
​russia’s Ships with Kalibr Missiles on Board Began to "Nomad" Between Crimea and Novorossiysk (Photo)

Loading of Kalibr missiles onto the russia’s submarine / Photo from open sources
Loading of Kalibr missiles onto the russia’s submarine / Photo from open sources

Now it is much more difficult for the Ukrainian military to attack and destroy enemy ships in the Black Sea

OSINT analyst MT_Anderson posted a satellite image on his Twitter profile, according to which, on the morning of June 19, only three potential carriers of Kalibr cruise missiles were placed in the waters of temporarily occupied Sevastopol - one project 11356 frigate and two Varshavyanka-class submarines.

It should be noted that, according to the data of the Naval Forces of Ukraine, on that day in the open sea there was only one Kalibr carrier in a position to launch cruise missiles - a submarine of the same the Varshavyanka class, which can take on board up to four the Kalibr cruise missiles. From this it can be concluded that the russian occupiers could launch a "shuttle movement" of their missile-carrying ships between Sevastopol and Novorossiysk, which recently began to be used as a "reserve base" for the Kalibr cruise missiles carriers.

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russia’s Ships with Kalibr Missiles on Board Began to "Nomad" Between Crimea and Novorossiysk, Water area of temporarily occupied Sevastopol as of June 19, 2023, Defense Express
Water area of temporarily occupied Sevastopol as of June 19, 2023 / Image credit: MT_Anderson

In support of this conclusion, we can also mention the satellite images published by MT_Anderson, according to which, for example, as of June 15, 2023, there were only two potential carriers of the Kalibr cruise missiles - submarines of the Varshavyanka class – in the waters of temporarily occupied Sevastopol .

In turn, the photo from June 9, 2023, according to which two frigates of project 11356, two missile corvettes of project 21631 "Buyan-M" and three submarines of Varshavyanka class were simultaneously concentrated in the water area of the base in Novorossiysk, that is, almost all Kalibr missile carriers in the formation of the Black Sea Fleet of the russian federation, which are currently in the waters of the Black Sea.

In addition to the fact that the russians now have the opportunity to launch Kalibr cruise missiles from Novorossiysk, this also means that the occupiers are increasing security measures for their missile carrying ships. And this, in turn, means that "finding" and destroying these enemy ships now becomes a much more difficult task.

russia’s Ships with Kalibr Missiles on Board Began to "Nomad" Between Crimea and Novorossiysk, The water area of the russian base in Novorossiysk, June 9, 2023, Defense Express
The water area of the russian base in Novorossiysk, June 9, 2023 / Image credit: MT_Anderson
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