
russian Occupiers Sent to Assault Under Threats of Execution

russian commanders use brutal tactics against their subordinates / Video screenshot
russian commanders use brutal tactics against their subordinates / Video screenshot

russian commanders use brutal tactics against their subordinates

Ukrainian I Want to Live (hotline) project that helps russian invaders to surrender voluntarily, published a video of the horrific treatment of commanders with their subordinates.

Ukrainian warriors from the 93rd Mechanized Brigade used a drone to photograph a russian soldier being literally forced to the assault. In the process, he suffers bodily harm.

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"As we can see, motivation in the form of 200 thousand rubles is not always enough for those who are promised 'golden mountains' and cushy jobs in a foreign country. Beatings and threats of execution is the real incentive for those who came to 'liberate' Ukraine! " the statement reads.

The footage, taken by Ukrainian drone, is only a small part of the punishments in russian army. russian soldiers massively and regularly complain of abuse, torture, detention in basements, and executions for any offense or disobedience.

There are many similar stories. The names of the injured soldiers and the names of the lawless commanders are known, but nothing changes. russians continue to rely on some official authorities, forgetting that traditions of indifference and 'cannibalism' are stronger than a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

Earlier Defense Express reported that KSF experts had discuss the reasons and purpose of occupiers' offensive on Kharkiv Oblast.

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