
Russian Palantin EW Complex Didn’t See Ukraine’s UAV And Got the 155-mm Excalibur Shell (Video)

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The russian federation got in service the Palantin electronic warfare complex in 2019 and in the summer of 2022 advertised it on the battlefield in the east of Ukraine

Fighters of the 128th separate mountain-assault brigade hit a rare russia’s electronic wafare complex: the video of the strike appeared online. This is the first time since the beginning of russia’s full-scale invasion that this particular weapon has been shot.

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As noted, the Excalibur high-precision munition was applied to destroy the complex. The Palantin itself was spotted by Ukrainian Leleka reconnaissance drone.

The Palantin EW complex is a new russian development, which was put in service in April 2019.

At the same time, in the summer 2022, the occupiers actively advertised these complexes, which, as noted, were used on the battlefield in the east of Ukraine.

Russian Palantin EW Complex Didn’t See Ukraine’s UAV And Got the 155-mm Excalibur Shell, Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
The Palantin EW complex / Illustrative photo from open sources

The complex is designed to combat reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles, suppress communications; "blind" the enemy in the short-wave and ultra-short-wave ranges; if necessary, it can unite a number of other EW complexes (in particular, Moskwa, Zhytel and Dziudoist) into a single combat network.

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