
Ukrainian Warriors in the Bakhmut Get OGi-7MA Rounds for Grenade Launchers

Bulgarian Arsenal OGi-7MA rounds -  The SBGS` video. February 2023. Ukraine
Bulgarian Arsenal OGi-7MA rounds - The SBGS` video. February 2023. Ukraine

The Ukrainian Defense Forces in the Bakhmut direction were supplied with Bulgarian OGi-7MA rounds

According to the Militarniy, the corresponding footage was released by Ukrainian border guards.

Improved OGi-7MA 40mm high-explosive rounds are designed for RPG-7 shoulder-launched anti-tank grenade launchers.

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Ukrainian defenders showed a characteristic wooden box of the Bulgarian Arsenal company.

It contained 18 rounds in sealed plastic bags. The rounds also came with 18 CP-71 projectile charges.

These rounds are capable of using all ARSENAL ATGL-L anti-tank grenade launchers and Soviet RPG-7V grenade launchers.

OGi-7MA is inherently an improved equivalent to the Soviet OG-7V round.

The warhead creates a highly effective fragmentation field of destruction with an optimal mass of debris.

The Bulgarian manufacturer stated that the hull of the round’s warhead has over 1250 fragments.

Also, the AF76 and AF72 fuzes have an ultra-fast and sliding (anti-ricochet) action function, regardless of the angle of impact.

Read more: Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces Get Bulgarian ATGL-H Guns