
​Ukraine Gets At Least a Battalion of Leopard 2 Tanks by the End of March

Leopard 2A6 / Open source illustrative photo
Leopard 2A6 / Open source illustrative photo

First tanks have already arrived in Ukraine, and dozens more are to come by the end of this month

Germany and Portugal are committed to send their Leopard 2A6 main battle tanks together with trained crews back to Ukraine by the end of March – 18 from Germany and three from Portugal. The statement comes from the head of the German Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius, as reported by Tagesschau.

The TV channel also reminds that the plan to "quickly form up two tank battalions on Leopard 2" for the Armed Forces of Ukraine was announced on January 25 this year, provided that one Ukrainian tank battalion consists of 31 tanks.

Read more: The Second Country Offers Switzerland to Buy Their Leopard 2, Which Are "In Mountain Warehouses"

Now we can confidently say Ukraine has to receive at least 35 tanks by the end of March: in addition to the 21 tanks from Germany and Portugal, we can add 14 from Poland, and four of them already arrived in Ukraine in late February. The other ten tanks are expected this week.

Besides, we should as well keep in mind that some other countries agreed to supply their tanks as well: ten Stridsvagn 122 (Leopard 2A5) from Sweden, ten Leopard 2A4 from Spain, another eight Leopard 2A4 from Canada and eight more Leopard 2A4 from Norway. It makes 36 additional Leopard 2s with yet unannounced delivery terms.

Also, we should recall that Poland will not only give these 14 tanks, but is also planning to send another 16 Leopard 2 tanks from storage as soon as they are refurbished and repaired.

This way, as the result of the "tank coalition" on Leopard 2 supply, Ukraine can expect 87 tanks in total, just six units less than needed for a full-fledged tank brigade.

Leopard tanksduring the maintenance at the Krauss-Maffei Wegmann
Leopard tanksduring the maintenance at the Krauss-Maffei Wegmann / Photo credit: KMW

Incidentally, yesterday Poland announced it would establish a repair and maintenance hub that will provide service for the Ukrainian Leopard tanks, although it is still decided where this establishment will take spare parts from.

Read more: Poland to Create a Service Hub For Ukraine’s Leopard Tanks, But One Issue Can Be Resolved Only By Germany