
​rUssia's Kamikaze Drones Attack Ukrainian Ports on the Danube Near the Border with Romania

Ukrainian firefighters are extinguishing a fire in the port of Reni / Photo: Ukraine’s Operational Command "South"
Ukrainian firefighters are extinguishing a fire in the port of Reni / Photo: Ukraine’s Operational Command "South"

From the port of Reni on the Danube to the border with NATO member country Romania is about 300 meters

During the night attack on Monday with Shahed-136 kamikaze drones, the russians hit the port infrastructure of the Danube, as reported by the Operational Command "South".

The attack lasted four hours. Although three enemy drones were shot down, as a result of this terrorist attack, a grain hangar, storage tanks for other types of cargo were damaged, and a fire started in one of the production premises, which has already been extinguished.

Read more: Targeting Odesa, Modernized russian Missiles: Oniks and Kh-22 Were Upgraded Before the Attack

In particular, we are talking about the port of Reni, which is located on the border with Romania, directly on the border with this country, which runs along the Danube fairway.

The flight route of Shahed-136, which could quite possibly have been laid through the territory of a NATO country, remains unclear at the moment. In particular, in February 2023, the Russian Federation already launched cruise missiles over the territory of this country, but then Bucharest reported that it did not record their flight, although MiG-21 LanceRs were sent to intercept it.

Taking into account all the circumstances and the fact that such strikes are likely to be systematic, the question arises as to what exactly Romania will do in the event that such kamikaze drones or cruise missiles attack objects on the territory of the country itself. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that 8 km from the town of Reni, which was attacked today by Russian drones, the Romanian city of Galats with a population of 250,000 is situated.

It is qwite possible that such an attack would not be noticed in Romania at all. The experience of Poland, where a russian Kh-55 cruise missile fell deep in the countre in 450 km from the border, clearly indicates that NATO countries may not react to the threat at all, strangely not noticing it.

Read more: ​rUssians Attack Odesa, Hit Historical Center, Destroy Cathedral, Zelensky Says Ukraine Will Deliver Response to the Terrorists