
​The Ukrainian Military Conducted Training on the Use of Czech-Made MR-2 Viktor Anti-Aircraft Vehicles

Viktor - a mobile anti-aircraft system with a paired 14.5 mm machine gun
Viktor - a mobile anti-aircraft system with a paired 14.5 mm machine gun

The Viktor anti-aircraft systems are easy to maintain and maneuverable. They are easy to hide in the firing position, as the firing rate of about 600 rounds per minute allows gunner to reliably hit air targets at long distances

In combination with a thermal imaging sight and a collimator target pointer, this is a very powerful weapon against russia’s Iranian-made Shahed kamikaze drones.

This was announced by the commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Serhiy Nayev, during tactical and special exercises at one of the training grounds of the Northern Operational Zone. That was reported on the official resources of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with reference to the Department of Public Relations of the Ukraine’s Joint Forces Command.

Read more: ​Czech Excalibur Army to Manufacture Artisan Vehicles With ZPU-2 Guns for the Ukrainian Army
The Ukrainian military conducted training on the use of Czech-made MR-2 Viktor anti-aircraft vehicles., Defense Express
The Ukrainian military conducted training on the use of Czech-made MR-2 Viktor anti-aircraft vehicles.

"The main task of the Viktor installations is the fight against unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as countering aircraft and helicopters at low altitudes. Lightly armored vehicles, field fortifications of the enemy and his infantry are also quite achievable targets for a paired 14.5 mm anti-aircraft machine guns mounted on Toyota Land Cruiser 70 chassis," Lieutenant General Serhiy Naev said.

Field fortifications of the enemy and his infantry are also quite achievable targets for the Viktor anti-aircraft system, Defense Express
Field fortifications of the enemy and his infantry are also quite achievable targets for the Viktor anti-aircraft system

According to the Commander, the arming of mobile fire groups with new Czech-made anti-aircraft guns began this year. The first samples of the Viktor systems are already on combat duty in the north and demonstrate excellent results in shooting down kamikaze drones.

"This is a Czech machine gun installation. It is supplied to us as part of the material and technical assistance. Czech weaponry has a definitely higher manufacturing quality, and therefore better functionality, compared to their Soviet counterparts. This is another reason to thank the partners of Ukraine for the comprehensive support of our struggle against the occupiers," Lieutenant-General Serhiy Naev emphasized.

The Ukrainian military conducted training on the use of Czech-made MR-2 Viktor anti-aircraft vehicles., Defense Express
The Ukrainian military conducted training on the use of Czech-made MR-2 Viktor anti-aircraft vehicles.

According to the Ukrainian military, the Czechs made this anti-aircraft system robust and human-oriented. The system is easy to target and convenient to fire thanks to the modern aiming system.

"In the future, in order to increase the capabilities of mobile fire groups as a whole, it is planned to strengthen them with means of radar reconnaissance," Lieutenant General Serhiy Naev said.

The MR-2 Viktor is a mobile air defense system designed by the Czech company Excalibur to counter drones. Excalibur Army, a Czech firm, has created this new air defense system called Viktor by modifying a civilian Toyota pickup chassis. The system features an upgraded ZPU-2, a Soviet-built 14.5mm anti-aircraft twin gun, mounted on the rear flatbed platform. Viktor is designed to provide an affordable air defense solution capable of taking down low-altitude aerial targets, including drones, aircraft, and helicopters.

The Viktor anti-aircraft system features an upgraded ZPU-2, a Soviet-built 14.5mm anti-aircraft twin gun, Defense Express
The Viktor anti-aircraft system features an upgraded ZPU-2, a Soviet-built 14.5mm anti-aircraft twin gun

As Defense Express reported, earlier 15 the Viktor anti-aircraft guns, purchased with funds raised by volunteers, were delivered in Ukraine.The donors in the Czech Republic contributed money for them within the “Gift to Putin” project.

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