
​Ukrainian Military Explains the Importance of Taking Over Klishchiivka and Berkhivka Villages, Next Step is Encirclement of Bakhmut

Illustrative photo credit: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Illustrative photo credit: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

In tough battles against russian occupiers Ukrainian Army develops success in the Bakhmut direction of counteroffensive

Defense Forces of Ukraine have taken over the strategic initiative and carry out offensive operations on a wide front in the direction of Bakhmut - the words from today's morning report from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, June 29.

General Staff says Ukrainian forces continue pushing the russians in the city's outskirts and driving them out from occupied positions. On their part, russian soldiers resist fiercely but cannot prevent Ukrainians from seizing and holding onto the gained positions.

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More details about the current situation and battles near the city of Bakhmut were shared by Denys Yaroslavskyi commanding one of the units fighting there, during the on-air interview at RFE/RL Ukrainian office. We highlighted the interview part in the following video.

"The Armed Forces of Ukraine are effectively taking full control of Klishchiivka. This is a strategic point from where offensive on the south of Bakhmut will start," Yaroslavskyi said.

According to the commander, Ukrainian Armed Forces are currently controlling from above all that is happening in Bakhmut. In addition, he claims a battle for Berkhivka is unfolding, to the north of Bakhmut.

If we completely put under control Berkhivka and completely Klishchiivka, those two are strategic highgrounds north and south of Bakhmut, we'll be able to grasp the city in an operational encirclement," the Denys Yaroslavskyi notes.

One more military who outlined the gains in the Bakhmut direction is the Ukrainian Land Forces Commander Oleksandr Syrskyi, as he published footage showing a cooperated strike of the 45th Artillery Brigade and the 57th Motorized Brigade on the positions held by russians in the area. The accompanying message says this artillery strike took out a russian Vasilyok mortar and an ammunition warehouse.

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