
​AFU Received Long-Range Precision Missiles from Roketsan: the Universal Launcher Spotted in Ukraine Can Use Anything Including Ballistic KHAN

Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine / Photo credit: 49th Artillery Brigade
Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine / Photo credit: 49th Artillery Brigade

Despite suggestions it is the TRLG-230 launcher, in fact, this system can use a variety of rockets: from common 122mm to ballistic missiles with attack range exceeding 300 km

The Armed Forces of Ukraine use the MBRL – Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher from Turkish Roketsan, as revealed by the photos published on the official page of the 49th Artillery Brigade on social media.

The photos show the MBRL in its export variant, mounted on top of a russian-made KamAZ, one of the pictures shows the process of loading either TRG-230 or TRLG-230 missiles into the launcher. Though important to note that this vehicle follows the footprints of HIMARS in terms of design and so can fire various types of rockets.

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MBRL of the 49th Artillery Brigade is loaded with rockets
MBRL of the 49th Artillery Brigade is loaded with rockets / Photo credit: 49th Artillery Brigade

Specifically, these are the types supported by this launcher:

  • TR-122 and TRB-122 unguided rockets: caliber 122mm, range 36-40 km, warhead 18.4 kg;
  • TRG-122 and TRLG-122 (semi-active laser guided) precision missiles: caliber 122 mm, range 30 km, warhead 13.5 kg;
  • TRG-230 and TRLG-230 (semi-active laser guided) precision missiles: caliber 230mm, range 70 km, warhead 42 kg;
  • TRG-300 precision missiles: caliber 300mm, range 90 km (Block-II) and 120 km (Block-III), warhead 180 kg and 105 kg, respectively;
  • KHAN ballistic missile, diameter 610 mm, range 280 km, warhead 470 kg, compound guidance provided by satellite navigation and inertial system.
The variety of measures used by the MBRL
The variety of measures used by the Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher / Image credit: Roketsan

Though the photo features the missile containers of either TRG-230 or TRLG-230, there was as well unofficial information about AFU using these missiles dating back to November last year.

It is important that these missiles are used in two variants, and the TRG-230 with GPS and inertial guidance doesn't need laser designation to hit the target.

On the other hand, for the TRLG-230 guidance by the laser spot is the primary mode which requires a UAV or a land system to point on the target. Although even without assisted targeting, the missile still can strike by the pre-entered coordinates.

TRLG-230 guided rocket
TRLG-230 guided rocket / Image credit: Roketsan

Yet most important for Ukraine is to receive long-range weapons, and here the KHAN missile comes into the spotlight.

KHAN is an export version of the BORA missile. Roketsan declares this missile has an accuracy within 10 meters radius from the target CEP. It uses solid rocket fuel, and has a weight of 2.5 tons, including the 470-kg warhead. There was no official data on the procurement or donation of these missiles.

Another detail is that the Ukrainian MBRL was seen in its export variant, even the livery was left standard. This, by the way, is the same livery that was seen on the MBRL launchers spotted in Bangladesh, the country received those systems from Turkiye in 2021.

MBRL in Bangladesh (left) and Ukraine (right)
MBRL in Bangladesh (left) and Ukraine (right) / Open source photos

At that time reports said 18 systems were procured for USD 60 mln, and the main missile supplied with them was the TRG-300.

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