
​russia Supposedly Uses New Fab-3000 Super-Heavy Bombs in Kharkiv Region (Video)

russia’s new glide bomb threatens Ukrainian infrastructure / screenshot from video
russia’s new glide bomb threatens Ukrainian infrastructure / screenshot from video

russia’s new glide bomb threatens Ukrainian infrastructure

During the offensive in Kharkiv region, russian forces reportedly deployed new super-heavy bomb equipped with unified gliding and correction module (UMPK), enhancing its precision. On Friday, June 21, russian media quoted russian military official who deemed the operation involving this powerful device “successful”.

Previously, russian media circulated two videos claiming the use of the FAB-3000 bomb equipped with UMPK. This bomb has a declared explosive mass of 1.2 tons. Glide bombs are advantageous because they can be dropped by combat aircraft outside the range of Ukrainian air defense systems, offering significantly higher accuracy than unguided bombs.

Read more: Ukrainian Warriors Destroyed russian Occupiers' IFV, BREM Vehicle (Video)

The first video shows the weapon striking and exploding near a hospital in the village of Lyptsi in Kharkiv region, resulting in a massive explosive wave that seriously damaged the hospital building and many surrounding structures.

On June 21, the russians released another video purportedly showing a similar bomb striking a school building in Lyptsi, causing extensive destruction.

There have been no comments from Ukraine regarding the alleged use of such bombs by russia.

Read more: ​russians Used FAB-3000 with UMPK for the First Time in Ukraine, Targeting Hospital (Video)