
​Ukraine Will Receive Undisclosed Number of the YPR Armored Vehicles from the Netherlands

The YPR armored vehicles / Photo credit: The Dutch Ministry of Defense
The YPR armored vehicles / Photo credit: The Dutch Ministry of Defense

The remote-controlled weapon stations prioritize the safety of Ukrainian soldiers while maintaining firepower

Kajsa Ollongren, the head of the Dutch Ministry of Defense, announced during a recent Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting that the Netherlands will soon deliver YPR armored vehicles to the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the request of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

While the exact number and types of vehicles remain undisclosed, they are expected to arrive in Ukraine “as soon as possible” The Dutch Ministry of Defense stated that these vehicles would be equipped with remote-controlled weapon stations (RCWS).

Read more: ​Dutch Prime Minister Announces 2 Billion Euros for Ukraine and More
The YPR armored vehicles Defense Express Ukraine Will Receive Undisclosed Number of the YPR Armored Vehicles from the Netherlands
The YPR armored vehicles / Photo credit: The Dutch Ministry of Defense

Kajsa Ollongren stressed the importance of these vehicles for Ukraine, noting their maneuverability, quick troop delivery capability, and versatility in reconnaissance, offensive, and defensive operations. She highlighted that the remote-controlled weapons would enhance the safety of the shooter.

The Dutch Ministry of Defense also mentioned that a total of 207 YPR vehicles of various types have been delivered to Ukraine to date. The YPR-765 armored vehicles were first observed in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in May 2022, with initial deliveries reported in April of the same year. The YPR armored vehicles are modified versions of the American M113 APCs, designed for the Royal Netherlands Army.

Read more: The ​Netherlands Allocates Additional EUR 4 Billion in Ukraine's Defense in 2024–2026