
russians Launch Railway Line from Rostov-on-Don to Temporarily Occupied Mariupol

Open source illustrative photo
Open source illustrative photo

The russians have opened a completed railway line from Rostov-on-Don to the temporarily occupied Mariupol

This was reported by Petro Andriushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol.

As noted, this information emerged from monitoring and recording traffic at key stations, including Aslanov, Kalchyk, and Sartana.

Read more: ​russia Completes Construction of Railroad from Rostov-on-Don to Occupied Mariupol

"All this, along with certain details I cannot disclose due to the security of sources, points to one undeniable fact: the railway has been quietly and secretly launched without any announcements or red tape. This development can significantly alter the front-line situation by enhancing russian logistics. Claims of it being an 'alternative to the Crimean Bridge' are false. This is an independent, autonomous route with currently greater capacity and capability than the bridge," Andryushchenko noted.

Railway troops of the russian Armed Forces / Open source illustrative photo
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