
RussianTroops Did Not Destroyed Any HIMARS MLRS Transferred to Ukraine - Pentagon

HIMARS MLRS / Photo for illustration
HIMARS MLRS / Photo for illustration

Despite Moscow’s claims, Russian troops have not yet managed to destroy any of the М142 HIMARS launchers handed over to Ukraine

Accodrding to the the American publication Politico, this was stated by a senior official from the U.S. Department of Defense.

“Moscow has not been able to destroy a single one of those HIMARS launchers to date,” a senior Pentagon official said.

Read more: ​HIMARS Destroys russian Self-Propelled Artillery, Per Shot – One Down

However, Ukraine, according to an American official, still needs a significant amount of artillery for future battles.

HIMARS MLRS / Photo for illustration
HIMARS MLRS / Photo for illustration

The issue noted that the rate of ammunition consumption remains high: Ukraine produces 4,000−7,000 artillery shells every day, while Russia does about 20,000 per day.

Currently, 20 of the American M142 HIMARS artillery systems are in service with Ukraine.

The United States will also provide Ukraine with 18 more highly mobile artillery missile systems along with ammunition.

However, it is specified that they will be handed over within a few years. They will be contracted from the manufacturer, and not removed from American stocks.

HIMARS MLRS / Photo for illustration
HIMARS MLRS / Photo for illustration

In October, it became known that Lockheed Martin Corporation would increase the production of HIMARS MLRS to 96 units per year.

It should be noted that recently Lockheed Martin has tested the ER GMLRS rocket for HIMRAS, which allows you to hit targets at a distance of 150 kilometers.

Read more: Over 37 Hours Without Sleep and 120 Destroyed Targets: How HIMARS Annihilated russians in Kherson Oblast