
Sweden Could Ttransfer a Batch of 155mm Wheeled Self-propelled Howitzers Archer to Ukraine

155mm wheeled self-propelled howitzers Archer
155mm wheeled self-propelled howitzers Archer

According to a Tweet published by "The Rage X" on April 25, 2022, Sweden could transfer a batch of Archer, a 155mm wheeled self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine

This information has not yet been officially confirmed by the Swedish government.

Read more: Canada Delivered M777 Howitzers to aid Ukraine

On February 27, 2022, the Swedish Government announced at a press conference that it would present proposals for direct support to Ukraine’s armed forces for an amount of around €50 million. This first aid to Ukraine included 5,000 anti-tank weapons of the AT4 anti-tank weapons, 5,000 body shields, 5,000 helmets, and 135,000 field rations with a total value of around €40 million.

With the possible delivery of the Archer155mm howitzers to Ukraine, Sweden makes another step in its military aid to Ukraine.

The Archer is a 155mm wheeled self-propelled howitzer developed and designed by the company BAE Systems. The artillery system is used to provide fire support. The first prototype of the vehicle conducted the firing trials in 2005 and 2006. The Archer entered into service with the Swedish army in February 2016.

The Archer is a truck-mounted 155mm self-propelled howitzer that is based on Volvo A30D 6×6 articulated all-terrain hauler vehicle. The vehicle is armed with one 155mm 52-caliber gun. It is equipped with a fully automatic loading system including 21 ready-to-fire ammunition while 20 additional rounds are carried inside the vehicle. The 21 can all be fired in 2.5 minutes thanks to the use of the fully automated magazines.

The Archer has a firing range of up to 40 km with conventional 155mm ammunition and 60 km with precision-guided munitions including the Excalibur GPS guided munitions.

The Archer can reach a road speed of up to 70km/h. The 6x6 truck's chassis used by the Archer offers high mobility in the most difficult terrain.

Read more: France Send CAESAR SP howitzers and Milan ATGMs to Ukraine