
​Ukrainian Partisans Confirm Strikes on Belbek Military Airfield in Temporarily Occupied Crimea

Belbek military airfield / MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES
Belbek military airfield / MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES

The Atesh partisan movement reports of damage of the main artillery depot of the Belbek military airfield

The Atesh movement reported on its Telegram channel of a precision hit and hours-long subsequent detonation of the main rocket-artillery weapons depot of 80189 military unit. This confirms the success of the Ukrainian attack on this airfield.

It is known that most of missiles for Su-27, Su-30 and MiG-31 aircraft, which terrorize the Ukrainians, were stored at this depot. There was also significant damage to the airfield infrastructure as a result of secondary detonation.

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The movement's agents also shared the coordinates of the depot: 44.686696, 33.581392.

Earlier, the Atesh movement had conducted external and internal reconnaissance of this military facility as it was reported.

As Defense Express reported russian invaders had transported BM-21 Grad from temporarily occupied Crimea to the territory of Ukraine`s mainland.

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