
​The Atesh Partisan Group Disrupts Donetsk Rail Supply

Strategic sabotage on key railway hampers russian military efforts in the east of Ukraine / National Resistance Center of Ukraine
Strategic sabotage on key railway hampers russian military efforts in the east of Ukraine / National Resistance Center of Ukraine

Strategic sabotage on key railway hampers russian military efforts in the east of Ukraine

The Atesh partisan group set fire to a relay cabinet on a key railway in the Kalininsky and Budonnivskyi districts of temporarily occupied Donetsk. This railway, crucial for transporting russian ammunition, military equipment and personnel to Toretsk and Prohres, serves as a logistical hub for the occupiers.

Strategic sabotage on key railway hampers russian military efforts in the east of Ukraine Defense Express The Atesh Partisan Group Disrupts Donetsk Rail Supply
Strategic sabotage on key railway hampers russian military efforts in the east of Ukraine / screenshot from DeepStateMap

The sabotage disrupts the occupiers’ supply lines, showcasing the ongoing resistance within temporarily occupied territories. This act of defiance highlights the strategic importance of infrastructure in military logistics and the persistent struggle for control in the east of Ukraine.

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