
​Ukraine’s Army Will be Strengthened by Pragmatic C-UAS Air Defense Systems by Kongsberg

Combat module Protector RS4 by Kongsberg
Combat module Protector RS4 by Kongsberg

The CORTEX Typhon Counter Uncrewed Aerial Systems (C-UAS) by Kongsberg professes to be the most effective means of combating drones at the moment - destruction by machine gun fire using the combat module like the One that is set on M1 Abrams tanks

With funds from The International Fund for Ukraine (IFU), the Norwegian company Kongsberg, known as a manufacturer of the NASMAS air defense system and NSM anti-ship missiles, will manufacture CORTEX Typhon C-UAS for Ukraine.

This was reported both by the manufacturing company itself and by the Norwegian government, indicating the cost of delivery in the amount of GBP 56 million - about $71 million without disclosing the number of the systems themselves. But according to their description, it is possible to conclude that there will be enough of them.

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Ukraine’s Army Will be Strengthened by Pragmatic C-UAS Air Defense Systems by Kongsberg, Defense Express
Photo: Norwegian Armed Forces

In particular, The CORTEX Typhon C-UAS is based on field-proven software and hardware from Teledyne Flir and Kongsberg, including surveillance system and Kongsberg Remote Weapon Station (RWS) and CORTEX Integrated Combat Solution (ICS).

As for RWS, as the basis of the CORTEX Typhon system, considering the description, as well as the photo of the system itself, we are talking about the Protector RS4.

This remote weapon station is known for being installed on American Abrams tanks, Stryker armored personnel carriers, as well as a number of other combat vehicles such as Patria, Piranha and others. That is, the solution is well-known, widespread and tried and tested.

Combat module of the Protector series on the M1 Abrams tank, Ukraine’s Army Will be Strengthened by Pragmatic C-UAS Air Defense Systems by Kongsberg, Defense Express
Combat module of the Protector series on the M1 Abrams tank

The Protector RS4 remote weapon station can be armed with the M2 Browning heavy machine gun, the Soviet-made NSV heavy machine gun, or the lighter M240 or M249 machine guns. The accuracy of the fire is ensured by daytime and thermal imaging cameras, a laser rangefinder and a digital fire control system that independently calculates all errors.

Ukraine’s Army Will be Strengthened by Pragmatic C-UAS Air Defense Systems by Kongsberg, Defense Express

Another element of the CORTEX Typhon system is the CORTEX Integrated Combat Solution (C4I type system) itself.

Ukraine’s Army Will be Strengthened by Pragmatic C-UAS Air Defense Systems by Kongsberg, Defense Express

Such a system will allow combining all sensors and means of destruction into a single system for the most effective use of the C-UAS directly.

All this will be installed on the chassis of the German Dingo 2 vehicles donated by the Norwegian Government. Such vehicles are actively supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and are already well known in the Ukrainian army.

The CORTEX Typhon system integrated on an armored vehicle, Ukraine’s Army Will be Strengthened by Pragmatic C-UAS Air Defense Systems by Kongsberg, Defense Express
The CORTEX Typhon system integrated on an armored vehicle / Photo credit: Krister Sørbø/Forsvarets forum

Thus, the CORTEX Typhon is designed to destroy unmanned aerial vehicles with accurate machine gun fire. This makes this system a fairly simple, proven and potentially massive means of combating drones.

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