
​Ukraine and France to Jointly Produce a Modern UAV based on the Aarok Drone

Aarok UAV / Photo credit: Turgis & Gaillard
Aarok UAV / Photo credit: Turgis & Gaillard

The French company Turgis & Gaillard signed an agreement with the Ukrainian company "Antonov" on the joint production of an unmanned aerial vehicle based on the MALE-class drone called Aarok. The agreement was signed during the visit of French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu to Ukraine on September 28

According to LaTribune, the agreement was signed on behalf of the French company Turgis & Gaillard by the company's military adviser Jean-Francois Ferlet, former head of the Military Intelligence Directorate, who was also in Kyiv last week together with the French Minister of Defense.

Ukraine and France to Jointly Produce a Modern UAV based on the Aarok Drone, Defense Express
Aarok UAV / Photo credit: Turgis & Gaillard

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Little is known about the agreement itself. It is known for certain that the future drone will be intended only for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to preliminary plans, it should take off in Ukraine already next year, and there is talk of the localization of the production of this drone in Ukraine

At the same time, within the framework of this project, Ukraine and France will still need to agree on a number of actions "at the industrial and operational level" for the start of drone production. In simple words, the sides need to determine exactly where the drone will be assembled, and what equipment (Ukrainian and French) it will receive.

Ukraine and France to Jointly Produce a Modern UAV based on the Aarok Drone, Defense Express

The Aarok drone was first unexpectedly unveiled this summer. This is a MALE (Moyenne Altitude et Longue Endurance) UAV with a wingspan of almost 22 m. The manufacturer notes that it can perform both reconnaissance and combat missions. In addition, due to its endurance and payload capacity, the drone can be used for maritime surveillance and patrolling. The manufacturer notes that it can be an element of anti-submarine operations and search and rescue missions.

However, as it turns out, a smaller and cheaper version of this UAV will be manufactured for Ukraine.

As Defense Express reported, France Delivered 6 More CAESAR Self-propelled Howitzers to Ukraine While Thales Was Ready to Work With Local UAV Manufacturers. We also wrote, that Ukraine's Silent Weapon Made russians Give Up on Ever Using One of Their UAVs on Frontline.

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