
​New Ukrainian 120 mm Mortar Shells, the Production of Which Was Announced in February, 'Lighted Up' On a Battlefield

New Ukrainian 120-mm mortar bombs / Photo Ukroboronprom
New Ukrainian 120-mm mortar bombs / Photo Ukroboronprom

These mortar bombs are the first joint production project of Ukraine and one of the NATO member countries

The Ukrainian military is already using 120-mm mortar bombs on the battlefield, which Ukraine manufactures together with a NATO member country - a photo of the ammunition was published on the Ukraine Weapons Tracker Twitter account.

This is the first batch of 120-mm high-explosive fragmentation OF-843B mortar rounds manufactured in 2023.

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It will be recalled that the State Concern Ukroboronprom announced the start of production of 120-mm mortar shells at the beginning of February this year - thus, a little more than two months passed between the announcement of production and the appearance of the first photos of the use of the mortar bombs on the battlefield.

As noted at the time, these shells are the first joint production product of the Ukrainian defense industry together with a NATO member country.

Some tactical and technical characteristics of thisnew 120-mm high-explosive fragmentation OF-843B mortar bomb were also reported, in particular, the shell provides effective damage to infantry within a radius of 25 to 60 m, and the scattering of fragments can reach 250 m. The bomb can also be used to damage engineering structures and lightly armored vehicles. The firing range can be more than 8 km.

As Defense Express reported, Ukroboronprom Announced Start of Projectiles Production for Tanks.

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