
Russian General Kutuzov Eliminated in Ukraine

Russian Major General Roman Kutuzov was eliminated in Ukraine / Open source photo
Russian Major General Roman Kutuzov was eliminated in Ukraine / Open source photo

Multiple sources state that russian occupation forces have lost one more general

Major General Roman Kutuzov has been eliminated in Ukraine. The initial report comes from the speaker of Odesa region military administration Serhii Bratchuk. The official noted though that the information is preliminary.

Next, a photo of the dead general was published by the open-source intelligence community InformNapalm. The volunteer OSINT community also found numerous messages on pro-russian social media indirectly confirming the news. It was also confirmed by a few advisers to the Ukrainian authorities.

Read more: Eliminated Russian Commanders and Generals in Ukraine List (Live Updates)

Roman Kutuzov is the commander for pro-russian proxy combatants of the so-called "Luhansk People's Republic". It appears that the senior commander was on the frontline with his subject unit, in the Luhansk region, eastern Ukraine. It should be noted, that according to the sources, it happened near the Bakhmut – Lysychansk highway which is constantly being attacked by russian occupiers.

Red: russian-occupied territories; Light-red: contested area; Highlight: the Bakhmut – Lysychansk highway / Map: Deep State UA / Infographics: Defense Express

As Defense Express reported earlier, capturing the highlighted supply route is one of the main goals for russians to achieve, as it was ordered to the supreme commander Gen. Dvornikov. Another one is to fully seize Severodonetsk. If his subordinates are willing to go as far as arrive on the frontline to command in person, there is still a possibility we'll hear more of this sort of news soon.

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