
​The UK Defense Intelligence Reveals the Importance of Liberation of Klishchiivka

The Armed Forces of Ukraine secured key villages near Bakhmut / screenshot from video
The Armed Forces of Ukraine secured key villages near Bakhmut / screenshot from video

The Armed Forces of Ukraine secured key villages near Bakhmut

Since September 15, 2023, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have secured the villages of Klishchiivka and Andriivka, approximately 8 km to the south of the Donetsk region town of Bakhmut, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

This tactical success brings Ukrainian forces closer to the T 05-13 road, one of the main supply routes into Bakhmut from the south. However, russia continues to hold the railway line which runs along an embankment between Klishchiivka and the T 05-13, creating a readily defendable obstacle.

Read more: ​The UK Defense Intelligence: the Battle for Control in Kherson’s Lower Dnipro Islands Escalates

Recent redeployments of russian airborne forces from Bakhmut to Zaporizhzhia in the south of Ukraine have likely weakened russia’s defenses around Bakhmut.

Read more: ​The UK Defense Intelligence: russia Reinforced 58th Combined Arms Army with 10,000 Elite Paratroopers