
​Ukrainian Naval Drones Take Down russian Ivanovets Missile Corvette (Video)

Ivanovets missile corvette of Project 1241 in the crosshairs of an attacking maritime drone / Still frame credit: Defence Intelligence of Ukraine
Ivanovets missile corvette of Project 1241 in the crosshairs of an attacking maritime drone / Still frame credit: Defence Intelligence of Ukraine

Swarm attack of Ukrainian kamikaze boats leaves the russian warship no chance for survival, and it spectacularly sinks

OkDefence Intelligence of Ukraine reports a successful maritime attack on an enemy military ship of the russian navy on the night of February 1st, 2024. The Ivanovets missile corvette was caught when it was on a patrol in the Black Sea near the Donuzlav lake in Crimea. Ukrainian forces from the Group 13 special unit deployed multiple explosive boat drones, which managed to destroy the vessel.

"After a series of direct hits to the hull, the russian ship suffered damage, incompatible with further movement – Ivanovets rolled over to the stern and sank," the statement from Defense Intelligence reads, and adds that russian search and rescue operation preliminary was to no success.

Read more: ​Ukraine Presents Sea Drone With Rocket Launcher and the Video of First Ever Drone vs. Ship Naval Battle

In the video, we can see that Ivanovets had spotted the incoming naval drones and was trying to pull ahead and opened machine gun fire to no avail. The first two drones hit the stern and render the warship incapable of moving, and several more finish it off with hits to the side. The total number of drones involved is at least six units.

Worth noting, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine is known to operate only one type of unmanned combat surface vehicle, the Magura V5. The declared payload of this UCSV is 300 kg of explosives, and the operational range is up to 800 km. Defense Express covered the specs and capabilities of this weapon here.

Magura V5 unmanned surface vehicle. It has a simplistic design because its only purpose is to make a single one-way sortie against a russian naval ship or base
Magura V5 unmanned surface vehicle. It has a simplistic design because its only purpose is to make a single one-way sortie against a russian naval ship or base / Archive still frame from a CNN video report

The Ivanovets missile boat, a russian designation for a missile-carrying corvette, belongs to Project 1241 Molniya warship class, it was launched into the sea in 1989. Its value is estimated at nearly $60–70 million. The standard armament is four P-270 Moskit anti-ship missiles with an attack range of 90 to 120 km in older versions or 240–250 km in newer ones, according to russian declarations.

After a series of hits, the ship starts rolling over and submerge from stern to front / Ukrainian Naval Drones Take Down russian Ivanovets Missile Corvette (Video)
After a series of hits, the ship starts rolling over and submerge from stern to front / Still frame credit: Defence Intelligence of Ukraine

The crew consists of 41 people, the water displacement is 493 tons, length is 56 meters. That is, despite being classified as a "boat," it is a rather large combat unit. Now the russian Black Sea Fleet only has two corvettes of this type remaining in service.

Ivanovets missile corvette of Project 1241 back in its better days
Ivanovets missile corvette of Project 1241 back in its better days / Open source archive photo
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