
The russians Revealed That Ukrainian Forces Destroyed Their Zemledeliye System, Which Is a Rather Rare Event

russia's Zemledeliye remote minelaying system / Open source illustrative photo
russia's Zemledeliye remote minelaying system / Open source illustrative photo

According to available photo and video data, this is the third loss of such a vehicle by russian occupying forces since February 2022

The Telegram channel War in Ukraine. Equipment Losses, which records destroyed, damaged, captured, etc., weapons and military equipment on the battlefield in Ukraine, published a photo of one of the destroyed russian Zemledeliye remote minelaying system.

Earlier this month, the russians themselves published this photo. The location is unknown, but it is likely to be in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Read more: russia Will Create a New Bicalliber MLRS Vozrozhdenie Based on the Zemledeliye Mine-Laying System

At the same time, it appears that the russian occupying forces have lost another such machine, which is a rare occurrence when the Ukrainian Defense Forces manage to destroy an occupier's Zemledeliye. For example, as of today, the Oryx portal records the loss of only two such machines. Therefore, the equipment in the photo above represents the third case, and all three machines were destroyed.

Let's recall that the occupiers first lost this rare machine over a year ago, in March 2023. It was destroyed by National Guard of Ukraine fighters with a drone drop. The enemy had been using this machine since the start of the full-scale invasion in February 2022.

The Russian occupation forces lost their second such system in June of last year. It was destroyed using one of the most effective methods — with artillery ammunition like SMArt 155 or 155 BONUS.

It is known that the stated firing range of the Zemledelie system is from 5 to 15 kilometers. Each launcher is equipped with two packages of 25 guides for 122mm rockets.

Also, we remind you that in December of last year, the enemy announced the development of a new MLRS based on Zemledeliye — essentially, it is a universal modular transporter-launch container called Vozrozhdenie for 220mm rockets from the Uragan system.

MLRS Vozrozhdenie multiple launch rocket system
MLRS Vozrozhdenie multiple launch rocket system
Read more: ​The russians Received Another Batch of Dangerous Zemledeliye Minelaying Systems - How Can They Be Destroyed