple sources, 15 units of German self-propelled anti-aircraft guns were to arrive in Ukraine by the end of July / Illustrative photo: the Gepard anti-aircraft artillery vehicle / Open sourse photo

It seems like the "anti-aircraft tanks" will reinforce Ukrainian air defenses with a delay

German Lübecker Nachrichten newspaper revealed that Ukrainian troops have already started field training on Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery systems on Bundeswehr’s proving grounds.

The authors of this article say that about 100 soldiers are undergoing the course, which is just the amount required to staff all crews for the 30 vehicles Ukraine was promised to receive.

Read more: The Armed Forces of Ukraine Are the First to Test the Newest Weapons: German SMart Shells Performance On the Battlefield

There are no details how long the course will take, the first news that the troops started their training appeared around a week ago. The tempo this course is progressing with gives grounds for cautious pessimism: Germany might not be able to transfer in time the first 15 vehicles it promised by the end of July.

German Gepard anti-aircraft howitzer has a range of fire of 3.5 km with its starndard munitions and increased up to 5.5 km with reduced-caliber ammos, the radar has a 15 km visibility range / Open sourse illustrative photo

On the other hand, we can also assume that the troops will not only receive basic skills required for operating the Gepard but also hone tactics of its usage in real combat.

Defense Express reminds that the range of fire of the Gepard is only 3.5 kilometers, whereas the rockets installed on russian helicopters can fire on targets 6 to 8 km away. This detail points to the necessity to find a creative way to apply these weapons on the battlefield.

Read more: Quantix Recon UAS Already Used by Ukrainian Troops (Video)