The Atesh movement reported on its Telegram channel that partisans had discovered a military unit with a large number of personnel of russian occupiers. Most of them are not local, have an accent as well as appropriate insignia on their uniforms. Presumably they are from Tatarstan, Chechnya, Dagestan.
It is known that there is a checkpoint at the military settlement. There are two duty militaries, reinforced by a police squad. Military police patrol along fence of the military unit. There are 15 KAMAZ trucks parked near main checkpoint.
Read more: Ukrainian Partisans Claim of Reduction of russian Tanks in Temporarily Occupied Crimea
The Atesh claims that most of militaries of the unit rent accommodations in Perevalne and that the place of permanent deployment of the 126th separate coastal defense brigadeis currently being used as a transit point before transferring personnel to the combat area.
The movement's agents continue their work in the temporarily occupied territories as well as within the security forces and russian Armed Forces. They provide exorbitant assistance in Ukrainian lands` liberation from russian invaders.
Earlier Defense Express reported that russians had prepared to use Pantsir-S1 SAM for provocations on temporarily occupied territories during putin's elections.
Read more: Ukrainian Partisans Find russian Missile Depots in Temporarily Occupied Crimea