
Ukraine’s Scouts Receives EW-Resistant Drones From Volunteers

Intelligence receives Ukrainian Raider drones from volunteers
Intelligence receives Ukrainian Raider drones from volunteers

Some reconnaissance unit of the armed Forces of Ukraine received a hexacopter and an unmanned aircraft. Ukrainian volunteers specially developed the UAVs by order of Ukrainian scouts

That is according to Ukrinform.

"A hexacopter and an unmanned aircraft were specially designed on request from scouts. Both UAVs are resistant to EW systems," Ukrinform cites a statement of the Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence.

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According to the statement, in November, a volunteer organization launched a fundraiser for two drone models: Raider hexacopter and Raider VTOL unmanned aerial vehicle. Specialists carried out the final aircraft calibration and they set off to perform combat missions.

Raider VTOL reconnaissance UAV, Ukraine’s Scouts Receives EW-Resistant Drones From Volunteers, Defense Express
Raider VTOL reconnaissance UAV

Raider VTOL reconnaissance aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing can fly up to 30 km and transmit video from a thermal imaging camera.

Raider hexacopter has a range of up to 15 km in reconnaissance mode or 8 km with a payload weighing up to 4 kg, it also has a thermal imager.

Raider hexacopter UAV, Ukraine’s Scouts Receives EW-Resistant Drones From Volunteers, Defense Express
Raider hexacopter UAV

The designers claim that both drones are resistant to electronic warfare systems.

As Defense Express reported, Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence stated that russia preparing for long war as well as to build 2-million strong army.

Read more: ​Ukraine's Intelligence Chief Expects a Major Ukrainian Counteroffensive This Spring