
​The russians Are Depriving Ukrainians in the Temporarily Occupied Territories of their Right to Medical Care

New policy ties medical care to forced russification, jeopardizing the lives of millions / Photo credit: National Resistance Center of Ukraine
New policy ties medical care to forced russification, jeopardizing the lives of millions / Photo credit: National Resistance Center of Ukraine

New policy ties medical care to forced russification, jeopardizing the lives of millions

Beginning in 2024, Ukrainian residents in temporarily occupied territories will face significant barriers to accessing medical care, National Resistance Center of Ukraine reports.

From January 1, mandatory russian medical insurance will become the sole means of receiving healthcare in these areas. To obtain this insurance, however, individuals must possess a russian passport, effectively tying essential care to relinquishing Ukrainian citizenship.

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This policy demonstrably attempts to coerce Ukrainians into accepting russian nationality, a tactic arguably constituting cultural or demographic genocide under international law.

New policy ties medical care to forced russification, jeopardizing the lives of millions Defense Express The russians Are Depriving Ukrainians in the Temporarily Occupied Territories of their Right to Medical Care
New policy ties medical care to forced russification, jeopardizing the lives of millions / Photo credit: National Resistance Center of Ukraine

Despite the inherent risks to their lives and safety, the majority of residents in these occupied territories have thus far refused to renounce their Ukrainian citizenship and obtain russian passports. As a consequence, their access to healthcare within captured hospitals will be severely restricted starting in the new year, limited only to emergency situations.

Under international law, responsibility for ensuring the essential well-being of a region falls squarely on the occupying power. Therefore, this policy constitutes a grave violation by the russian regime and highlights its ongoing disregard for fundamental human rights.

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