
Specially For Drones: Ukrainian Plant Starts Making New Air Bombs

Specially For Drones: Ukrainian Plant Starts Making New Air Bombs

Ukrainian company presented two kinds of air bombs to drop on russian invaders

Ukrainian Maiak OJSC has published a brief notice on the previously unknown type of ammunition designed for being dropped by UAVs, Militarnyi reports. These are air-dropped fragmentation shells designated OBP-23.1 and OBP-23.05.

The larger OBP-23.1 weighs 1 kg and has an area of effect 11 meters, and the smaller OBP-23.05 weighs 0.5 kg and effect within 4.5 m.

Read more: ​Based on Ukrainian Military’s Experience, the US Army is Experimenting With Dropping Grenades from Drones, China Begin Production of ‘Flying’ Mortars
OBP-23.05 and OBP-23.1 air bombs for drones
OBP-23.05 and OBP-23.1 air bombs for drones / Photo credit: Maiak

Militarnyi notes that this plant also earlier had experience in making shaped-charge bombs for aerial drones, such as the RKG-1600 and KZ-4800 in 2021. Those are designed to damage enemy vehicles.

On a note from Defense Express, widely used ammunition for anti-personnel attacks with drones are modified grenades from automatic launchers, stabilized with fins and tinkered with the grenade's safety switch.

40mm grenade 'modified' to be used as a small drobbable bomb
40mm grenade 'modified' to be used as a small drobbable bomb / Illustrative photo credit: ArmyInform
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