This is reported by Ukrainian and Crimean Tatars partisan movement named Atesh (Crimean Tatar: Ateş, literally "Fire", Ukrainian: Атеш, romanized: Atesh) on its Telegram channel. They found a place in the temporarily occupied Crimea where the occupiers' trains with Kalibr and Oniks cruise missiles were unloaded.
"Our agents conducted a reconnaissance of a closed place for unloading occupants' military trains to the north of Sevastopol, near the town of Inkerman. According to our information, Kalibr cruise missiles and Oniks anti-ship missiles for the coastal missile system are being unloaded at this station," Atesh informed on Telegram.
Read more: Ukrainian FPV Drones At This Point Destroy Half of Artillery and One Third of Armored Vehicles of russian Army
Atesh published coordinates of the unloading point of missiles: 44.629404, 33.590796. They are transported to Sukharna Bay, where they are directly loaded onto ships.
This is not the first time that Atesh has worked in the occupied territories and obtained useful information. They had previously learned that the russian army units are hiding their equipment in Crimea near the railway stations, fearing of Ukrainian attacks.
As Defense Express reported, Ukrainian Army Hit the Headquarters of the russian forces on Arabat Spit.
Read more: The Armed Forces of Ukraine Spectacularly Destroyed russian Meteorit System (Video)