
The UK Defense Intelligence: russian Brigades Suffered Some of the Highest Casualties in 2023 Near Avdiivka

Artillerymen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fire at the occupiers / Photo from open sources
Artillerymen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fire at the occupiers / Photo from open sources

The russian occupation army suffered significant losses in weapons and military equipment during its offensive in the Avdiivka direction. This campaign is sparking renewed questions over the offensive capabilities of the russian military in Ukraine

Over the last week, heavy but inconclusive fighting has continued around the Donetsk Oblast town of Avdiivka, where russia initiated a major offensive effort in mid-October 2023.

Read more: ​Ukrainian Military Destroyed More Than 60 Units of russia’s Weapons and Equipment Just In a Small Area Near Avdiivka
russian troops are not giving up their attempts to encircle the city of Avdiivka, Defense Express
russian troops are not giving up their attempts to encircle the city of Avdiivka / Open source illustrative photo

russia has probably committed elements of up to eight brigades to the sector. These elements have likely suffered some of russia’s highest casualty rates of 2023 so far, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

russian nationalist ‘mil bloggers’ have been harshly critical of the military’s tactics in the operation. The nature of the operation suggests that russia’s core military-political challenge remains the same as it has throughout most of the war.

According to UK Defense Intelligence, russian political leaders demand more territory to be seized, but the occupiers cannot generate effective operational level offensive action.

As Defense Express reported earlier, the russians Stormed Avdiivka From Several Directions, But Had No Success

Read more: The UK Defense Intelligence: Recent russian Assaults in Avdiivka Have Contributed to a 90% Increase in russian Casualties