
​Ukrainian Military Destroys Rare russian Podlet Radar Station in Border Zone (Video)

The Podlet radar station used to detect air targets at low altitudes, disabling makes it more difficult for russia to track Ukrainian aircraft and drones / screenshot from video
The Podlet radar station used to detect air targets at low altitudes, disabling makes it more difficult for russia to track Ukrainian aircraft and drones / screenshot from video

The Podlet radar station used to detect air targets at low altitudes, disabling makes it more difficult for russia to track Ukrainian aircraft and drones

The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, in cooperation with the Special Operations Forces and the 1st Special Purpose Brigade named after Ivan Bohun, have detected and damaged russian 48Ya6-K1 Podlet radar station in the border zone near the village of Krasnaya Polyana in Shebekino district, Belgorod region, russia, Defense Intelligence of Ukraine reports.

The Podlet radar station is used to detect air targets at low and extremely low altitudes, making it a critical piece of equipment for the russian military in the context of the war in Ukraine. The disabling of this radar station will make it more difficult for the russian military to track and target Ukrainian aircraft and drones.

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The operation was a significant success for the Ukrainian military, as it demonstrates their ability to strike deep behind russian lines. The destruction of the Podlet radar station is a major setback for the russian military, and it is likely to have a significant impact on the course of the war in Ukraine. It is also a testament to the skill and courage of the Ukrainian military, who are continuing to fight bravely against the russian invaders.

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