
Nice Replacement for Handmade Launchers: Ukrainian Forces Receive Croatian Trailer-MLRS

RAK-SA-12 rocket launcher in service with Ukrainian border guards / Photo credit: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
RAK-SA-12 rocket launcher in service with Ukrainian border guards / Photo credit: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

This multiple rocket launcher can fire 12 rockets of 128mm caliber in a one salvo

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has published a report dedicated to its professional holiday on April 30. Among the photos, we can see RAK-SA-12 rocket launchers in caliber 128mm of Croatian manufacture. This is the first time these artillery systems are seen in Ukraine.

This is a trailer-mounted rocket system from Croatian Madlerd, it is designed to launch strikes on enemy manpower and equipment in open space and in fortifications – against infantry, artillery teams, command posts, communication nodes, observation posts etc.

Read more: ​Another Modernized MLRS Appeared in Ukraine, This Time Czech BM-21 MT
As President Volodymyr Zelensky was awarding the border guards on their professional holiday, some of the new weapons were photographed
As President Volodymyr Zelensky was awarding the border guards on their professional holiday, some of the new weapons were photographed / Photo credit: Office of the President of Ukraine

The system can fire М91, М91А1 or М91А2 128mm rockets, the range is 8,540 m forthe last two variants, according to the manufacturer. The launcher has 12 tubes 1,200 mm in length each.

The Croatian multiple rocket launcher can fire off all 12 rockets in 9.6 seconds in a single salvo or fire them one by one at the rate of 1 rocket per second. It is also equipped with a 25-meter wire for remote control.

Reloading the launcher with rockets prepared in advance would take 1m 20s, unfolding the system on arrival takes 1m 30s with a pre-loaded launcher or 3m 30s if the launcher is empty. Displacement time is up to 1m. A crew consists of five plus a commander.

RAK-SA-12 artillery rocket system
RAK-SA-12 artillery rocket system / Photo credit: Madlerd

The arrival of these systems is significant against the background that Ukrainian soldiers have been using all sorts of handmade rocket systems on pickup trucks, some of them having only 2 to 4 tubes. This fact tells how much the Armed Forces of Ukraine need such systems. What they use them for, read in our article.

The "guerilla Grad" rocket launcher
The "guerilla Grad" rocket launcher / Photo credits: The Guardian, Karlsson unit of the 129th Territorial Defense Brigade

The ideal scenario would be if Croatian RAK-SA-12 could fully cover the demand for small mobile rocket systems, maybe even by mounting them on these very pickups. However, we don't know yet how many of Croatian rocket systems arrived and whether there is a prospect of getting more.

Read more: ​Who Are the Artisans Behind the Handmade Rocket Launchers on Pick-Ups and Grenade-Dropping Drones