
​Critical Internal Structural Damage of the Chonhar bridges Raises Concerns over Repairs and Alternate Routes

Damaged bridge across the Chonhar Strait / open source
Damaged bridge across the Chonhar Strait / open source

It will take an estimated 15-20 days before a detailed assessment can be conducted

Despite the fact that visually the bridges across the Chonhar Strait on the administrative border with the temporarily occupied Crimea received non-critical damage after the strike, in reality, the situation is far more serious.

Vladimir Saldo, the representative of the russian occupation administration in the temporarily occupied Kherson, has reported that the bridge damage is actually quite extensive. It will take an estimated 15-20 days before a detailed assessment can be conducted. Only after this examination can the occupiers proceed with repairs, which will result in further delays and a prolonged period during which the bridges cannot be used.

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At first glance, this statement may seem quite surprising because the photos show damage to the road surface and some damage to the support structure. However, the truth lies in the fact that the structure could have suffered critical internal structural damage. For example, the bridge may no longer be able to withstand heavy transportation.

Damaged bridge across the Chonhar Strait / open source
Damaged bridge across the Chonhar Strait / open source

Meanwhile, according to recent satellite imagery, the russian forces have already managed to construct a pontoon bridge. Moreover, this is not the only route from the peninsula to the mainland of Ukraine. In addition to the overland crossing near Armyansk, the enemy has had a route in place since November 2022, stretching from Crimea to Henichesk and Melitopol via the Arabat Spit, bypassing the Chonhar bridges. However, it should be noted that this alternative route has a lower capacity compared to the E105 highway.

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